Victoria The Billionaires Maid


Once the water was at a much more reasonable level, I put the stopper back in and brought my phone to my ear. “Your god-daughter chose to nearly flood the bathroom instead of waiting for me to start her bath.”

Laurie popped halfway out of the water, her little face screwed up in annoyance. “I do it myself.”

“Oh really? And you did a fine job.” I braced my fist on my hip. “I’m going to let out some more of this water and”

“No. Bubbles. I like it.” Laurie crossed her arms and glared. “Is Ally coming over?”

“See?” I said into the phone. “Did you hear that? The princess herself just requested you.”

“Don’t be mean to her. She just likes her bubble baths.”

“Fine. She couldn’t have waited five minutes for me to get up here and start her bath for her?” Spying the almost empty bottle of Cookie Monster bubble bath on the side of the tub, I sighed. “And maybe not finish off the bottle of bubbles in one go?”

“There’s some left. It needed more,” Laurie said stubbornly, plopping back down in the water and sloshing a small tidal wave over the side.

“Women,” I muttered.

“Sorry we’re such a trial to you manly sorts,” Ally said, but the dry humor in her tone made the year Laurie had just chopped off my life worth it.

“Daddy, out.” Laurie stuck out her chin. “Private now.”

“Say what?”

“Daddy, private now!” She flung a handful of soapy water at me and I backed into the other room, casting a glance at the ceiling.

“She won’t let me stay in the room for her bath.”

“Since when?”

“Ask her. So you gonna come over or what? My bathroom tiles will thank you later.”

“Daddy,” Laurie called. “Shut

the door, pweese.”

“Did she just ask you to close the door?”

“She sure did.” And I was doing it-partially, though it was damn sure staying cracked so I could keep an eye and both ears on the situation-because hell if I knew what was protocol at Laurie’s age.

I’d been unsure about continuing to help with her bath as she grew older, but sometimes Ruth, the nanny, wasn’t there to help. I was her father, for fuck’s sake. It was my job. But if Laurie felt ready to do it on her own, I supposed I could give her that space.

Especially if Ally could help make sure my daughter and my bathroom survived intact.

“Fine, I’m coming over. But to see Laurie, not you.”

“Whatever. I’m grateful regardless. Bring alcohol.”

“Moscato?” Ally asked, mentioning what we’d turned to more often than not lately.

“Nah. A six-pack of whatever you find at the corner store will do.” A thud came from within the bathroom and I tipped back my head. “Make it a twelve-pack. And hurry.”

Ally’s [POV]

I hung up the phone and frowned at Sage when she took my glass and poured it into hers. “Hey.”

“You’re going off to play mommy to jackass.” She snorted. “Now that I know he really wants you to play mommy it makes it a little more amusing instead of just annoying.”

“You think it’s annoying?”

She shrugged as she swirled the wine. “I think it’s very suspect that he calls you with a SOS a lot.”

“He’s just a little overwhelmed.”

“Uh-huh. And he wants another one?”

I crossed my arms. I could feel the sweat and grit on me, but I didn’t have time to get changed and I definitely didn’t have time to take a shower. Maybe if he saw the real me he’d get that ridiculous idea out of his head.

I wasn’t mommy material. I knew a few tricks when it came to Laurie, but it was because we were buddies. Not due to a maternal instinct-mostly.

It still didn’t make sense that he wanted me to be a gestational host to his spawn. A spawn he planted himself.

Thank God for padded bras. Otherwise my damn nipples would be on display. Just thinking about him planting anything inside me stirred me up in ways I didn’t want to examine. And if my hand strayed a little farther down my body to cup my middle, then I was entitled. It was still a shock to think Seth might want me that way in any capacity.

At least if we did a fertility clinic then it wouldn’t be so…messy. Getting skin to skin would only screw things up. I wasn’t exactly the type of girl who could remove myself from the sexual component.

And it was only partially because I hadn’t gotten truly naked with anyone in my life. I’d had a few opportunities, but it never seemed to work out.

