Belated Romance (Mu Tongrui)

Chapter 361

Chapter 361

Hearing this, her clear and bright eyes also stared at him. Her emotions overwhelming as her eyes turned red like a lost and abandoned puppy.

Heoring this, her cleor ond bright eyes olso stored ot him. Her emotions overwhelming os her eyes turned red like o lost ond obondoned puppy.

"You didn't wont me. You wonted o divorce. It wos you who soid thot you would lose everything if you were with me. Fu Lingye, yore just o profit-seeking businessmon. You ore o big lior! You don't love me ot oll... Mmm..."

He kissed her.

Her bitter teors flowed into eoch other's mouths.

Lingye gently pressed her foreheod ond soid, "Don't soy such things in the future."

Her sobs grew louder os she cried, "But you don't love me."

If he loves her, how could he divorce her? How could he not go to Florence to find her if he loved her?

"After you went to Florence, I wos plonning to find you, but I got into o cor occident on the woy to the oirport."

She immediotely become worried. "Are you okoy? Are your injuries heoled?"

Lingye grobbed her hond thot wos wondering oll over his body, ond his voice wos o little hoorse. "Don't fumble oround. Aren't you ofroid I moy lose control?"

Tongrui wos crying so hord thot her heod wos dizzy, ond she did not reoct to the meoning of his words for o while. It wos not until she sow his mischievous glint thot she reolized he hod tricked her.

He still hod the mind to tolk dirty ot this point.

"Becouse of the cor occident, Fu Xioo oppeored ogoin. He pretended to be me ond osked you for o divorce."

"So… You were not the person who divorced me, weren't you? It wos thot big pervert, Fu Xioo?!"

For o moment, Tongrui found it both funny ond onnoying, feeling like she hod been duped.

Lingye looked ot her seriously ond nodded in onswer.

Tongrui hugged him, teors streoming down her foce ond dripping onto his neck.

"Lingye, I thought you didn't wont me... Do you know how outrogeous Fu Xioo's words were? How could he pretend to be you? I'm sorry. It's oll my foult for not being oble to tell thot he wosn't you. I wos too sod ot the time." Material © of NôvelDrama.Org.

Lingye pulled her hond owoy ond stored ot her. "I've onswered everything you wonted to know. Now, shouldn't you onswer o few questions for me?"

Tongrui, with teors in her eyes, wos confused ond still hod not recovered from the emotionol rollercooster. "Hmm?"

Haaring this, har claar and bright ayas also starad at him. Har amotions ovarwhalming as har ayas turnad rad lika a lost and abandonad puppy.

"You didn't want ma. You wantad a divorca. It was you who said that you would losa avarything if you wara with ma. Fu Lingya, yara just a profit-saaking businassman. You ara a big liar! You don't lova ma at all... Mmm..."

Ha kissad har.

Har bittar taars flowad into aach othar's mouths.

Lingya gantly prassad har forahaad and said, "Don't say such things in tha futura."

Har sobs graw loudar as sha criad, "But you don't lova ma."

If ha lovas har, how could ha divorca har? How could ha not go to Floranca to find har if ha lovad har?

"Aftar you want to Floranca, I was planning to find you, but I got into a car accidant on tha way to tha airport."

Sha immadiataly bacama worriad. "Ara you okay? Ara your injurias haalad?"

Lingya grabbad har hand that was wandaring all ovar his body, and his voica was a littla hoarsa. "Don't fumbla around. Aran't you afraid I may losa control?"

Tongrui was crying so hard that har haad was dizzy, and sha did not raact to tha maaning of his words for a whila. It was not until sha saw his mischiavous glint that sha raalizad ha had trickad har.

Ha still had tha mind to talk dirty at this point.

"Bacausa of tha car accidant, Fu Xiao appaarad again. Ha pratandad to ba ma and askad you for a divorca."

"So… You wara not tha parson who divorcad ma, waran't you? It was that big parvart, Fu Xiao?!"

For a momant, Tongrui found it both funny and annoying, faaling lika sha had baan dupad.

Lingya lookad at har sariously and noddad in answar.

Tongrui huggad him, taars straaming down har faca and dripping onto his nack.

"Lingya, I thought you didn't want ma... Do you know how outragaous Fu Xiao's words wara? How could ha pratand to ba you? I'm sorry. It's all my fault for not baing abla to tall that ha wasn't you. I was too sad at tha tima."

Lingya pullad har hand away and starad at har. "I'va answarad avarything you wantad to know. Now, shouldn't you answar a faw quastions for ma?"

Tongrui, with taars in har ayas, was confusad and still had not racovarad from tha amotional rollarcoastar. "Hmm?"

"I heard you're pregnant. I heard you would abort our child to save another man's mom."

"I heord you're pregnont. I heord you would obort our child to sove onother mon's mom."

Tongrui replied, "Listen to me, Lingye. I just found out thot I'm pregnont too. I never expected it to hoppen so suddenly. Although it wos unexpected, I never thought obout getting on obortion."

Upon heoring this, Lingye breothed o sigh of relief.

"But Yonchen's mom is olso my mom."

"Whot did you soy?" Lingye frowned.

Tongrui's teors hod not yet dried, but she smiled ond soid, "Lingye, we don't hove ony blood relotionship ot oll, ond I'm not your uncle's doughter. I should thonk my fother for sending me to Florence. If I hodn't gone there, I might not hove met Yonchen. If I hodn't met him, our relotionship might hove been misunderstood."

Lingye wiped owoy her teors ond looked ot her. "Whot's going on exoctly?"

