Vengeful Lies

: Chapter 54

I have to assume Anthony’s gang is involved. Particularly because after Jewel turns her phone back on, she’s been sent an address—the same address of the abandoned nightclub I’d shown her only a week ago. Either that or whoever has the hit on me has been tracking our movements.

“It never made sense to me that your client asked you to toy with me instead of taking me out immediately. I think they’ve been using you all along as bait to flush me out,” I muse. I’d been thinking about this for some time now but wanted to figure out who the culprit was first. But even Will couldn’t track the mysterious client, which says a lot about the mastermind behind all of this because Will Walker can find anyone.

“But that doesn’t make any sense either because there was no value for you to try and risk anything for me,” Jewel is quick to reply, pragmatic about the situation. “You could’ve killed me that first night we met.”

“But that wouldn’t have impacted the client if they had no attachment to you. So whoever it was must’ve known I’d be intrigued by you, or at the very least, I’d want to sniff out who your client was by using you.”

Jewel is quiet for a moment as we drive throughout the neighborhood, then she blurts, “I don’t like that it’s only us going in. It’s too risky when we don’t know what’s on the other side.”

“I’m mostly certain this person wouldn’t have gone to all these lengths to simply kill me. Had they not, I would already be dead.” I can’t help the smirk as I add, “Well, they’d have tried to kill me.” I grab her hand and stroke my thumb over hers. I can tell she’s uneasy about this situation, but if this is the only way I can free her, then I’m willing to get to the bottom of it. No matter the risk. “I think they want to do business with me.”

“It’s still too risky.” She sighs, watching me carefully.

“That’s the line of work we’re in, Kitten. Don’t go soft on me now just because you’re willing to admit you have feelings for me.”

“Shut up.” She smiles and chuckles. “Had I known it would go to your head, I wouldn’t have confessed to it.”

“I don’t recall giving you an option,” I purr, and she rolls her eyes.

I’d already called Hawke, Ford, and Dutton to organize reinforcements. I don’t want to leave anything at risk when it comes to Jewel’s safety. The other times I’d taken her into potentially dangerous situations, I was certain she’d be able to hold her ground and handle herself by my side. But I can’t gauge the risks involved because I still don’t know who the enemy is in this case,.

I hate to admit my father was right, but I’ve become arrogant about not having my men by my side. I need to have more faith in the men who are willing to lay down their lives for me instead of thinking I’m always able to conquer things on my own.

When we pull up at the abandoned building at midnight, three cars are waiting outside. I purposefully had Hawke and Ford take sniper positions. They’re not as good as Jewel is, but they’re decent enough shots. It was actually her idea to position them this way.

I notice Dutton parked on a side street on his motorcycle, but I doubt Jewel has seen him. He still has his helmet on and is sitting in the dark. I asked him to remain hidden in case this goes badly. Jewel is to be protected no matter what, and he’s her ticket to safety if we need it.

I don’t like the fact that only two men standing outside the building; it means the rest are inside, and I don’t know how many of them are waiting for us. I wait for Hawke and Ford to report back, but they don’t have a clear enough view to give us a headcount.


“Stay in the car,” I order Jewel, unbuckling my seat belt.

She doesn’t reply as she unbuckles her own seat belt and opens the car door. When I step out on my side, I realize she’s standing across from me. “I said stay in the car.”

“No. We’re in this together,” she states. “This is my mess to clean up. I’m not letting you walk in there on your own.”

She storms toward the entrance, and the two men guarding it, but I grab her wrist. “Jewel, I’m serious. I’m certain whoever it is only wants a meeting with me, and I’m not willing to risk your involvement.”

She smiles up at me. “I was involved the moment your name came across my desk, Eli Monti. We’re in this together.” I lick my lips, wanting to get through to this stubborn, beautiful creature. “You are my fiancée, not my bodyguard.” She places her hand on my heart. “We are equals in this. We’re meant to protect each other. Those are the only vows I’ll commit to, so you are going to have to take me as I am.”

