

(A Horrible Mistake)

Amelia pov

“You don’t have to lie to him, you know. So you have the hots for Rogers. Fine. It’s not like I’m going to tell him”

I’m torn between shame and relief. Of course, I don’t need to lie to Amanda. I know that. “Promise me you won’t say anything ?”

“Of course, I won’t.”

I don’t blame her for looking offended.

“Anyway, I’m off to bed. Enjoy.”She wriggles her eyebrows at me. I can’t help but laugh.

“I think I’m done for the night.”

Unsurprisingly, I have dreams of Rogers that night. They’re particularly vivid, enough to make me weak up breathless. With a guilt glance at my watch, I realize that I’m seeing him in a couple of hours.

I get ready for work without really paying attention. My focus has been somewhat lacking recently, but thankfully Roland hasn’t commented on it yet.

The whole morning, I’m watching the clock, waiting for lunch hour, when I’m grabbing something to eat with Rogers at the cafeteria next door. I’m working on a story about a local restaurant hiring undocumented workers, but my isn’t really in it.

As far as I’m concerned, those workers ain’t hurting anyone by being here- they’re contributing to the economy.

But Roland is my boss, and I have to do what he says. I get paid well, and I mostly like my job. Maybe someday I’ll make enough name for myself to freelance and have papers fighting over my article.

I snap myself out of my daydream as my phone pings. It’s a WhatsApp message I open it eagerly, expecting it’s from Rogers, as we text so much this day.

Instead, the name Matthew pops up.

It takes me a minute to remember who he is. Matthew works across the street from where Rogers lived up until recently.

I smoothed over an issue with his Landlord by promising him good press about his apartment block. In return, Matthew has been taking photos for me.

Matthew: I’ve got the pictures you asked for.

Amelia: Great you can send them here.Copyright by Nôv/elDrama.Org.

The pictures started coming in.

Most of them are boring photos of people going in and out of their apartment, but one catches my attention. It’s dark – early evening, probably -so it’s difficult to see, but I can get the gist of it.

The man I have identified as Dylan is working with five others to restrain someone. They look to be putting up a mighty struggle. In the background, someone is running forward with a harmful chain.

I zoom the picture.

It’s a young guy, barely out of his teens. My heart started beating faster. If these guys are kidnapping people, then it’s gone beyond personal investigation. I need to call the police.

Something stops me. Maybe I should talk to Rogers first

It’s one thing figuring out his secret for myself, but potentially outing him to the police? I’d better be sure.

The phone rings again.

Matthew:Is that it? Is there anything else you need?

Amelia: No that’s great, thanks. You haven’t told anyone else, have you?

Matthew: Nope whenever kinky shit they are doing, it’s none of my business.

I hope it’s something innocent. I consider asking him to try to get a look inside, but I decided that it’s too risky. Dylan has already threatened me, though I haven’t heard anything else from him since I talked to Rogers about it. I don’t want Matthew to get hurt.

I’m so engrossed in my thoughts that I realize I’ve been forgetting to watch the clock. It’s two minutes into my lunch break. I hurried to the cafeteria. Rogers was there waiting for me.

“Hey, Lia. How are you doing?”

I decided to get straight to the point. “There’s something bothering me.”

“What’s wrong? Anything I can do ?”

“Well actually, yes. I was hoping you could explain this to me. I hand over my phone to him, with the photos in question open.

Rogers looks at it for a long time. “Where did you get this?” he asked quietly.

“Does it matter? I don’t know what kind of group this is, or what kind of stuff they’re into, All I do know is it’s a fraction of the same group you’re part of now. I saw the chains at your current place.”

His face darkens in anger. “You’ve been spying on me?”

Well, you won’t talk to me, so I don’t really know what else I was supposed to do. “ I reach for Rogers’s hands, but he pulls them back before I could touch him. “I want to help you, Rogers. Whatever you are going through, you don’t need to do it alone. Please, just talk to me.”

“You don’t know what you’re asking. I can’t, Amelia.”

“Then at least tell me it’s consensual. Because that photo doesn’t look like it. I don’t want to have to go to the police, Rogers, but I will if someone is in danger.”

“It’s consensual,” he says shortly. Rogers stands up. “I have to go ”

“No- Rogers, wait. Don’t be mad. You’d do the same thing if you thought I was hiding something from you.”

“And I’d be wrong! You need to learn how to, back off, Amelia.” Rogers leaps up and rushes outside.

Having Dylan’s words – back off – thrown back at me leaves me shaken. I can’t even remember the last time Rogers was angry with me. It hurts, even though I know it’s not entirely undeserved.

I would be one thing if I knew he didn’t want me to be involved in this, but I can see it in his eyes on the few occasions we approach the subject that he’s hurting, keeping all this all in.

He wants me to know, I’m sure of it. I will find out, for Rogers as wee as myself.

Still, the hurt burns, and I find myself in want of comfort

I pay and leave, driving on autopilot.

It’s only when I’m at the end of the road that I find myself in my distraction k hasn’t driven to Amanda’s house, I’ve driven to Raymond’s.

I hesitate, but a car behind me honks. I jump slightly and start moving again, pulling into the driveway.

What can it hurt?

It’s just a harmless distraction, to get my mind off Rogers. It’s not like I don’t find Raymond attractive.

He answered on the third knock. Raymond’s face is the picture of surprise. Amelia! It good to see -..”

I didn’t give him the chance to take.

I didn’t want to talk. What I want is destruction, and I know Raymond will give it to me.

I stepped forward and kiss him. Raymond makes a noise of surprise, but recovers quickly, wrapping his arms around me as he returns to kiss me.

It’s been weeks since I had sex. The dildo just isn’t doing it, even with the fantasies of Rogers. I need the real thing.

I back Raymond to the couch. His father pulled my clothes. I lift my clothes. I lifted my arms, letting him take off my top, and then my bra. My pussy is already throbbing in anticipation.

I closed my eyes as I kissed him, imagining it was Rogers. The thought has me toasting up things fast, unfastening Raymond’s belt and pulling his pants down his knees. I lie back on the couch, fingering my clit. Oh yes, this is what I need.

I’m already wet and ready. Raymond moves down and started sucking my nipples. His tongue stick and hot against mine, and it makes me wild with desire.

“ I need you inside me ”

“Yeah? How badly do you need me?”

“Very badly.”

“Then beg for it”

I hate it when Raymond does that- when he forces me to beg. I’ve asked him not to do it, but he insists it turns him on, and I should just get used to it. Right now, I need to come so badly to argue.

“Please, Ray. Take me.”

“As you wish ”

He pushed inside me, hard and fast. I draw in a ragged breath as I thrust my hips up to meet him. I clasp his ass, pulling urging him to go deeper.

“Yes, just like that, ”I breathe.“Fuck me harder ”

I cry out, arching, my hands tight on Rogers – I mean Raymond’s -ass. My eyes are still closed, and I can see Rogers in my mind’s eye. When he leans forward to lick my nipples again, I pant raggedly.

“Wait. This way.” I scrambled around so that I’m on my hands and knees. It’s an awkward position on the couch, but I don’t care. I just need to come, and this is the quickest way to get me there.

He changed the angle slightly, hitting me in just the right spot.

“Yes, Rogers, yes!”

Rogers stop. No, not Rogers. Raymond. And I just cried out Rogers’s name.

Shit. I can’t see Raymond, but I can feel him pull out of me.

I’m fucked, and not in a pleasant way.

T. B. C

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