Becoming strangers again (Lily and Ryan)

Chapter 68

Chapter 68

Chapter 68 Pulling over at the hotel I had reserved prior to the trip. I took a long, sootlung shower to wash away the stress of travel. Afterward, 1 indulged in a quiet dinner, savoring each bite as I musilled over the events that had led me to this point. Once I was settled in my room, I pulled out my plone, intending to simply browse aimlessly to distract myself from the weight of my tanglin However, fate seried to live other plans, as I somehow found myself on Jake’s social meilia account.. Overtime. Had never looked deep into luis account Sure, I knew his handle and had skinned through his posts and pictures a few times, hou Had never really examined it in an investigative manner. But now, Laced with the possibility that he had been lying to me about his past, I lega scrolling through his profile, scrutinizing each post and photo with scrutiny I kept scrolling until I got to the first post that was made in his account which was just a year old. It was at was at that point that I realized the account was only created a year ago, which means there is a possibility that he created the account just to make me believe the fact that he is truly Jake Willows Sighing. I dropped the phone screen down on the bed, covered my body with a chavet and went to sleep, hoping that I will get the information about Jake Willows tomboLTOW, The next day, I got dressed in black suit, complimenting g it with a white shirt. I booked a taxi which drove me down to the university. Before Τ schedulest visit, I managed to establish contact with art individual within the university administration who was well–versed in the language of transactions. After some negotiation, be agreed to assist me in accessing the records, despite the dubious nature of my repiest, in exchange for a handsome monetary reward. It was a precarious arrangement, considering my lack of affiliation with the Upon arrival at the university, I settled the fare with the taxi driver and made my way onto the campus grounds. There, I was met by the man I had arranged to meet, and together, we proceeded to his office As he inserted a flash drive into his laptop, he inquired about the purpose behind my request. “Why do you need access to the reconly? he queries “I simply wish to verify whether a friend of mine indeed attended dis institution replied, concealing the true extent of my motives Mr. Landon swiveled the laptop towards me, his tone grave. “Under no circumstances can anyone discover our collaboration,” he cautionril, his eyes piercing with seriousness. “Il wood of this gets out. I’ll deny any involvement, even if it means

disavowing knowledge of you, ma’am. And should you face legal repercussions, I’ll never acknowledge this meeting Ignoring his warning. I focused on the task at hand, typing “Jack Willow” into the search bar. A picture of Jack Willow materialized on the screen, but it wasn’t the Jack that I know. “May I obtain a copy of this?” Laskeel. Mr. Landon cleared his throat uncomfortably. That would require additional compensation. Lifting my head defuntly, I met his gaze. “Why should I pay extra for a document I’ve already paid handsomely for? Releasing the mouse, Holded my hands and stared him down. “You’ll provide me with this hle without any extra cost,” “And if I refuse?” he challenged. With a chuckle that echoed lightly in the ulice, I maintained a deliberate pace, blinking slowly at the man before me. “My offer of payment stemmed from a moment of generosity, but if you harbor doulas regarding my capacity to secure this file without your assistance, perhaps invoking the name of Ryan Williams will sway your convictions?” His eyes, now narrowed with skepticism, betrayed a reluctance to entertain my chims. “Are you suggesting that you possess connections. to someone as formidable as Ryan Williams?” Undeterred by his doubt, I maintamed a calm demeanor, ready to luck my words with action. “Would you like me to make a call to confirm?” I proposed, the hint of a challenge lacing my words, After a brief pause, during which the tension in the room seemed to thicken, he exhaled heavily, his resolve visibly waning. “Very well, you may have access to the file.” With practiced efficiency, I inserted my flash drive into the port, initiating the process of copying the coveted document. “Do you know any information regarding the whereabouts of Jake Willows family?” I inquired. His response was measured, revealing a hint of reluctance. “They are known to reside in the vicinity behind the central hospital.” Chapter 68 Rising to my feet, I retrieved my purse, expressing gratitude for his time and cooperation. “Thank you for your assistance.” I acknowledged. His smile was warm as he responded, “It was a pleasure doing business with you, ma’am. Should you find yourself in similar predicaments in the future, feel free to reach out to me.” “I certainly hope such situations do not arise,” I replied, a note of weariness creeping into my tone. The thought of sacrificing precious time with my children to pursue investigations was unsettling. Thank you again for your assistance” Though he offered to escort me out of the university, I politely declined, opting to make my exit alone. Stepping out into the crisp air, I hailed another taxi and instructed the driver to take me to the central hospital. As the cityscape