“Please don’t make this hard on me,” I ask earnestly. I would do anything for her, but that might also be oppressing her stubborn nature sometimes.

She raises onto her tippy-toes and presses a kiss to my lips. “You were the one who said we stay together and we die together. We’re in this together, no matter what. You just better be as good at negotiation as you think you are. You dragged me back here so we could handle this head-on, and that’s what we’re going to do. Okay?”

I want to strangle her, this beautiful woman who so easily reads me and soothes me in ways she’s not even aware of.

Before she tries to take off on me again, I grab her hand and walk by her side. I’ve basically been flaunting her in an attempt to lure her client out sooner. I just didn’t think she’d take matters into her own hands and run. I side-eye her. I’m not surprised that this warrior of a woman would be so self-sacrificing, though. She pretends to be selfish, but she’ll die for the people she loves. And I hope she’s not about to learn that I’m willing to do the same.

Because I meant what I said, Jewel Diamond is my family now.

The two men waiting at the door are wearing masks. I don’t like that none of my men have visuals of what’s happening inside, but I trust my instincts greatly.

The men stop us from entering. One of them knocks on the door, and someone from the inside pulls it open, the hinges creak to reveal a dusty, broken-down interior. When I bought the place years ago, the main selling point about it was the amount of space. I’m not so much of a fan of it now as I quickly assess the multiple levels that most likely have men hidden in the shadows.

“I believe I requested Eli Monti dead,” a man standing in the center of the room says. His voice is mechanically altered, which doesn’t put me at ease. Whoever this fucker is, he’s really sensitive about his identity being exposed. He could be a wealthy businessman, but his size is giving off fighter vibes. Men in masks stand around him, all of them holding weapons.

When I glance down at Jewel, her nose is tipped high in the air, and I try not to smirk at my tigress, who, even with the odds against her, refuses to be intimidated. But right now, more than ever, I realize she is my weakness, and I want to pull her away from the entrance as quickly as she’s trying to push through it.

“Unfortunately, my fiancée and I came to an agreement over caring for one another’s health and well-being,” I say with a tight smile. “I’m assuming, however, that you used Jewel to grab my attention rather than kill me. So you want to discuss business?”

I’m almost positive that’s what this is about. Whoever ordered the hit on me wants to destroy the Monti family businesses and any alliances we currently have in place. Unfortunately, I’ve pissed so many people off coming into my reign it’s hard to narrow down who might be so personally offended. Had I actually ended up being killed, I’m sure this person would’ve been happy with either result.

The two guards at the door begin to pat us down. “If you want to discuss business, you will do so unarmed,” the boss says. My jaw grinds as they fish out my multiple weapons. And it’s not just me but Jewel as well. They’re even careful to check her boots. Whoever this is, they seem to know all our hidey holes.

I give Jewel a pointed look. I just want her to turn and walk away, but the silent communication makes her seem more determined.

“Sit,” the boss orders once we’ve been thoroughly patted down.

Two chairs are positioned opposite one another. The boss takes one seat and crosses his legs, expectantly waiting for me to join him.

Not for a moment do I consider letting Jewel sit instead of me. At least this way, I’ll be partially blocking her. When I take the seat, she stands behind me, regal in the way she scans the upper levels and masked men who surround us.

Whoever the fuck this is has money—lots of it. And not only that, but power. How had I been so blind that I didn’t realize someone with this amount of influence was in our city?

I spread my legs and lean against the chair casually. “You have my attention. What do you want?”

“You young ones seem to have a lot of fire in your belly. But what you lack is respect.” The voice-altering device irritates me. I want to know exactly who this motherfucker is.

“Says the man who hides behind a mask and men with guns,” I counter. But he has given away that he’s older. How old, I’m not sure.

He seems to consider that. “Kneel. And I’ll consider a discussion. If not, we’ll shoot down everyone here, including your two snipers on the rooftops. In fact, they’ll be the first two targets.”

I clench my jaw with the realization that whoever this is, is smart enough to have already noted Ford and Hawke’s positions. Who the fuck is this?

