With the Colonel’s Help: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Under an Endless Moon: Chapter 43

The ground trembled as Otto swept me off my feet. A grunt ripped up his throat as I wrapped my legs around his waist and curled myself around his big, beautiful body.

“Otto,” I whimpered, and in a flash, he had one arm locked around my waist and the fingers of his other hand tangled up in the twist I had in my hair.

His mouth crushed against mine in a landslide of desperation.

His lips demanding and his tongue beseeching.

In a passion and need so intense it crashed through my veins. The same way as his.

A life-beat that pounded through our beings.

I thought I’d known it all along. Sure that I’d felt the yearning locked tight within him, but I’d never been able to sense the magnitude of it until right then.

“Love you, Raven,” he mumbled against my mouth, his hand twining tighter in my hair as he carried me across the kitchen and toward his bedroom. “Love you so much. I can’t keep it back any longer.”

“Don’t. Don’t keep it back. Don’t keep it from me.”

“Won’t. Won’t ever again.”

Joy saturated my spirit, and I arched into him, rubbing myself against his hard, packed body as he started up the three steps.

Rather than walk through the door, he pinned me to the wall next to it.

His big body covered mine like a shroud.

He pressed his hard cock to my center as he kissed me into disorder.

Madness took us over as we clawed and yanked at each other, anything to get the other closer.

“You’re mine, Raven. Always have been.” It was a growl of possession as his lips roamed from my mouth to my jaw and down my neck.

My head rocked back against the wall to give him better access, and my fingers dove into the short pieces of his hair.

“Just like you’ve always been mine.”

It whipped out of me.

An unmitigated claim.

He edged back for the flash of a second. A wicked storm glinted in the depths of his blue, blue eyes. “Yeah, darlin’. You’ve always had me enchanted.”

He hiked me up again, his kiss potent.


Though I felt the tiniest bit of hesitation as he stopped right in the doorway.

He edged back to look at me.

His voice was low as he warned, “This is gonna change everything.”

“The second you touched me last night, it already did.”

“And now that you have me, there’s no going back.”

A desirous sound got out of me as he edged into the hazy light of his bedroom. Twilight had taken to the heavens, scattering fading pink wisps and sparkling diamonds that floated through the air.

Otto’s boots thudded heavily across the floor, and one hand glided down and up under my skirt before one of those big hands was palming my bottom.noveldrama

I whimpered and rocked myself against his abdomen. “Please.”

“There will be no begging tonight, Raven. Gonna give you everything you need.”

Without putting me down, he leaned over and grabbed the comforter and dragged it all the way off before he carefully laid me in the middle of the soft gray sheets.

He remained at the end of the bed. The man a pillar that stared down at me.

A dark defender. Brute strength and bulky intimidation.

But I’d never felt safer. Never felt safer than in the sanctuary of this man.

My burly bear.

I writhed in antsy anticipation. I still had on my heels, and they were planted on the mattress, my hips arching from the bed and sending my skirt to bunch up high on my thighs.

My body afire.


Singed at the searing intensity that blazed from his gaze.

“You have any idea, Raven? What it feels like to have you like this? A needy ball in the middle of my bed, waiting for me to take you? Consume you?”

He reached out and dragged the fingertips of his right hand from my knee down to my ankle.

Sparks flew at the contact.

Enraptured, he watched the movement before his attention flicked to my face.

“Going to possess you the way you’ve been possessin’ me.”

A scoff of a tease gusted out of my lungs. “You think I’m the one who’s been possessing you? I already told you that you are my every fantasy. The face of every desire I’ve ever had.”

My hand slipped from my sternum and down to my stomach. As if it could quell a portion of the necessity that pounded through my bloodstream. Urging me toward one thing.


Otto groaned as my hand smoothed over my dress, and my knees rocked from side to side in a show of supplication.

His tongue stroked out over his bottom lip. “You sure this is what you want? You sure you want to be mine?” It sounded almost of a threat.

“I already am.”

His expression deepened.

Wicked and ravenous as he took me in.

Slow and sure as if it were marking what was his.

Reaching back, he grabbed the collar of his tee from behind and drew it over his head.

It left him bare from the waist up.

Wings flapped frantically through my belly.

God, no man should be that violently beautiful. A mountain of quavering stone, a mammoth that vibrated in the middle of his room.

So tall he blocked everything out except for the vision of him.

