Werewolf Compilations

Chapter 4

Chapter 4

"Come on; they don't bite." Katy chuckled. I followed her up to the tall, muscular, intimidating man and

started to get a bad feeling.

"Hey, Mikey I'm back!" She calls to him, his face softened, but when he saw me, he became alarmed.

Katy noticed and rolled her eyes.

"She's my friend, and we're just going to the pack house."

"Katy I better go-"

"No I won't let you sleep in those creepy woods, plus there have been rogue sightings close by." She

argued. I just sighed, but I am a rogue.

"I don't want to be a burden."

"Hey, I could use some company, it's not like my brother will paint nails and do each other's hair with

me!" She whined dramatically, using it to her advantage.

"If it's not too much trouble..."

"It's not now come on!" She grabbed my arm and dragged me towards a big mansion-like house, which

I'm guessing is their pack house. We hurried inside and into a living room with comfy-looking white

couches and a big flat screen tv. She pushed me down on one of the couches, and I snuck into the

plush cushions. Katy turned on the TV; we watched Friends and Full House for a while. She was laying

down on the couch next to me and laughing hard whenever something funny was said during the

shows. I decided to loosen up and laugh along with her, she noticed and turned around smiling at me.

Talk about an instant friendship.

We continued watching TV and laughing our butts off until someone interrupted our giggling fest.

"Katy who’s your friend?"

We turned around to see a muscular guy with shaggy dirty blonde hair.

"That's Jackson, our Beta," Katy informed me not caring about what Jackson asked her.

"Katy, did you at least ask Tyler?" He sighed massaging his temples with his fingers, seeming stressed.

"Um no, but I'm his sister I don't have to ask, she's my friend it's no big deal." Katy waves her hand

motioning for him to leave.

"Fine but if you get in trouble, it's on you." He points to her, turning on his heels he walks away.

I tense in my spot and sit up straight.

"Hey it's no big deal, Jackson can be such a rule follower." She rolls her eyes.

"Katy am I allowed to be here?" I ask her seriously.

"Anna there's no need to be worried just chill okay? My brothers out of town anyway, he's visiting one

of his Alpha friends."

"Okay...but if I get in trouble, it's on you." I point at her.

"Wow, I've been getting that a lot lately."

After another episode of Full House, our stomachs started to rumble and made monstrous noises, so

we headed to the kitchen.

"What would you like to make for dinner?" Katy asks me.

"I'll eat anything." I shrug, and that was the truth.

"How about pasta?" Jackson pops his head into the kitchen.

"Okay, then I guess we're making pasta." Katy glances to me, and I agree.

"Oh and make extra, Michael and Nicole are coming over too!" He popped his head out of the doorway

and yelled thank you from the other room.

"Okay then, let's get started!" Katy cheers, grabbing packages of Bow-Tie noodles out of the pantry.

"Who's Michael and Nicole?" I ask leaning against the kitchen counter.

"Michael is the third in command and Nicole is his mate."

"Oh okay, where are the pots?"

"Down in that cabinet." She points to a white cabinet next to the large fridge.

"Let's get cooking!" Looking at her weirdly, she just continued to act like we were suddenly on a

televised cooking show.

Together we decided to make chicken Alfredo pasta, using the recipe that my pack taught me. I used to

help the pack members make dinner when I was younger, they adored my help and taught me secret

pack recipes which made it all worth it.

When we were finished, we poured the pasta into a big glass bowl and set it on the dining table along

with plates, silverware, and glass cups.

"Jackson dinner is ready!" Katy called from the kitchen.

The doorbell rang, and I heard talking, as it grew louder Jackson and two other people entered the

dining room. "Oh, Anna this is Michael and Nicole." They waved at me, and I waved back. "This is

Katy's friend Anna."

"Hi," I mumble, ignoring the fact that in one day I went from a lonely rogue to having dinner with the

Beta, third in command, and Alphas sister of Blood Moon.

They greet me back, and Katy joins us in the dining room. "Okay everyone we shall eat!" She cheers

again, and we chuckle as we pick our seats at the table. I sat beside Katy and Nicole, across from


"Oh my god, it's incredible!" Nicole moaned while eating her food.

"It's Anna's recipe," Katy tells her.

"Anna this pasta is the best thing I've ever put in my mouth!" She complements, not noticing the

hilarious looks from her mate.

"Oh, thanks."

During dinner, we chatted about random stuff, whenever someone would ask me about my pack or

family Katy would change the subject, which I was grateful for. It turns out Nicole is pregnant; she said

she's almost at two months. We talked about baby names and their plans; it cheered me up to talk

about babies instead of deaths.

When we all finished, I helped Katy clean up the plates and put away leftovers. I also received many

more compliments on the food. For once after the attack, I was... happy.

After we had finished cleaning up Katy and I joined the others in the living room. We just chatted more

until we heard a car door shut from outside. I started to feel funny, but I couldn't put my finger on what

was causing these uneasy feelings. The air filled with an irresistible scent, it was musky, woodsy, and

sweet. I started squirming on the couch like I was being held down.

"Anna, you okay?" Katy asked me with a concerned look.

"Yeah, yeah I'm all right." I breathe out, but I was lying. The scent was starting to become stronger,

making me more restless. I could hear my wolf whimpering on the inside, wanting to go to something.

Trying to control myself I took deep breaths and attempted to clear my mind of all thoughts.

All of a sudden the front door swung open forcing me to turn around.

He was tall and muscular like a warrior. His face was chiseled with a jaw like stone, and his eyes were

a dark blue oasis. This man standing in the doorway was the most handsome, perfect, sexiest person

I've ever set my eyes on. Our gazes connect, and I'm in a trance, my wolf keeps yelling at me over and

over again one word.


It's my mate.

This perfection of a person standing in the same room as I, driving me insanely crazy, is my mate, my

other half. My heart stops and doesn't plan on acting anytime soon. I couldn't read his expression, was

he disappointed that I am his mate? Did he not want me? Am I not good enough? My wolf started to

panic as these thoughts ran through my mind continuously. Just being in the same room with him I felt

safe, I felt needed.

"Oh, Tyler you're back early," Jackson mutters surprised. Content © NôvelDrama.Org 2024.

I tear away from his hypnotic gaze and stare at Katy wide-eyed. She notices my staring and shakes it

off turning to face Tyler.

"Oh yeah, Tyler this is my friend Anna, she's going to sleep over." She states not even caring about his


I glanced back at Tyler—my mate. His eyes are still resting on me, only causing me to become hotter

and bothered.

"Tyler!" Katy yells trying to get his attention.

"Tyler." She waves her hands up in the air.

She gazes back at me, then him, then me, then him. I think she's finally catching on.


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