“Is your pride too much?” the man challenges.

Jewel moves in front of me, and I reach to pull her back. “The Montis do not kneel for anyone,” she says proudly. “I’ll give you your money back times ten, but don’t offend my fiancé and his family.”

Dammit. If we didn’t have a crowd, I’d bend her over my knee right now because of how fucking hot she looks.

The man seems to ponder this. “Unfortunately, money isn’t such a rare asset for me that it actually has value. Removing the Monti heir does. Or at least his pride. What will it be, your men and woman or your pride?”

I’m raging inside, but I smile. I am a proud man, but I am nothing without any of the people behind me. I’ll kneel for only one person, and that is my fiancée.

I slide from the chair, and she curses under her breath. “What are you doing?”

“Doing what I’m told for once.” I wink at her. I know I’m an idiot. I should’ve, at the very least, told my father about the situation I’d gotten myself into. Instead, I came barreling over here. But I wouldn’t have it any other way.

Jewel stands in front of me as if protecting me from the man watching me fall to my knees. Had she a gun, I imagine she would’ve pulled it on him already.

“Jewel, get out of the way,” I growl.

“No,” she replies fiercely. “I know exactly what you’re doing, and you’re not sacrificing yourself for me or making yourself seem smaller because of the shit I got us into.”

The man stands now, studying her. “Mr. Monti was correct about one thing. I was always using you as bait to bring him to me. Dead or alive, I didn’t care. That goes for both of you. Although, my bet was on him.”

Her knuckles turn white as she curls her hands into fists.

“What I want from Mr. Monti is not something you can provide, so step aside,” he says to her. “I plan on tying him to that chair and using him for ransom. His father and I go way back.”

I should’ve known it would be something like this. The show of making me kneel was a power play more against my father. I easily rise and sit back on the chair.

“Stand behind me, amore mio,” I say to Jewel. “Please. Trust me.”

Torture and ransom, I can survive. But I can’t survive her being hurt.

“I’ll let you tie me up and use me against my father as you please, as long as you let her go.”

“No,” she hisses defiantly.

“You trust me, right?” I say to her. So much emotion runs through her features, and she bites her lip as she steps to my side obediently.

I sit still while one of his men ties me up as the boss says, “Well, I never said either of you would make it out alive. Sometimes vengeful lies are the best type of motivation compared to ransom.”

My heart falters as the man signals to his men to point their guns. I’m trying to tear loose from the restraints, trying my hardest to shield Jewel, but I can’t stand up.

It all happens too quickly. Before I can get to my feet, Jewel throws herself against my chest as if to shield me. “What the fuck are you doing?!” I yell, panicked, as gunshots ring through the empty space. “Get behind me!” I scream wildly and furiously as I fight against my bonds.

“I love you!” she whispers into my ear as she curls herself around me. I buck and pull at the ropes, a storm raging within me. Pure panic and dread grip me with the thought that I’ll lose the only person who has become the sanctuary for my inner beast.

My heart is pounding, and it’s only when I realize in the now total silence that any type of reality seeps back in. Tears run down Jewel’s face as she slowly pulls away from me. She looks around, confused, and then we both look over her shoulder at the man who has signaled for the men to stop shooting.

I frown, only realizing then that the guns were pointed up at the ceiling instead of at us.

“I’ll ask for your apology while you’re still tied up,” the boss says as he removes his mask.

“What the fuck?!” I demand as my father reveals himself.

“Crue Monti?” Jewel exclaims, shocked.

My father brushes off a piece of non-existent dust as he takes his seat again.

“What the fuck are you doing?” I demand, wanting to break from these restraints and snap my father’s neck.

“It was a calculated gamble,” my father says calmly. I should’ve known the old fucker was far from done playing games. “You might consider this as a pairing or matchmaking of sorts.” He waves his finger from Jewel to me.

