


I’d Do Anything

Amelia pov


I check my watch. Ten minutes until I meet Rogers.

Weeks have passed since I barely escaped getting caught masturbating in the restaurant bathroom. I had to do a bit of quick talking, but I’ve gotten out of tighter spots before when following a story.

Amanda is lying on the couch, reading. It’s a Saturday, which means Rogers and I will get to spend the whole afternoon together.

As I head for the door, my phone rings. It’s an unknown number. I grimace.

“Chuck it over.” Amanda catches the phone. We’ve developed a system for this.

“Hello? Hi, Raymond. No, Amelia isn’t here right now. Goodbye.”

Amanda hangs upon him in the middle of a sentence.

Thanks.” I take my phone back. “Who’s holding the current record?”

“Raymond, but only by two. Your mom is coming in a close second.” I roll my eyes.

Those two refuse to leave me alone.

“I need to go. I’m meeting Rogers.”

“Enjoy.” Amanda winks at me. She knows all about my fantasies about Rogers, but she never brings them up directly. That doesn’t stop her smirking at me, though.

I find I don’t mind. I can’t blame her for being amused, and she’s kind enough not to give me a hard time about it.

Today, I’m going to Rogers’s house. We’re going to get pizza and watch a movie. I’m hoping for some quality couch snuggling time with him.

He opens the door on the first knock. Lia! Hey. How are things going?”

About the same. Raymond just made one hundred earlier.”

Rogers grimaces in sympathy. “You sure you don’t want me to do something about it? I could send over a few of my friends. Trust me, after a conversation with them, Raymond would probably move continents to getaway

from you.”

I don’t know whether I should be laughing or if I should be scared.

I don’t want you arrested, Rogers. It’s fine. I’ll turn my phone on silent for now.”

The two of us flop down on his comfortable couch. “Actually, I was thinking of a more permeant solution, to both of them.”

“I’m not letting you kill Raymond and my mom!”

Rogers chuckles. “Not that permanent. See, I spoke to Amanda earlier.

Oh no. I think I know what’s coming.

She seems to think that you getting married will solve the problem with both of them. She specified that it has to be a guy you marry, which rules her out as a potential.”

“Ignore her,” I mutter. “I told you not to draw you into her schemes.”

Why would I do that? You need a fake marriage, and/here I am, single and available.”

Is he joking? I squint at him, trying to tell what’s going on in his head.

“I could never ask that of you, Rogers. It’s too much.”

“You’re not asking. I’m offering.”

Are you… are you serious?”

“Absolutely. I’d do anything for you, Amelia. You need them off your back, and I can help. It doesn’t have to be a big deal. I mean, you’d probably have to move in here to make it convincing, but I have a spare bedroom. I certainly won’t be complaining about being able to spend more time with you,”

I wouldn’t be complaining about that either.

If you’re really sure… then yes, I’d be grateful to you forever if you could help me with this.”

Excellent!” Rogers leaps up and hurries off, returning a few minutes later with a small box. He gets down on one knee.

If we’re going to do this, we should do it properly. Amelia Conner, will you marry me?

I know it’s fake, but the sight of him like that, staring up at me with such sincerity, suddenly sends a pang of grief through me. If only this was real.

Hold up, Lia You want to sleep with Rogers that much has been established – but you definitely do NOT want to marry him.

Get your head straight.

Yes.” It’s all I can get out as my turbulent thoughts tie my tongue. Rogers slips the ring. onto my finger. I stare down at it. The gold band wraps around three beautiful

diamonds, the middle one bigger than the ones on either side.

“How did you afford this? Rogers, I can’t have you taking out loans just to make this look real, it’s not fair to you.”

I didn’t take out a loan. Don’t worry, we’re good.”

I know that he can’t afford this on a web designer’s salary. This surely has something to do with the mysterious group he’s involved in. He could only have gotten the money from them.

If I move in here, I’ll get a better chance to find out what’s going on.

I wonder if the fake marriage will include real sex? Oh please, let it include that.

“Lia? What are you thinking? You’ve disappeared on me.”

I wrench myself back to the present, putting aside my other thoughts. The one that remains is the awed understanding of just how caring and protective Rogers is of me.

I never imagined he’d be willing to do this just so that I can get my family and Raymond to stop harassing me.

Before I can think about it, before I can even try to stop myself, I kiss him. I freeze with my lips against his, suddenly realizing what I’ve done. I wait for him to push me away.

He doesn’t. Instead, Rogers kisses me back. It’s like all of my dreams are coming true at once.

I kiss return the kiss with such enthusiasm that the two of us topple backward onto the couch. Rogers’s head rests against the arm of the couch as I straddle his chest.

I close my eyes as I live out my fantasies. I kiss Rogers deeply, exploring his mouth. It’s better than I ever could have imagined. He tastes of coffee and chocolate, and something else I can’t define that leaves me in mind of a deep forest gleaming under the light of a full moon.

I can feel his cock rising under me. I wriggle against it, and Luke’s hands go to my waist, moving me atop him.

He suddenly rolls us over, clearly trying to get on top, which sends us both tumbling off the couch and onto the floor. I land on top of his chest, but he swiftly rolls us over.

We should probably go to the bed, but the. the sight of him atop me pushes all other thoughts from my mind. Our lips join again in a kiss that leaves me both sated and

breathlessly wanting more.

Rogers starts undressing me. I eagerly assist him, stripping off my clothes before starting to work on his. I kick them aside, my hands reaching greedily for his bare flesh.

The muscles of his chest ripple under my fingers. His skin is lighter here than his face and arms, covered in a light layer of hair that tickles my palms.

Rogers pushes a knee between my legs, and I open them eagerly. He breaks away from our kiss, and I’m about to protest, but the words die in my mouth when he moves down so that his hot breath brushes against my thighs.

Oh. Why does that feel so good and he’s not even touching me yet?

Rogers starts pressing small kisses to my knees, working his way up to my thighs. By the time he’s nearing my pussy, I’m panting with desire, an undignified whining noise coming out of my mouth.

He uses his strong hands to grip my waist as he licks my pussy, slow and long, all the way up to my clit. I cry out and jerk as he reaches it, but his hands stop me from moving very far.

Rogers… I need…

He doesn’t respond to my words except to start licking my clit. I’ve imagined him doing this so many times, but somehow, even my overactive imagination never lived up to the reality of it.

His tongue feels like hot heaven on my clit. His fingers dig lightly into my hips, and his hair tickles my stomach. I feel myself falling into the headlong rush of an approaching orgasm.

I’m barely aware of the sounds I’m making as I get lost in the sensations.

Someone knocks on the door.

“Ignore them,” I gasp.From NôvelDrama.Org.

Rogers does just that, licking me steadily, drawing me ever closer.

They knock again. “Rogers, I know what you’re doing in there! Open the door, now.”

Rogers leaps away from me like he’s been burned. I see something on his face I haven’t seen in many years fear.

“Rogers, get back here,” I hiss.

Shh, quiet!”

Why does he sound so scared? What right does whoever it is at the door to tell him what to do in his own apartment?


Rogers grabs a blanket, throws it over me, and hurries to the door. In any other situation, I’d be indignant, but his fear has infected me, and I stay where I am.

T B. C

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