Where We Belong

Chapter 17

Chapter 17

Chapter 17

In all honesty I was afraid to go back there. The girls were horrible. I didn't want to get dragged into my dad's business. I knew he had a lot of rivals and I knew once they got wind of me I wouldn't be the most likeable person around.

"I need to drop by the hospital and hand in my notice".

Did I want to do that? No I didn't but I didn't have a choice. Getting a transfer would take to long and my dad was already pissed that we hadn't left yet. Surely I'll get a job in New York?

"You don't have to do that sweetheart. I know this is your life Ava. Won't they just transfer you?" Blaze asked as he opened the passenger door for me.

He didn't get it but then again I knew he wouldn't. Shaking my head I jumped in and put my seat belt on. "It's not as easy as that. The process takes months" Sighing I ran a hand over my face "I have to grab a few things from my office but I promise I'll be quick".

As he pulled out of my drive I took one last look at what I was leaving behind before he took of down the street. Pulling my legs up I rested them on the dash board. The ride to the hospital was quiet. Blaze hadn't spoke much only drummed his fingers against the steering wheel when we stopped at red lights. What was he thinking?

"Where's your bike?" I asked suddenly remembering that he drove here on it.

"It's taken care of sweetheart. I couldn't have you ride back to New York on your own. Wouldn't want you getting lost" He smirked giving me a side glance.

Rolling my eyes I turned my attention to the window. Turning into the hospital I felt my stomach drop when I saw Adams car in the parking lot. Was it still there from last night? Original content from NôvelDrama.Org.

"I won't be long" I said taking of my seat belt and hoping out the car.

The thought of actually being here made the bile rise in the back of my throat. Maybe moving away would be for the best. Taking a deep breath I pushed the doors open and made my way through.

"Dr Mendez running late today are we?"

Turning round I smiled at Maggie, the head of the board and just the person I needed to speak with.

"Sweetheart are you okay?" She asked a frown appearing on her face.

"Actually could you spare me 5 minutes of your time. I know your busy but I promise it won't take long" I whispered looking around to make sure no one was listening.

"Of course Ava lead the way".

Once in my office I shut the door and pulled down the little blind I had to stop anyone from looking in.

"Ava honey you know I love you like one of my own but you're scaring me. What's going on?" She asked

"I need a transfer" Pacing around my office the only thing running through my head was bumping into Adam. After that message this morning I couldn't help feeling jumpy.

"A transfer? Ava you're the best damn doctor I've had here in a long time. What's going on?"

Biting my bottom lip I ran a hand through my hair "I need to leave. I need a transfer quick and I know you can make that happen without it taking to long".

When I first started working here Maggie was hard on me in fact she was a mean bitch but I realised she was like that because she wanted me to succeed. Maggie is one of the greatest doctors I know. She is the only person I trust, the only person that knows who my dad is.

"Ava please you're scaring me. Please tell me what's going on? Where are you going?".

Feeling the tears well in my eyes I smiled at her "I can't but know that I loved it here. You made me feel welcome from the day I started even though you were mean to me" I laughed wiping at my eyes "I understand why you were. Thanks for everything Maggie".

Walking behind my desk I took the photo of my mom and I and slipped it into my bag.

"I'm not letting you walk out on me without an explanation Ava. I couldn't bare the thought that something bad has happened. Ava sweetheart please tell me what's going on. I'll get you that transfer of course I will but please I need to know you're okay" she said walking towards me and taking my hand.

Swallowing the lump that appeared in my throat I watched as she brought her hand up and wiped away my tears.

"I was almost raped last night" I croaked as new tears began to fall.

Hearing her gasp I took a quick look at her face. Watching how she went from looking worried to angry in a second.

"Aw Ava sweetheart" she cooed wrapping her arms around my shoulders. "Honey I'm sorry for pushing you into telling me what's wrong. I worry to much. I knew I should never have agreed to you doing all those late shifts"

Pulling back I gave her a questioning look "This wasn't your fault Maggie. He wasn't happy that I wouldn't go out with him so-.."

Realising I'd said to much already I cut myself off. No one needed to know who it was especially not Maggie.

"Who's he Ava? Because you wouldn't go out with him? That's not an excuse to try and rape someone. He whoever he-.. Adam" she whispered and I knew my face gave away that she was right.

"Of course. That little rat bag has been trying to get into your knickers since you started here. I have eyes and ears all over this hospital. I never trusted the little punk. It's why I always had you on a different shift. Wait till I get my hands on-..".

"Maggie you can't" I cried cutting her off "Please, please don't say anything to anyone. I just need my transfer".

As she was about to speak there was a knock at my door. Feeling the color drain from my face I looked at Maggie. What if it was him?

"Darlin' you about ready? We need to leave".

Feeling the relief flow through my body I released the breath I was holding. Walking to the door I opened it and let him in. Taking a glance at Maggie I knew she wouldn't approve of Blaze.

"You've been crying. What's happened sweetheart?" He asked Looking directly into my eyes.

"Nothing Blaze I swear. This is Maggie my mentor and Maggie this is Blaze. He saved me from..." Trailing of I couldn't finish my sentence.

"You take good care of her Blaze. She's something special. I'm guessing you're heading home Ava?" She asked as Blaze gave me a shocked look.

"She knows everything so there really wasn't a point in taking of your cut".

"I'll get you your transfer Ava but it will take a few weeks. I know I'm brilliant but I'm not that brilliant" she smiled as a tear slide down her cheek.

Smiling at her I could feel my own tears starting again "I won't forget Maggie" I whispered as I threw my arms around her.

"Neither will I Ava and believe me sweetheart he will pay" she whispered before letting me go "I suggest you get a move on. Be safe Ava and it was a pleasure having you here".

"You've been quiet" Blaze said as we came to a stop at a red light.

"Just thinking" I shrugged pulling my legs up and under me "Heard from my dad?" I asked making him give me a side ways glance.

"Still fucking pissed" He sighed as the light went to green. "I swear he'll kill me if I don't get you home within two days".

"He won't kill you. You're his VP"

"But you're his daughter".

"Club before family remember. I don't know why he's so bothered about me" I said just as my stomach rumbled.

"You're kidding right?"

Deciding to ignore his question I turned my head and stared out the window. The only reason my dad wants Blaze to bring me home is for my mom's sake. He doesn't give a shit about me. If he did he would have came looking for me not the other way around.

"Your dad cares about you Ava don't ever forgot that".

"No he doesn't. If he did he would have came looking for me when he got out of prison. My mom and I should have been the first thing he thought about not his damn club". I shrugged trying not to get angry.

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