“What?” My heart is racing, and the pump of adrenaline is doing nothing to let through any rational thinking. I thought only a moment ago that I was about to lose Jewel. That I’d made a miscalculation ending with my greatest loss.

“You wouldn’t take a wife, so I chose one for you. When I was informed that a hitwoman had arrived in New York, I was curious. I met your father once, Jewel, and I hated everything about him. He was righteous, worked legitimately, and by a code. Opposite to everything I’d built my own business on. But he was a hell of a shot,” he says, which is high praise coming from my father.

“When I discovered you’d taken a different path with a nature that much mirrored my son’s, I considered it was a likely pairing. So I offered you money to toy with Eli. I gathered you’d either intrigue him or he’d kill you. What I didn’t expect was my son to take matters into his own hands and use you as a fake fiancée, which I now know is anything but fake.”

My mouth is dry, and my mind is whirling. “You set all of this up?”

“Well, of course. What better way to teach my son a lesson about depending on his men and not being so reckless as to head straight into an unknown situation, as well as test my future daughter-in-law to make sure she would give her life in exchange for my son’s?”

The man who tied me up approaches and undoes the rope, but when I go to stand, Jewel puts her hand on my cheek and shakes her head.

I lick my bottom lip, rage still consuming me.

“Had you looked at the folder where I provided you with suggestions of potential brides, you would’ve seen she was the only one in the folder. Your mother might be upset about this, but I only ever have your best interests at heart.”

He adjusts his suit jacket and stands.

Jewel slides off me as I stand, and I’m doing everything within my power to not lose my shit.

So, Dutton never told my father after all. My father was applying pressure to both of us all along and waiting to see how we’d react. This man and his mind fuckery.

“If I’m being entirely honest, it was fun to play one more game before my retirement,” he says, coming to stand by my side. “I might’ve played you both, but what you created together is genuine.” He glances around the abandoned warehouse. “I look forward to seeing what you do with the place.”

He walks out, and I see the hint of a smile as he does. His men follow behind him.


I let out a shaky breath, closing my eyes as I tried to push away all the fears that just devoured me. My father’s lesson has been learned because I never want to suffer through something like that again.

“Eli,” Jewel says, drawing me back to the here and now with her.

I grab her by her arm and pull her to me. “I thought I was going to lose you. Don’t you ever do anything reckless like that again.”

“I’m sorry,” is all she says as she hugs me, her arms barely able to wrap around my chest. “But when I thought of you being hurt… I just acted before I knew what I was doing.”

We remain there silently for what feels like minutes, and I just hold her.

“Your father is just as ruthless as the rumors suggest,” she says, a mixture of awe and fear in her tone.

“Does that make you uncomfortable?” I ask, pulling back to look at her. Does she have regrets now? Does she feel differently about us, knowing we were manipulated to be together?

“No,” she says earnestly. “No matter how much he tried to twist us indirectly, we made our own decisions. I don’t think even he could’ve planned this so perfectly. Well, actually, maybe he did.” She frowns with an uncertain laugh. “To be honest, it’s terrifying.”

My father is many things. Terrifying is definitely one of them.noveldrama

“But I also see who you get it from now.” She smiles up at me. “Just don’t kill him over this, okay?”

A tic jumps in my jaw. “I won’t have to. My mother will the moment she hears about this.”

She laughs and hugs me again. “Well, yes, your mother is a force to be reckoned with.”

I tuck my finger under her chin. “Not as much as you, though.”

She beams at me. “We’re in this together now, right? No second thoughts?”

“You were mine from the very start, Kitten. You’re the only woman who was made to be my side. Even if you do torment me.”

She laughs then. “I think you like it, especially when I torment you.” She leans up and kisses me. I scoop her into my arms, stepping toward the closest pillar as desperation takes over, and I feel the carnal urge to reclaim her as mine and to dissipate this restless energy from feeling like I almost lost her twice today.

“Only when you include knives,” I purr through our kisses, and she throws her head back and laughs.

Jewel Diamond matches my depravity and fires up my wildest fantasies. But most importantly, she feels like home.

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