Werewolf Compilations

Chapter 35

Chapter 35

I stared at the message, who was it from? How did they get my number? Was it a joke? Who is Raf? I

tossed my phone on the bed like it had cooties and I was in second grade. Ugh, can I not get a break

from the drama? I didn't respond to the message, should I show Tyler? I didn't want to bother him, it's

my fault he's behind on work. I took a deep breath calming my nerves and placed my phone back on

the bedside table after I deleted the mystery message. I grabbed the remote and turned the TV off. I

should probably go to sleep, I might be going crazy. I got up from the bed and turned off the lights, the

only light in the room came from the moon as it shines through the window. I climbed in between the

covers and attempted to relax. I knew I wasn't going to get any sleep knowing someone texted me

about Raf, the killer in the woods. Maybe I should ask Jackson and see how he reacts to the name Raf.

Just as I start to get comfortable I hear a loud crash from downstairs. I immediately sit up and slowly

peel the covers off me. Is someone breaking in the house?! I tiptoed to the door and peeked into the

empty hallway, I slipped through the door and peered downstairs from the staircase. Another crash

rung thought the house. I quickly rushed down the steps and sprinted to Tyler's office.

"Tyler I think someone's trying-" I burst through the office door but stop mid sentence when I see Tyler's

desk flipped over and Tyler leaning up against the wall breathing heavy.

I stare at the mess then turn to Tyler.

"I-I what-"

"Anna just go back to bed." He cuts me off. His voice is hoarse and husky, he didn't look at me, he just

continued staring at the opposite wall.

"No, what happened?!" I rush to him and rest my hand on his tense arm.

He shrugs it off and I step back. Why is he pushing me away again! We were doing so good, with the

doctor's appointment and our heated moment in his car. He mentioned marking me and now he doesn't

want me near him. My face fell and I turned around looking at the flipped desk, and papers scattered

on the wood floor. Tears threaten to fall and I turned back to Tyler.

"I am so tired of crying," I mutter, my voice cracking. Content © NôvelDrama.Org 2024.

He glances up at me, I can see the pain in his eyes.

"You want to break stuff, then I get to break stuff!" I yell as I pick up a vase from the bookshelf. I throw it

against the wall and it shatters, all the broken pieces scatter on the floor. Next, I grab a picture frame

without a picture in it and I chuck it at the door. As I reach for another object Tyler pulls me away and

into his arms, he holds me close and strokes my hair. How can he be so bipolar! I tried to push away

from him but he was holding me too tight. I give up the fight and grow limp.

"Please... " I mumble agents him.


"I just want you to want me," I mumble again. I bury my face deeper into his chest hoping I would


"Anna I do."

"Then why do you push me away!" I push off him and stare him dead in the eyes

"Because I don't want to hurt you!" I jumped as he punched the wall leaving a giant hole.

"Why do you think you're going to hurt me!"

"Because I'm Raf!"

"I'm the killer in the woods!" He yells again.

"What? No." I protest. He can't be Raf, he's Tyler my mate, my soul mate. He's not some rogue killing

machine that scares kids.

"Yes, I am." He fights back like he wants me to believe him.

"No. There is no Raf, he's not real."

"But I'm real." He says in a hushed tone with anger pouring from his voice.

I shake my head and move closer to him, I reach my hand out and cradle his chisel face.

"Raf is my middle name." He mutters. I can tell he regrets it.

"Why did you lie to me?"

"I didn't want you to be scared." He mutters and runs the back of his hand over my cheek, sending

electricity throughout my body.

"I'm not scared, just please explain," I beg him.

He nods and leads me into the living room, we sit down beside each other on the white couch.

"It started when I turned twenty, after two years of not finding my mate I thought she didn't exist. I

decided to believe the moon goddess didn't grant me a mate so I turned all my thoughts to fighting. I

took out all my anger on killing rogues, attacking other packs, just horrible things. I went by Raf so no

one knew it was me." He admits.

I wasn't scared, or angry about his past. I understand, losing your mate causes people to kill

themselves. But thinking that you'll never find your mate, your other half, it's terrifying. It's like your

living your life without purpose, your mate unlocks the rest of your life, love, family, trust. I wish I was

there for him, I wish I found him earlier.

"When I found you I decided to hide my past, everyone thought I was too cruel to have a mate. I didn't

think I deserved you after all I've done."

I hate it when he says he doesn't deserve me because I want him so bad and he won't let me. I want

him to let me. I don't care if he was a killer. When I was little I thought mates were the most magical

thing in the world, I thought once I found my mate that I would be complete. I can't feel complete until

he realizes that I'm falling in love with him. I've been at his pack for almost two months now, I've been

waiting for the moment when he accepts me. The moment when he tells me there's no one else that he

will ever love but me. I might sound ridiculous, but all I want is for Tyler, my mate, to say he's falling in

love with me too. So I can confirm that I'm not just a lovesick puppy, that finding your mate is really the

start of your life. That after you find your mate you are complete.

"Tyler I don't care, that's your past, I know that you'll never be able to change it, but that doesn't mean

you don't deserve me. From the second I saw you I couldn't believe that I found my mate, the one

person that supposed to be the rest of my life. "I tell the truth quietly, all I want is for him to understand I

don't care about his past! I just want our future together.

I might be able to give birth to Lycans, he might have been the killer in the woods, but there's not one

bone in my body that doubts he's made for me. I have people looking for me, wanting to take me as

their own, the only person I want to be with is Tyler. He's the only person I'll ever want. Every bone in

my trembling body knows that with him I'm always safe, that when I'm in his arms there's not one bone

in my body that scared. I know that he'd do anything to protect me, I don't want him just to protect me I

want him to love me.

"Anna, you're so beautiful." He mumbles as he gazes into my eyes. "You're perfect, you're a lovely

person, you're trustworthy, you brighten everyone's spirits when you enter the room. You'll be a perfect

Luna. "

"Mark me."

"Please. " I let out a small whisper.

He leans in and our lips connect, the feeling of electricity and fireworks make my body shutter. His

tongue swipes across my bottom lip asking for an entrance. My body couldn't resist. His sweet tongue

danced with mine, making me restless. He trailed burning kisses down my neck, leaving love bites. I

yet out a quiet moan as he reaches the spot between my shoulder and neck. This is it. He's going to

mark me, make me his.

"It will only hurt for a second." His voice was husky. His canines emerged from his mouth and traced

along my skin. They sink into me causing me to whimper out in pain, but slowly it starts turning into

pleasure. He pulls away and I quickly rush to the mirror. I hear him chuckle behind me at how eager I

am to see my mark.

I look in the mirror at my mark, it's a full moon with two wolfs beside each other.

"It's perfect, beautiful-" I stare in awe.

"Just like you."

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