Yours, Never Again

Chapter 3

Eloise’s pov


“I want to move out sir.” I blurted out.

“What! Eloise, where is this coming from?” He inquired as he stood up from where he was sitting and held my hands. “Is anything wrong?” He looked into my eyes this time. Shit, I have to lie again.

“Uh, Dad, I just want to live on my own, taste independence you know. I’m 21 already, even Tory and Emmanuel already have their apartments in town.”

“Eloise I don’t think you should…”

“No Dad, you can’t refuse this. Well, you can unless you want me out of your sight,” I cut in, to drop a threat to see if he would buy it.

“What you do mean out of my sight?” He ask quietly maintaining his composure, he released my hands. I’m glad he bought my threat.

“I can just move out, to someplace you don’t know Dad.”

“You wouldn’t do that Eloise, would you? With what money?” He sat on the table in front of me.” I don’t want to dad. See, I have been working dad, I got a writing Job at The Hills magazine in my Freshman year. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you but take a look at this.” I showed him my bank statement. “This is what I earned so far. ”

“My baby, I’m so proud of you,” He stood up to hug me. “Daddy doesn’t want you to move out yet but since that’s what you what I have no choice,”

I grinned at him. ” I want to move out tonight, sir.”

“Eloise, tonight? He screamed.

“Yes sir, I’m sorry this is so sudden dad,” I hugged him and tears flowed down my eyes. I didn’t want to move out but if I didn’t, either Rose or I would be dead. One of us would kill the other and that would hurt him more. “I will stay at your other apartment. I would even be closer to you that way since it’s nearer to your office. You could drop by sometimes.”

He released himself from my grip. “Go get your things,” He said quietly, I could see he was trying hard not to yell at me again.

I went back to my room to get my things quickly then I rushed back to him. My Dad took to me to his apartment as we discussed. He didn’t say anything to me throughout our ride, he came inside to help me sort some things and he left.NôvelDrama.Org: owner of this content.


I busied myself with work, my boss told me to fill in for someone. I love writing but trust me, I don’t like overworking. It kills my esprit de corps. I have to turn in articles for two columns tomorrow, Damn. Since my boss pays me well I don’t necessarily resent her for overworking me. The doorbell just rang, my guys are back. Yay!! I stood up to open the door.

“It’s so obvious you just started living alone, you didn’t even check to see who it was,” Tory complained. I collected the paper bags that contained our food from her. Emmanuel entered and then he closed the door.

“I’m sorry mom,” I giggled. ” I will be sure to check next time.” I brought out a pack of the food and started munching.

“Slow down, Buddy.” Emmanuel urged me.

“Sorry, Bud. I can’t help it.” I managed to say with my mouth full.

“I’m so jealous of you. Not everyone gets to be busty like you and your flat stomach too.” Tory cried and we all laughed. That is Tory’s usual line when we eat together. If she eats up to half of what I consume, she would have to go to the gym to lose excess fat.

I cleaned my mouth with the paper napkin that came with the food. “I wish I was girly and curvy like you. Girl, even the wannabe bitches in our class don’t get one-third of the gifts you receive from boys.” Sometimes I get jealous of Tory, she is curvy and all. Guys always come for her.

“I thought you said you didn’t care about getting gifts from guys,” Emmanuel smirked.

“When did I say that?” I fired at him, I probably did say that.

“She’s a girl after all. These tomboys be acting all hard but they are softies right here.” She poked my chest, the side where my heart was.

“I’m not a softie. I want to go grocery shopping, my fridge is empty.” I stood up to clear where we ate.

“Can I drive this time? Pretty please,” Tory ask Emmanuel giving him her usual puppy eyes look knowing he would agree.

“Yes, I have to go to the boys so I will just take a taxi. Today’s games night. You girls should call me when you get from the grocery store.”

“Okay.” Tory and I chorused.

“Bye.” Emmanuel waved as he opened the door, and we also waved back at him. I got my writing pad and pen from my room to write the list of things I needed, Tory laid the couch.

When I finished with my list, Tory and I left for a nearby store. “I get that you are shopping for new stuff for your place but is this not too much?” Tory lamented. “My legs hurt already.”

“I’m sorry babes, we are almost finished, let me push the cart instead.” I collected the cart from her then we headed to the wine section.

“Eloise, sup?” That was David. It’s funny how I keep running into him.

“Hi David,” I hugged him. “Meet my best friend, Tory. Tory, this is David the old friend I ran into the last time we met at the library.”

“Oh, Nice to meet you.” She stretched her hand to shake him.

“It’s my pleasure.” He reached for her hand to shake her.

“That’s quite a lot of wine,” I said after I noticed the amount of wine in his shopping cart.

“Uh, It’s for the party I am hosting on Friday night.”

“Oh, must be nice.” I put the wine I already picked into my shopping cart.

“Yeah. Hey, if you and your friends are free on Friday night, you should come to my party. I will send the address to you. Bye,” He smiled as he left.

“El, that boy is a fucking ten. Wow.” Tory complimented. “Naturally, I want him but I could see how you were blushing when you were talking to him.”

“I wasn’t blushing. ” I yelled and wheeled our cart to the cashier’s place.

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