His chest carved and packed and rippling with muscle, every divot and edge of his abdomen flexing with the need that powered through his body.

He reached out and took me by the ankle, and he pressed his mouth to the sensitive flesh as he pulled the Louboutin from my foot. “Gonna fuck you in these heels, and I’m going to do it soon, but tonight, I need you completely bare.”

A tremor rocked through me. “Yes, please.”

A rough chuckle raked his throat. He clearly knew that I didn’t even know what I was pleading for.

Everything, I guessed.

I wanted him in every way.

He did the same with the other foot, peppering kisses around my ankle as he removed my shoe and let it drop to the floor.

He set my feet back onto the mattress, and he didn’t look away from me as he leaned down and unlaced his boots.

My heart jackhammered as I waited for him.

The anticipation growing with each second that passed.

Otto was going to take me.

My insides burned, and need throbbed at my center, an assault that battered through my entire being when he slowly pushed to standing.

Rising to that full, intimidating height.

The man a brutal bear.

But I wasn’t afraid.

The air transformed around us, and a whirring hummed in my ears.

The oxygen coming alive, the intensity shifting as he slowly climbed onto the bed.

My legs spread to make him room, and he crawled up to hover over me. On his knees, he planted his hands on either side of my head.

His gaze traced my face. My expression. Searching for my fears. For my belief. For my trust.

I reached up and scratched my fingers through the stubble on his jaw. “I love you.”

It was the one thing he needed to know. The one thing that had the power to erase every doubt and reservation.

He traced the pad of his thumb down the curve of my cheek. “My moonflower. Can’t wait to watch you glow. To see you fully bloom in the middle of the darkness.”

My chest squeezed, swamped by the attention, engulfed by the affection. I wanted to tell him the only thing I saw when I looked at him was a light. A beacon that glowed.

A safe haven.

But there was no chance for that because he dipped down and took my mouth in a kiss.

A deep, desirous, mind-bending kiss.

This kiss was slow and thorough.


Like we had all the time in the world. Like we had no end.

Our tongues danced and played, and our breaths mingled as our hearts beat in sync.

I let my hands explore, palms riding over the glorious muscles of his shoulders, fingers dragging over his massive pecs and scratching at his rippling back.

Otto moaned and dropped down a fraction, letting his heat burn through my body as he kissed me into a puddle.

A needy, helpless puddle.


“I know, baby, I know.”

He pushed up high on one hand and let the other glide up my outer thigh until he was gripping my hip. I felt his fingers tremble. Felt his nerves. The concern he forever held for me as he pulled back, breaths heaving from his lungs as he studied me.

“You say, Raven. If you get scared or anxious or just fuckin’ change your mind, you say.”

“I promise.”

He sat back on his heels, and I sat up. He reached around me and drew down the zipper of my dress.

Cool air brushed my back, and chills lifted across my flesh. He bunched up the material and began to slowly drag it over my head. He tossed it aside, and my chest rattled as he gazed down at me.

I didn’t have a bra on under the dress, and it left me completely bare except for black, lacy underwear.

“You have no idea, do you? What it’s like seeing you this way?”

He leaned in and started to pluck the pins out of my hair, letting it fall around my shoulders.

The fresh baby’s breath that I’d tucked into the twist earlier this morning rained around me.

“Goddess. How’s it I’m touching a goddess like this?”

My nails raked his chest, coasting all the way down until I was tugging at the button of his jeans.

“And how is it that I’m finally getting to experience this fantasy with you?”

A ridge of cockiness rode the edge of his mouth. “Going to make sure you get to experience it again and again. In every way that you’ve imagined.”

He eased off the end of the bed and hooked his fingers in my underwear as he went, and I arched as he peeled them down my legs.

Otto hissed. “Fuck me. Never have I seen something so beautiful. This fuckin’ gorgeous body laid out on my sheets. You said I was every fantasy you’ve ever had, Raven. But you are my only dream. The one wish I’d never dared to make. And now I have it in the palm of my hand.”

He let that palm slip up around my hip before he squeezed at the same time as he leaned in to inhale the flesh on my inner thigh.

Need flash-fired, a riot in the middle of the room.

Otto edged back, never looking away as he shoved his jeans off his waist. He took his underwear with them as he shucked himself free of the denim.

Then he straightened.


So dangerously gorgeous that a wave of dizziness pummeled me.

A sharp inhale wheezed down my lungs as I took him in. His big body covered in swirling colors and designs that vibrated over that rugged, hazardous power.

