Becoming strangers again (Lily and Ryan)

Chapter 69

Chapter 69

Chapter 69 RYAN As Lily had been gone for three days, I grew increasingly anxious. I’d tried calling her countless times, each attempt met with the frustrating sound of an unanswered phone Panic began to gnaw at the edges of my mind, imagining all sorts of temible scenarios. Had she been in an accident? Was she okay? Finally, that night, just as I was about to call the authorities, my phone lit up with her name on the screen and she spoke with the boys Liam ever the stickler for rules, immediately launched into a tirade about my lack of skill in their favorite video game. That’s not how it’s done, Dad?” he yelled, frustration evident in his voice. You’re supposed to move it towards Ethan, not away from him. I told you this already Suppressing a laugh at his serious expression. I nodded earnestly. “You’re night, buddy Daddy’s just getting old, you know? It’s getting harder to keep up with you young whippersnappers” With a dramatic sigh. I corrected my mistake in the game, moving the ball to the correct line. There you go, Liam Happy now! He rolled his eyes, but a small smile tugged at the corners of his lips. “Yeah, much better. But serioudy, Dad, you need to practice more.” As Ethan defily moved the ball to Noah, who in turn passed it to Liam, the game flowed smoothly. I found myself gradually getting the hang of it. thanks to their patient explanations and encouragement. We played for hours, the competitive spirit driving us to keep going until exhaustion finally set in for the boys, and they trudged off to their room for the evening. Once I was certain they were tucked in and sound asleep. I made my way to the mind bar feeling a mix of exhaustion and anticipation. As I poured myself a drink, my mind wandered back to Lily. She had promised to return today, but I still hadn’t heard from her since her brief FaceTime call. The worry that had been gnawing at me all day resurfaced, threatening to consume me once again. Taking a sip of my drink, 1 reached for my phone, fingers trembling slightly as I dialed her number for what felt like the hundredth time. Still, there was no answer, and a sinking feeling settled in the pit of my stomach Just as I was about to give in to panic, the front door swung open abruptly, and Angelo, strode in Without a word, he joined me at the bar, pouring himself a drink with practiced ease. He settled into the seat next to me, his eyes fixating o on me intently. “Are you alright” he inquired, concem evident in his voice 1 let out a heavy sigh, my gaze dropping to the contents of my glass, Lily and Jake. they re no longer together. I divulged to him. A small smile played at the corners of

his lips. “Isn’t that a positive development?‘ he questioned gently. Why the long face!” I took a moment before responding gathering my thoughts T. I confessed to Lily about Jake’s deceit. I confessed. His expression turned serious, a frown forming on his face. Since then, she’s been completely unreachable ” He took a slow sip of his drink, contemplating my words. Perhaps it wasn’t the right time to reveal everything” he mused, leaning in closer and crossing his legs. “I understand it’s dißßrult to hear, but I believe Lily genuinely cared for him Leaming the truth like this will undoubtedly devastate her, and she’ll need ample time to process and heal.” That guy never deserved her, I muttered under my breath, frustration evadent in my tone. “It’s actually a good thing that they’ve decided to part ways, in this manner, you can finally breathe a sigh of relief without constantly fretting over him, he commented “I don’t believe this is the end of it,” I murmured, a slight frown creasing my brow as a persistent notion gnawed away at me. “I just have this persistent feeling that once Lily fully comprehends the extent of his deception, she’ll be compelled to go after him.” Angelo’s eyebrows shot up in surprise, his expression reflecting a blend of incredulity and apprehension “Do you genuinely think she’s capable of mustering the courage to go after him?” “Do you have any inkling of what it feels like to endure betrayal twice from someone you held dear!” I posed the question to him, a somber undertone coloring my voice. “I can’t shake this unnerving sensation that shell tap into the lingering resentment from my past behavior and channel it into seeking retribution against him.” “Damn,” he murmured softly under his breath, his eyes widening with a sudden realization. He drained his glass and hurried off to refill it, the ice cubes clinking against the sides. “Maybe it’s time you had a heart–to–hear with her, he suggested upon his return, his voice tinged with concem. “Encourage her not to pursue him any further, and if he persists, make it clear that you’ll step in and handle the Chapter 69 situation on her behalf. I rolled my eyes inwardly at the suggestion, knowing all too well how stubborn Lily could be. My phone buzzed loudly against the countertop, drawing my attention away from our conversation. With a quick glance, I saw Lily’s name flashing on the screen. A grin spread across my face at the sight of her message, but before I could respond, Angelo leaned in to peer over my shoulder. “What’s got you smiling like that?” he asked, his curiosity piqued. I pushed him away. I opened Lily’s message and read the simple question: “WHAT IS YOUR EVENING LIKE A puzzled expression crossed my face as 1