blurred past the window, I thought about the penalty for impersonation. Considering reporting Jake Willows for his deception is understandable given the extent of his deceit, but it’s important to weigh the consequences and consider alternative courses of action before proceeding. Confronting him directly or seeking closure through other means may also be viable options. Arriving at the hospital, I found myself contemplating the potential repercussions of reporting Jake Willows. While a part of me yearned for retribution for his deception and disregard for my trust, I couldn’t shake the nagging uncertainty of the situation. Arriving at the hospital, I found the drive shorter than expected. Stepping out of the taxi, I walked through the bustling surroundings to locate the Willow family’s residence. Engaging with locals, 1 gathered information until I eventually pinpointed their house. response that awaited me. The door swung open, revealing an Ascending the porch steps, I rang the doorbell, steeling myself for the res elderly woman whose resemblance to Jake Willows was unmistakable Offering her a warm smile, I greeted her respectfully. “Good day, ma’am. She regarded me with a hint of wariness, her gaze scrutinizing “Good day. How can I help you?” she responded cautiously “Are you Ms. Willows!” I inquired, and she nodded, albeit with a hint of skepticism. “I was a friend of Jake’s back in college, but I had to move to Canada” At the mention of her son’s name, her expression darkened, and she frowned. “And she prompted, her tone guarded. “Would it be possible for me to come in!” I pressed gently, Eyeing me skeptically, she hesitated before relenting and opening the door wider. Stepping into the living room. I waited until she gestured for me to take a seat. “If you don’t mind my asking what happened to Jake? I’ve been trying to reach him for quite some time, I inquired Her face clouded with sorrow as she delivered the devastating new

s. “Jake is no longer with us,” she revealed, her voice tinged with sadness. “He passed away shortly after his graduation in a motorcycle accidentTM A sad chuckle escaped her lips as she blinked backTêxt belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

tears. “Whenever I encounter people claiming to be his classmates, I can’t help but wonder what he might have become, she mused, her voice heavy with grief and nostalgia Reaching out, I gently clasped her hand in mine, offering a gesture of comfort. Tm truly sorry to hear about your loss,” I murmured softly. The mere thought of losing one of my own sons sent a shiver down my spine. “If it’s not too much to ask, could you show me where he was laid to rest?” I requested, my voice filled with empathy. She nodded silently. “It’s just a few minutes walk from here,” she replied, her tone heavy with sorrow Together, we made our way to the gravesite. Standing before the marker, I gazed down at the final resting place of the young man whom Jake had impersonated. “I’m deeply sorry that someone felt the need to assume your identity,” I offered, a pang of guilt tugging at my conscience. “While I can’t fathom his reasons for such deception, I will ensure he faces the consequences” As the woman avened her gaze, I discreetly snapped a photograph of the gravestone. Returning to her apartment, I penned a check, a small token of remorse and support. “I know this won’t bring your son hack,” I acknowledged, handing her the check, “but I hope it can offer some assistance to you and your family during this difficult time.” Shocked by the unexpected gesture of generosity, she stepped forward and enveloped me in a heartfelt hug. Thank you,” she whispered, her voice trembling with emotion. Deciding against returning to the hotel just yet, I opted to unwind with a drink at a nearby cafe. Lost in contemplation, I found myself joined by a random young lady at my table. We exchanged greetings before returning our attention to our respective phones, respecting Ħ SEND GIFT Chapter 68 each other’s privacy. As I pondered the evidence I had gathered, I found myself in a state of dilemma. Was sending him to jail the right course of action! Perhaps I owed it to myself to uncover the reasons behind his deception before making a final decision. Raising my head. I directed my gaze towards the young lady seated across from me. Imagine discovering that someone you’ve been in a year–long relationship with has been lying to you about everything, including their job and their name,” I asked, seeking her perspective. Her eyes widened in response, shock evident in ber expression. “If you were in were in my shoes, what would you do, especially considering I have evidence that he’s been impersonating someone?” I inquired, seeking her advice. “I think you should confront him,” she replied without hesitation. I wrinkled my nose in contemplation. “You really think so?” She nodded emphatically. “Yes,

absolutely. You deserve to hear his side of the story” I couldn’t help but wonder what kind of excuse or explanation he would offer.

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