My throat thickened as I took in his hard, thick cock. It sent a slick of arousal rushing to my core. Desire banged against the walls and ricocheted between us, awareness spinning and spinning.

Wrapping us whole and complete.

A bond that we’d tried to forsake but could never be broken.

Energy lashed, and my throat grew thick as he climbed back between my legs.

No barriers left to separate us.

“Can I have you like this, Raven? Bare?” he rumbled, like he had direct access to my thoughts. “Promise you, I’ve never been with anyone else like this.”

“I know,” I murmured because I did. I knew this was different. I knew neither of us had experienced anything like this before.

Maybe he’d been touched a million times, had a million other women, but he’d never had me.

And still, caution filled his gaze as he swept his fingers through my center before he slowly pressed two inside. Gauging me as he drew them in and out. Making sure I was ready.

No question since I was soaked.

Then he gathered me up, took one of my hands and threaded our fingers together, and curled me fully into the safety of his arms.

Nose to nose and breath to breath.

I could feel the blunt head of his cock perched at my center, and the air locked in my lungs.

“Are you sure, Moonflower? Last chance before I make this body mine.”

My nod was frantic, and my heart beat wild. Something that wasn’t quite fear fluttered beneath the surface of my skin.

The thrill of the moment when you were stepping right up to the edge. The shaky exhilaration when you were looking out over a vast horizon and saw the beauty laid out beneath. Knowing you could never truly experience the completion of it without fully stepping into it.

That one last second before you jumped.

“Take it.”

Every part of him darkened as he slowly started to nudge himself inside me. Lines were carved deep into the harsh angles of his face, muscles flexing taut, his nostrils flaring with the care he took.

All while my breaths turned short and choppy as he slowly, slowly spread me.

Fire licked a path up my spine and flamed through my being.

I struggled to adjust to the size of him. The stretch blissfully painful.

The toys I’d played with had done absolutely nothing to prepare me for the feel of him, not that I’d expected they would.

No comparison to this man.

My nails sank into his shoulder, and I gasped and clawed at him as he broke me apart and filled me full.

Otto kept watching me. Carefully. Tenderly beneath all the brawn that rippled and pulsed.

“Fuck,” he grunted, the single word a rasp as he seated himself completely inside me.

I couldn’t breathe. All the air had fled.

“You okay?” he asked, voice strained, expression tight.

My nails were burrowed deep in his shoulder as I whispered, “I’ve never felt anything as right as you.”

He edged back an inch so he could gaze down at me, searching my expression as he remained painfully still. Every part of him was held in sharp restraint yet fully given.

His heart and his spirit and his mind.

“Was terrified of believing it…that you were meant for me,” he murmured as he lifted my hand that was still twined with his and brushed his lips over my knuckles. “But you were, Raven.”

He eased back a fraction before he edged back in, a little deeper that time, stealing the oxygen all over again. “You were meant for me. Do you feel it?” he grunted.

I could barely nod, trying for a tease but unable to find it. “The only thing I feel is you.”

“That’s right, Moonflower. That’s the way it’s supposed to be. My cock buried so deep inside you that you can’t process anything else except for me. When you can’t think about anything else but the pleasure I’m going to bring you.”

He brushed the thumb of his hand still entwined with mine along my jaw, voice gruff and raw. “Nothing as perfect as this. Your pussy hugging me tight. You in my arms. This heart beating against mine.”

“Nothing,” I told him. “Nothing could be better than this.”

A smirk hitched on his delicious mouth. “Oh, I think it’s going to get better, darlin’. I haven’t even begun with you yet.”

I lifted my hips, urging him on, needy and desperate for him to show me. “Then you’d better start.”

It was close to a chuckle that rolled through his chest. “Needy girl.”

Though that lightness shifted to something close to predatory when he pushed up onto his hands.

His eyes raked down my trembling body, my body that was already covered in a sheen of sweat. A slow slide of ravenous appreciation in his hungry gaze. He paused when it landed on where we were joined.

“Look at that, my cock possessing you.” His tone hardened in potency.

He pulled back then drove back in. The thrust was powerful and hard, and my back arched from the bed at the sublime intrusion.


“That’s right, Raven. That’s exactly what I want to hear. My name on that sweet little tongue. Going to have you chanting it forever.”