remembered she had used the same line before leaving the kids with me and disappearing the last time. Tm here for you whenever you need me, Lily. What’s on your mind?” I swiftly replied, eager to offer my support. “Get dressed and meet me. her message came through, prompting me to act quickly. I stood up from the stool and drained the last drop before heading upstairs for a speedy shower. The water cascaded over me, refreshing and invigorating as I washed away the day’s worries. Dressed in record time, I made sure to inform the nanny to keep an eye on the boys before rushing out the door and driving straight to Lily’s house. Upon arrival. I found Lily waiting outside her gate, her Lamborghini parked nearby, gleaming under the streetlights. Stepping out of my car. I approached her, my curiosity piqued by the sight of the luxury vehicle. “What’s going on?” 1 inquired, sensing there was more to the situation than met the eye. “I’m returning the car,” she stated with determination. “I need you to come with me to Jake’s place so I can hand it back to him. I don’t trust him not to try anything foolish or reckless,” she explained. I scrutinized her closely, my mind buzzing with questions. “Why are you returning the car?” I asked, unable to hide my confusion and curiosity. Where had she been all this time, and what was she up to? She shot me an incredulous look. “Are you seriously asking me why I’m returning a car that wasn’t even paid

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for? she countered, shaking her head in disbelief before unlocking the car. Just drive behind me she instructed firmly. I watched as she slid into the driver’s seat and started the engine, my own car following silently behind until we reached Jake’s residence. As she stepped out of the car and leaned against it, I mirrored her actions, leaning against the bonnet of my own vehicle. “Do you need me to do anything?” I asked quietly, eager to assist however I could. She shook her head, a determined expression on her face. “Let me handle the talking,” she said firmly. I nodded in

understanding “T only brought you along to keep him in check, she added, her voice tinged with urgency. Once again, I nodded, ready to follow her lead “Please, don’t say or do anything unless it’s absolutely necessary” “You can count on me, Lily, I assured her, ready to support her in whatever way she needed. A few moments later, the elevator doors opened, and Jake strolled out, his attention immediately drawn to Lily. “Apologies for the delay. I was just wrapping up- His words trailed off as he caught sight of me leaning casually against the hood of my car. “What’s happening here, Lily?” he demanded, his tone laced with irritation “And why is he with you?” Lily’s gaze remained steady as she met Jake’s questioning stare. I brought him along to ensure history doesn’t repeat itself,” she responded calmly, reaching out her hand towards him. Tve come to return the car“ Jake’s brows furrowed deeply. “What in the world are you talking about? That car was a token of my affection for you, Lily. Why would you want to give it back?” “Because I’ve decided I no longer want it,” Lily retorted, her tone firm with resolve. “There’s no point in holding onto such an extravagant gift when our relationship has come to an end.” As Jake took two menacing steps toward Lily, I instinctively rose to my feet, clearing my throat to draw his attention. He spun around, his glare aimed squarely at me, but I stood my ground, unfazed by his anger. “You can say whatever you need to from there. But don’t take another step, I warned firmly. He scoffed, his frustration evident as he licked his lips angrily “So you’re really ending things with me? Because of him?” he spat out, his voice dripping with resentment. “I still don’t understand, Lily! You cheated, and you’re still walking away! I could sue you for putting me through emotional hell” Lily’s jaw clenched with suppressed fury. “You’re delusional if you think you’re the only one who’s suffered emotional pain and torment,” she retorted her voice laced with disdain “You can’t just leave me, Lily! You can’t abandon me!” he shouted, desperation creeping into his tone Chapter 60 For a moment, Lily simply stared at him, her expression unreadable. Then, with a shake of her head, she turned and began walking towards my car Jake made a grab for her hand, but before he could reach her, I closed the distance between us and firmly seized his hand. “Don’t you dare,” I growled, shoving him away to protect Lily from his p grasp Lily slid into my car and slammed the door shut, signaling the finality of her decision. I turned to face Jake, my expression firm and unwavering “You heard her. It’s over,” I stated firmly. Under no circumstances should you linger around her. If you dare to try

anything. I’ll show you a side of me you never want to see “I don’t fear you, Ryan!” Jake retorted defiantly. “Then you’re making a grave mistake, Jake. Underestimating me will be your downfall.” I warned, my voice tinged with steel 色All content © N/.ôvel/Dr/ama.Org.

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