With the Colonel’s Help: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Under an Endless Moon: Chapter 41

Otto’s hand rested on the small of my back as he led me out the front door. His gaze swept both directions.

“It’s clear.”

His voice was gruff. Harsh and shallow.

“Maybe it really was just random.”

“Wound on my thigh begs to differ.”


We couldn’t forget that, even though I wanted to. Even though I wanted to erase all of this business and focus on what mattered.


Well, finding out if there actually could be an us.

I locked the door, and Otto’s hand was right back on my lower back, stealing my breath as he guided me toward his bike that sat like a black beast at the curb.

Butterflies scattered in my belly.

How it was possible that just looking at his bike still riddled me with excitement, I didn’t know, but it happened every time.


My attention snapped up when I heard the voice shouting from across the street.

Sienna waved her hand frantically overhead.

I grinned and waved back, and she looked both ways, waiting for a truck to whizz by before she jogged across the street, a big canvas bag bouncing on her back as she ran toward me with a giant smile.

She hopped onto the sidewalk next to me. “Hey, Raven.”

“Hi, Sienna.” I stepped up and hugged her. “How are you?”

“Good, good. It was super busy today, so tips were great.”

“That’s awesome.”

“I was worried for a minute because I wasn’t sure if someone here was going to chase all our customers away…” There was a teasing question to it as she cast a sidelong look in Otto’s direction. “Or maybe he just suckered them in. Our brand-new mascot.”noveldrama

She winked at me.

Yeah, the man was something to look at.

A brutal monument.

I didn’t know how every woman in Moonlit Ridge hadn’t flocked to Sunrise to Sunset Café to see him.

He grunted.

I laughed. “Sorry about that. Otto here thought he needed to keep an extra eye out for me today.”

I lowered my voice on the last.

Worry pinched her face, and she glanced around. “Did something happen to your shop again?”

I blew out a sigh. “No, but some jerk came sniffing around Otto’s place and broke a window.”

I left out the shooting part. No question, that was information Otto did not want anyone else to know.

Shock ripped out of her. “What the hell?”

“I know. It’s super annoying. But, of course, this guy thinks he needs to go all papa bear on me.” I hooked a thumb in his direction.

“Well, it’s good you have someone looking out for you.” She widened her eyes, her message clear.

Especially him.

“It is good, isn’t it?” I looked at Otto when I said it, and he grunted again, roughing one of those massive, tatted hands through his hair as he shifted in impatience. I turned back to Sienna. “We’d better go. This guy gets hangry if he doesn’t eat by six, and you don’t want to see him reach that point.”

She giggled. “I can only imagine.”

She rushed forward for another hug, mumbling, “Be safe.”

“I will. I’ll still see you on Saturday at Kane’s, right?”

“If it’s still happening, then absolutely yes.”

“Um, yes, it is absolutely still happening.” I cut Otto a warning look to stop him before he spouted something ridiculous like we were canceling.

The one he sent me back was pure disbelief.

This wouldn’t be the last I heard about it.

“Okay, I’ll see you then.”

“Bye,” I called as she ambled away, watching her go as I felt the heat of Otto’s stare searing into the side of my cheek. I made sure to maintain all the sass I could muster when I turned back to him.

“You don’t actually think we’re going to celebrate my birthday on Saturday when all this bullshit is goin’ down, do you?” he gritted.

Taking a step toward him, I touched his chest as I murmured, “Yes, Otto, I very much plan on celebrating you.”

I let my fingertips brush down his abdomen as I pulled away, dipping low enough that I nearly touched the bulge still evident in his pants.

He growled as he took a lumbering step forward, his head angling down so close to mine, my senses swelling with his scent.

Patchouli and warm apple pie.

“Watch it, darlin’. You don’t want to push me to the edge.”

Oh, but driving him to the edge was precisely what I intended to do.

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