Zero and Beauty's Breath (A Satan Sniper's Motorcycle Club Series Book 3 - 4)

Chapter 26 (Beggar)

Chapter 26 (Beggar)

Killer told me last week when he joined me on the rooftop that he and I are just the same. Two fucked

up people who don't feel the hollowness of the kill but even fucked up soulless people deserve

someone who warms their bed.

I smiled that day for the first time and it was the first real smile I had in a very long time. Since then I

admittedly smile a lot.

“Mercy said she wants my first lesson,” I tell Spade.

“You bet your damn ass I am having it,” Mercy comes around and drops the two yogurts on my jean-

covered lap with a teaspoon. I go for the caramel first as Mercy joins Spade and me, putting her ass

right between him and me.

Her red hair brushing my arms.

I smile as I pull the silver wrapping off my yogurt and stick my teaspoon in. The first bite always makes

my mouth tingle.

“Zero is down at the barn and Quinn is at work, now is your chance,” Mercy says.

“Yeah chicka you better go, once Falon comes back, you gonna have two women who want your man,”

Whisp's voice comes from behind me.

She and I have become better. She isn't looking at me as if she wants to gut my eyes out.

Guess getting Jade and Falon back earned me respect in her eyes.

“He ain't my man,” I gripe in my fucked up voice, knowing it for the lie I want it to be.

“That's it, we are getting your ass dressed and you are going to talk to that man, once and for all, the

worst thing that could happen is he rejects you,” Mercy says and grabs a hold of me, lifting me up.

“Make sure she wears something tight, those baggies are a boner killer,” Spade steals my chocolate

yogurt as he says that and I glare at him. This material belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

Mercy kicks him in the legs, “Shut up dick face.” Yeah, that is Mercy for you.

“I don't want to talk to him right now,” I tell Mercy as she begins to pull me away, toward the stairs.

“If you don't talk to that man, I'm going to pull my eyes out, and River ain't gonna be thrilled when I can't

watch him get his ass kicked by Jo,” Hannah warns me, and I spot her sitting on a small chair on the

side of the lounge reading a book.

“That kid is a badass. Can't believe she shot that duck we ate a few nights back,” Mercy yells.

“WHAT?!” Hannah's voice screeches.

“Shit stirrer,” Spade screams as Mercy starts making a fast exit.

“Let's move bitch,” Mercy says already on the steps.

I don't need to be told twice when Hannah screams River's name. The two of them can have a

screaming match when it comes to Jo.

Most of the time River tells Hannah to stop bitching and relax.

Other times she tells him not to test her and stop spoiling Jo. He never listens. He is the President of a

house full of bikers.

If she thinks he's gonna change his mind she's crazy. River doesn't seem like a man who is going to

listen to his woman unless it is where she wants to fuck.

Once we reach upstairs I go to Mercy's bedroom. It used to be Zero's but he took the only one that is

on the training floor. We both startle when Hannah, Whisp, Jade, Venus, and Spade who is now eating

a big party packet of Dorito's walk-in.

“Let me know once River gets home,” Hannah says to all of us in the room and myself included ignores

her request.

None of us want the two of them arguing then fucking 'till all hours of the morning while one of us

explains to Jo why she has to go home without her mother and River.

The kid ain't stupid and not that she minds us looking after her. She just seems very possessive of

River. I know it comes from not having a dad.

I would feel the same if I was her.

I look around the room that is now decorated in lime and turquoise. From the curtains to the cushions

sitting in the center of the double bed. The same bed I once slept in. I know it is the same one 'cause of

the black writing on the base.

Killer's nephew, Aron wrote his name there. He insisted he was marking his territory. The memory

makes me smile and brings a lightness to my mood.

The women move in the small space as Mercy starts ordering them around, telling one to get a hair

iron, and somebody else to grab make-up, while she and Hannah start pulling out outfits from the white


I sit on the bed next to Spade and share his chips, enjoying the show. There is something nice about


It's an hour later when I am ready. I didn't want the others besides Mercy to see my body so I changed

in the bathroom.

My long hair is plaited to the side in a French braid. I have on a white shirt, that is opened, with a gray

vest that covers my neck right to the top.

But my shorts, these things feel uncomfortable even though they're loose. Venus says it makes my ass

look amazing when I voiced my opinion.

I think it just makes me look like a hooker, but I don't say that to the women. They are all smiling and

chuffed with themselves. Wouldn't want to dampen their mood.

Whisp hands me a pair of brown cowboy boots and a pair of socks.

“Wear these, in case he decides to fuck you on the tool table, it'll look hot.”

I look at her outfit, knee-length shorts and a blue vest, which is tame compared to the clothes I first saw

her in at Lazers.

She is different recently, I notice she also never strays too far from Texas.

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