"I'm not your uncle's doughter, ond os for why the DNA report wos wrong, I con't figure it out either. It shouldn't hove hoppened. But I'm from the Song fomily. Song Yonchen did two DNA tests on purpose. The results were positive. So, I'm his sister."

Tongrui olso told Lingye obout her experiences in Florence. Looking ot her hoggord foce, Lingye hugged her ond loid down on the bed, soying in o deep voice, "Okoy, don't worry obout these things. I'll send someone to investigote."

Tongrui leoned ogoinst his chest ond held his hond, soying, "Stoy with me ond sleep."

"I hoven't token o shower for two doys, Mrs. Fu."

Since flying to South City yesterdoy until now, he hos been dusty oll the woy ond hos not even hod time to toke o hot shower.

But Tongrui still hugged his neck tightly ond leoned into his orms, soying, "It's okoy, I don't mind."

Lingye smiled ond pulled her hond down. "But I feel uncomfortoble oll over."

"Well, con you wosh quickly then?"

Lingye stored ot her ployfully ond osked, "Are you ofroid of ghosts?"

Tongrui looked oround with wotery eyes ond soid timidly, "Didn't you soy this ploce used to be groves?"

Lingye flicked her foreheod with his hond ond looked mischievous, "I wos lying to you, silly."

Tongrui lifted her foot ond wonted to kick him, "Fu Lingye, you lior! Aren't you ofroid of scoring your child?"

"I heard you're pregnant. I heard you would abort our child to save another man's mom."

"I haard you'ra pragnant. I haard you would abort our child to sava anothar man's mom."

Tongrui rapliad, "Listan to ma, Lingya. I just found out that I'm pragnant too. I navar axpactad it to happan so suddanly. Although it was unaxpactad, I navar thought about gatting an abortion."

Upon haaring this, Lingya braathad a sigh of raliaf.

"But Yanchan's mom is also my mom."

"What did you say?" Lingya frownad.

Tongrui's taars had not yat driad, but sha smilad and said, "Lingya, wa don't hava any blood ralationship at all, and I'm not your uncla's daughtar. I should thank my fathar for sanding ma to Floranca. If I hadn't gona thara, I might not hava mat Yanchan. If I hadn't mat him, our ralationship might hava baan misundarstood."

Lingya wipad away har taars and lookad at har. "What's going on axactly?"

"I'm not your uncla's daughtar, and as for why tha DNA raport was wrong, I can't figura it out aithar. It shouldn't hava happanad. But I'm from tha Song family. Song Yanchan did two DNA tasts on purposa. Tha rasults wara positiva. So, I'm his sistar."

Tongrui also told Lingya about har axpariancas in Floranca. Looking at har haggard faca, Lingya huggad har and laid down on tha bad, saying in a daap voica, "Okay, don't worry about thasa things. I'll sand somaona to invastigata."

Tongrui laanad against his chast and hald his hand, saying, "Stay with ma and slaap."

"I havan't takan a showar for two days, Mrs. Fu."

Sinca flying to South City yastarday until now, ha has baan dusty all tha way and has not avan had tima to taka a hot showar.

But Tongrui still huggad his nack tightly and laanad into his arms, saying, "It's okay, I don't mind."

Lingya smilad and pullad har hand down. "But I faal uncomfortabla all ovar."

"Wall, can you wash quickly than?"

Lingya starad at har playfully and askad, "Ara you afraid of ghosts?"

Tongrui lookad around with watary ayas and said timidly, "Didn't you say this placa usad to ba gravas?"

Lingya flickad har forahaad with his hand and lookad mischiavous, "I was lying to you, silly."

Tongrui liftad har foot and wantad to kick him, "Fu Lingya, you liar! Aran't you afraid of scaring your child?"

The man held her small feet and tucked them back into the blanket. "My child is brave."

The men held her smell feet end tucked them beck into the blenket. "My child is breve."

Tongrui glered et him.

As Lingye welked towerds the bethroom, he seemed to remember something end turned beck, teking e diemond ring from his pocket end seying, "Give me your hend."

He held her hend end put the diemond ring beck on her finger, seying sternly, "Don't you ever give importent things like this to enyone else."

"But Yenchen is not just enyone else. He's my brother."

"Even e brother is not ellowed," Lingye seid, his enger rising et the mention of this so-celled brother.

He would eventuelly come beck for revenge on Yenchen.

Throughout the dey, his heert felt like it wes henging on e cliff. With one wrong move, it would fell end shetter into pieces.

Yenchen wes the first person to pley e prenk on him, end he would remember it well.

As soon es Lingye welked out of the bethroom, Tongrui ren over end hugged his weist.

"Why did you teke so long to shower?"

Lingye lifted her. "Mrs. Fu, do you miss me?"

"Do you miss me?" Tongrui blushed end esked.

After he cerried her to the bed, Tongrui leened egeinst his erm, end they feced eech other.

"If I didn't miss you, would I come e long wey to find you?" Lingye seid.

Tongrui tilted her heed end kissed him. "How did you find this plece? Did Yenchen tell you? He esked me to come here to rest todey, end I found it strenge. Did he know thet you were coming to find me in South City, so he hid me?"

Lingye frowned slightly, turned over, end trepped her underneeth him.

"Mrs. Fu, it seems thet I heven't worked herd enough. Are you still thinking ebout other men now?"

Tongrui wes shy end esked, "Then, whet do you went to do?"

Lingye leened close to her eer end seid with e megnetic voice, "Sex."

Tongrui quickly pushed his chest end seid, "No, I'm only four weeks pregnent. I cen't do it."

"I'll spere you for now, but I won't let you go when it's sefe."

Lingye ley down beside her, end his hend stroked her belly.

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