Where We Belong

Chapter 62

Chapter 62

Chapter 62

Great they didn't know!

Nodding my head I downed the other shot and quickly refilled it. How could they not have known? They've knew Blaze a lot longer than I have but if I hadn't of met Nate on my own I would never have known either.

"You learn something new everyday" Lexi shrugged taking a sip of her wine. "Is he hot?" She asked wiggling her eyebrows. "Who's better in the sack?".

"Wait, rewind this a little" Chantelle said "How old are you?". What did my age have to do with this?

"Twenty four, why?" I frowned

"You said Blaze took your virginity when you came looking for you dad. How old were you when you found him again?"

"Twenty three" I sighed already knowing what she was going to say. "I wasn't interested in guys back in high school or college. I wanted to get my degree so I studied my ass off, you could say I didn't have time for boys".

"Wow" Lexi breathed "How did you manage to keep them off you? Your a hot little thing" She winked causing me to laugh.

"Does Blaze know?" Chantelle asked filling up our glasses. Shaking my head no I picked up my wine glass. "Maybe that's what's holding you back" She whispered.

"I don't know but I do know I don't want to talk about it anymore and you have to promise me you won't say anything to him. Ive not done anything with Nate other than share a kiss but you both know what Blaze is like and if he hears about it from someone else I have no idea how he will handle it. Promise me it won't leave this room".

"You need to watch what your doing Ava especially in this circle of people. How we live is completely different from everyone else. Your playing a very dangerous game and I say this because I like you figure out what you want before it's too late" Chantelle gave me a small grin as she squeezed my shoulder.

"Enough talking more drinking" Lexi grinned pushing another shot towards me.

"You guys- you guys are so nice can I take you home with me?" I slurred placing my head on my hand.

"Yay" Chantelle yelled slipping her arm around my shoulder. "That would be so much fun".

"You two are wasted and I am so dead" Lexi groaned. Smiling at her I lifted the shot that was in front of me and offered it to her. "No thanks" She declined. Shrugging my shoulders I grinned before downing the shot.

"Why are you two such lightweights?" She asked causing Chantelle and I to laugh. Everything seemed so much funnier when your drunk. "You need to lighten up and stop being a party pooper... Hey I want more shots" Chantelle yelled slamming her hand against the bar.

"Me too" I yelled waving at the bar tender to get his attention. "Lex please lighten up and have some shots. You wanted me to come out tonight and you've barely touched a drop here. Stop worrying about the state we're in and join us, pretty please?" I asked sticking out my bottom lip.

Rolling her eyes she grabbed one of the shots the bar tender had just poured. "Here's to the ear chewing we're about to receive" She winked knocking back her shot. What was she talking about? Looking at her I followed her gaze to catch Blaze and a few other bikers Cooper included walk through the crowd and straight towards the back of the club.

Well damn..

Sipping my drink I held onto the bar and tried to pull myself up right so I could sit straight. Yeah those vodka shots weren't a good idea at the start of the night.

"What's back there?" I asked curiosity getting the better of me.

"Club business now help me get drunk by drinking this" Lexi smirked pushing the clear shot towards me. It wasn't until I noticed the lime and salt that I knew what it was. After taking the tequila shot it was like it hit the bottom of my stomach and was trying to make its way back up. Scrambling of the chair I pushed past Lexi and ran to find the toilet. Catching sight of the exit sign I ran towards the door, not even five seconds later I was bent over throwing my guts up at the back of the club. Leaning my hand against the wall for support I jumped out my skin when I felt a hand on my lower back. Wiping the back of my mouth I pushed the hand of my back so I could turn around, I didn't recognise the man standing behind me.

"Just helping a little lady out" He smirked

"Thanks" I faked smiled.

"Shouldn't be out-.."

"Well what do we have here?" Another guy piped up his eyes raking over my body before he smacked the first guy on the shoulder. "She's a hot little thing ain't she and it seems she's out here all alone".

Swallowing the lump that had formed in my throat my heartbeat quickened. Why couldn't I have stayed inside? As he took a step closer to me my body physically stiffened. The only thing running through my mind was what if he was going to rape me. What if this time Blaze couldn't save me. "Want to come have some fun baby? We could show you a good time?" He smirked

"I-I have to go" I mumbled staggering to the side as I tried to head towards the door. I had to get away from them.

"Not so fast sexy" He grunted grabbing a hold of my upper arm. "We just wanna talk" He whispered so close I could feel his breath on my neck.

"Dan just leave the girl alone and let's get out of here"

"Shut up Grant I just wanna have a little fun with her".

By this time I was finding it hard to breath. My skin was covered in sweat and I couldn't stop the memories from coming back. Running his hand down my arm I felt the tears slide down my cheeks. Closing my eyes I slightly prayed that he would listen to his mate and leave me alone.

"Now I'll ask again wanna come have some-.."

He was cut of from the bang that came from the door as it hit against the wall. Snapping my eyes open a sob escaped my mouth when I saw it was Cooper and another brother. Immediately the guys hand fell from my arm.

"Mind telling me why you had your hands on a brothers old lady?" He snapped balling his hands into fists. "You alright darlin'?" He asked taking a quick glance at me. Nodding my head I couldn't form a sentence over my silent tears.

"Deek take the little lady back inside and straight to Blaze-.."

"Coop you alright?" A third brother had joined us outside. "What the fucks going on?".

"Take her inside....

That was the last I heard of it before I was being dragged back inside and down through the back of the club.. Deek didn't utter a word to me and was grateful. Stopping outside a large black door he knocked once and waited. Staring at my feet I chewed on the inside of my lip until I could taste my own blood.

"I wanna get out of here" I whispered taking a quick-peek up at Deek. I didn't want that door to open


because I didn't need Blaze to see me like this again. What was he going to think? I couldn't go out for one night without something happening. Slipping my feet out of my shoes I started taking a few steps back. "I'm just going to the bathroom". I muttered not waiting around for him to reply.

Picking up my pace I didn't stop until

I was outside the front of the club and high tailing it down the street. It probably wasn't one of my best ideas considering I didn't know where I was or where I was going but I did know I had to get out of that club. Stopping at a crossroads I looked around for something that looked remotely quiet anything that would allow me to sit in a corner on my own. Hearing the engine of a bike in the distance I all but ran across the road and slipped into a bar. Taking a deep breath I kept my head down and made my way to a table in the far corner. Glancing around the place I noticed it wasn't busy and there was only a few people scattered around. To me it was just what I needed, a place where there wasn't to many people to take notice.

"Not from around here?"

Snapping my head up I looked for the voice noting that it came from the bar maid. Shaking my head no I started playing with the loose threads that hung from my shorts. Was it that obvious that I wasn't from around here?

"What can I get you to drink honey?"

Pushing myself out of my seat I made my way to the bar sighing as I sat on the stool. "Do you have any wine?" I asked propping my elbows onto theAll content is property © NôvelDrama.Org.


"What kind you after?" She asked placin a bowl of nuts in front of me.

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