I wasn’t as picky as Sage, but I was definitely a special head case thanks to my home situation. Since my mom had only been gone for a handful of months, it didn’t make sense that I’d jump right into the dating scene. Especially when I didn’t have time to sleep let alone try to form coherent sentences during a date.

Did I mention that this situation was fucked up? Because it so was.

I grabbed my purse off one of the two chairs left in the kitchen. “You good to get home?”

“No problem.” She gulped down the remaining butter-colored liquid and set the glasses in the sink.

I frowned at her.

Sage rolled her eyes. “That wine was like drinking a diet, watered down beer.”

“Better safe than sorry.”

“Okay, big sis, relax yourself. Just because Scorer Seth wants to get jiggy with it doesn’t mean you have to analyze every move I’m making.”

“I know.” I blew out a breath and wondered why I’d ever told her about Seth’s old high school nickname. “I know.”

“Good. Now do I need to give you the talk?”

Horrified, I unrolled the sleeves of my T-shirt. “What talk?”

“I think you know about the birds and the bees. At least I hope you’ve at least watched those romantic cable movies after midnight that are almost porn.”

“Um, that’s a little TMI, don’t you think?” It wasn’t, but I was great at stalling.

“Is there anything off the table with us at this point? I now know you have been propositioned to be a gestational incubator.”

“I suppose not. And no, I’m good, thanks. Think I know how Tab A fits into slot B.”

Big Tab A, from all the talk Seth was throwing around. Probably trying to sweeten the pot.

Sage glanced at my shirt. “At least that part’s fitting.”

I glanced down at my “I Can’t Adult Today” shirt and my cutoff shorts. I really wished I had time to change. Then again, the quicker I got Laurie settled, the quicker I could go home and soak in a tub before work in the morning.

Or maybe I would just climb in with the kid.

I shook my head. No, that wasn’t happening. Extra time at Seth’s was a no-go tonight and for the foreseeable future.

I grabbed my iPad and my iPencil and dumped them into my purse. My Christmas present from Seth last year kept his daughter endlessly entertained. Could’ve been the eight coloring apps I had on it too.

Hurrying outside, I waved to Sage as I climbed into my trusty Subaru Outback. Then I headed to Seth’s place on the opposite side of the lake. My old house was on the fringes of town, but I’d made this trip plenty of times. And most of them actually didn’t involve a cry for help from Seth.

He was a really good dad, but Laurie was asserting her independence. She was very much like her father, and I’d known they would butt heads eventually.

I toyed with my arrow necklace as the lakeside road curved around the bend. The gazebo and the pier came into view. It was late enough that most of the pedestrian traffic was light as people finished up dinners and the shops started closing up for the night.

It was late for Laurie to be up. If she was already down for the night by the time I got there, I was going to string Seth up by his short and curlies.

My car made the steep climb up to the mansions on the far side of the lake. They were surrounded by gates of all kinds to keep the riffraff out, and the moneyed in. The house Seth had chosen for his home with Laurie after his divorce definitely wasn’t at the top of the scale, but they definitely weren’t slumming it.

Hamiltons never did.

According to my mother, a Hamilton had been in residence since the town had been established. In fact, the town had nearly been named Hamilton Cove, but some of the residents had fought for the name to be a bit more welcoming. Hamilton sounded so stern.

Much like the men, and the women, of the line. Seth even had his moments of stoic behavior, but Laurie had definitely changed him for the better.NôvelDrama.Org copyrighted © content.

I parked in the long, winding driveway and sat with my fingers wrapped around the steering wheel. There were wear marks from a hundred thousand miles of me gripping them. From the various levels of news about my mom’s sickness, to money issues, to frustration-all of the handprints were carved into this wheel.

Tonight it was nerves and frustration adding another layer to the already worn gray leather. I wasn’t ready to face Seth, but his little girl trumped all. In fact, she was the reason for much of the drama in my life right now.

Seth wouldn’t have looked twice at me if Laurie hadn’t vocalized her very passionate view on having a sister. A brother wasn’t really in her purview, though Seth tried to indicate she was open to either. We both knew it was female or bust in this princess’s life.

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