A gasp ripped out of me as he drew back out then drove back in deep. He began to move in firm, measured strokes. Each one of them sent flames licking up my spine and lapping at my insides.

A beautiful burn that gathered strength with each rock of his hips.

I met each one, urging him to take me harder, to find the reckless rhythm we’d been racing toward all these years.

It took all of a few seconds before we were a writhing, gasping mess in the middle of his bed.

Grunts and drags of nails and grumblings of need.

“Fuck, Raven. So good. The way your cunt feels wrapped around my cock. So tight. So fuckin’ tight and perfect. Never have felt anything as good as this. Nothing can compare. Gonna do me in.”

He didn’t take me gently. Like I was fragile or breakable. He took me the way my being begged him to do.

Unshackled and unchained.

I relished in it. Felt my wings that had been clipped flapping in the wind, freedom laid out right out in front of me.

He worked us into a frenzy. Energy frenetic as it buzzed through the room. Sparks of lightning flickered at the edges of my sight.

Pleasure billowed and swelled.

The threat of bliss blooming on the horizon.

His hips snapped as he drove into me, the man an onslaught of greed.

He curled a big arm around the top of my head, covering me whole as he surged down to capture my mouth in a kiss that nearly sent me sailing.

At the same time, he wound his other hand between us and circled his fingertips around my clit.

Fire flashed.

A wave of heat that blistered beneath the surface of my skin.

“Oh God…please…yes…harder.”

Otto groaned. “You don’t know what you’re askin’ for, Moonflower.”

It was close to a warning. Maybe a promise.

I smoldered beneath it, sure it was the man who was going to be the one to do me in.

Ravage and devastate.

“I want everything you could ever give me.”

He looped an arm under my thigh so he could spread me wider and shifted the angle.

The fat head of his cock hit that sensitive spot inside me as he took me again and again.

I started gasping, jutting up in desperation as the pleasure grew and bound. Gathering strength with each slam of his body.

It was hard and messy and desperate, and he was suddenly on his knees, keeping me open with one hand as he played me into disorder with the other, thumb circling and circling my throbbing bud as he pounded into me.

He looked like a beast right then.

The light had dimmed in his room as the sun melted away, and the man had shifted to shadow.

Skin glistening with sweat, every muscle in his body taut and flexing.

Eyes a scourge of dominance.

I loved it. Loved the claiming. The way he marked himself so deep inside me there would be no way for me to unwrite him.

My fantasy.

My secret.

My heart.

“I can feel you gettin’ ready to split. Let me see you glow, Moonflower. Let me see you come alive beneath me.”

He lifted my hips from the bed and rocked into me as he swirled his thumb around my clit.

It cracked me wide open, and a rush of ecstasy tore through my body.

A shockwave of bliss.

A torrent of pleasure.

And I swore that the ground no longer held me.

Swore that I soared and flew.

A darkened sky all around where I floated in the paradise that was Otto Hudson.

He thrust two more times before a shout burst from him, and he clutched me so tight there was nothing to separate us as he jerked and spasmed and groaned my name. “Raven.”

He grunted as he poured into me. I could feel every twitch and pulse of his cock, and my pleasure fluttered around it, capturing him the same way as he’d captured me.

He held us there for the longest time.

In this rapture that could only belong to us.

We both knew it then. Knew it in the way our gazes were locked as we let go.

As we gave ourselves over.

As every wall and brick that had been built around us was toppled to the ground.

Completely demolished.

It was us.


And there was no turning back.

Aftershocks twitched through our muscles, and harsh pants heaved from his lungs as I struggled to drag oxygen back into mine.

As I struggled to catch up to this.

Otto had had me.

Had taken me.

Fully and completely.

I nearly wept when he pulled out, though he had me in his arms and was rolling us onto our sides and curling me tight against the heated flesh of his body before I could get out any sound of displeasure.

And through the lapping shadows that filled the room, those eyes were on me.

Searching my face as if they could get all the way down into my soul.

He let his fingertips trace the edge of my jaw. My lips. Before they were brushing along my brow. “You good?”

I snuggled into him, resting my cheek on his biceps as I let my own fingertips play along the intricate designs he’d tattooed there. “I knew there would be nothing like you, but I wasn’t prepared for how good it was going to be.”

Cockiness laced his words. “Good to hear, darlin’, because you’re about to have a whole lot more of me.” Then his lips were at my temple, his words seeping deep into my spirit. “You’re mine now, and I have every intention of making good on it.”

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