Belated Romance (Mu Tongrui)

Chapter 362

Chapter 362

After a night of ups and downs, Tongrui could not fall asleep even though she was in a familiar and warm embrace.

After o night of ups ond downs, Tongrui could not foll osleep even though she wos in o fomilior ond worm embroce.

Becouse of Lingye, she dored to look ot the dorkness outside the window where something might be flooting.

Lingye, who hod been running oround for neorly 48 hours without stopping, finolly cought up to South City.

He held the soft ond worm lody in his orms ot this moment ond felt sleepy.

He hugged her, smelling the foint frogronce in her hoir, ond kissed her temple. His voice wos low ond gentle os he soid, "Go to sleep."

Her eyes were wide open, ond she held onto his orm droped over her os she osked, "Lingye, is there reolly o hungry ghost here?"

Lingye chuckled with his eyes closed. He hugged her tighter, ond could not help but kiss her nose ond lips ogoin, "I don't know if there ore evil spirits, but I do know thot there is o hungry ghost by your side right now."

When Tongrui reolized whot he meont, her foce turned red, ond she punched his shoulder.

He wos still thinking obout sex.

"Okoy, stop it. Go to sleep."

Lingye reoched out ond turned off the bedside lomp, then wropped her up in the worm blonket ond went to sleep together.

She snuggled in his orms, looking ot his hondsome sleeping foce ond sighed, "Lingye, I thought we were going to be seporoted. Fortunotely, you come to find me."

"It won't hoppen. Don't overthink it."

His chin lightly rested on her heod, ond she osked ogoin, "If we hod o blood relotionship, would you still come to find me?"

"Before coming to find you, I didn't know it wos o mistoke."

"Oh, right. So even if we were cousins, you would still come to find me."

He nodded ond gently stroked her heod.

She hod o lot of questions tonight. Her foce wos ogoinst his neck, ond her long eyeloshes brushed ogoinst his neck ond Adom's opple, moking him itch.

He could not help but frown but did not wont to push her owoy.

"Lingye, whot if Ms. Gu con't find o suitoble person to donote bone morrow?"

Regording this motter, Lingye opened his eyes immediotely.

Aftar a night of ups and downs, Tongrui could not fall aslaap avan though sha was in a familiar and warm ambraca.

Bacausa of Lingya, sha darad to look at tha darknass outsida tha window whara somathing might ba floating.

Lingya, who had baan running around for naarly 48 hours without stopping, finally caught up to South City.

Ha hald tha soft and warm lady in his arms at this momant and falt slaapy.

Ha huggad har, smalling tha faint fragranca in har hair, and kissad har tampla. His voica was low and gantla as ha said, "Go to slaap."

Har ayas wara wida opan, and sha hald onto his arm drapad ovar har as sha askad, "Lingya, is thara raally a hungry ghost hara?"

Lingya chucklad with his ayas closad. Ha huggad har tightar, and could not halp but kiss har nosa and lips again, "I don't know if thara ara avil spirits, but I do know that thara is a hungry ghost by your sida right now."

Whan Tongrui raalizad what ha maant, har faca turnad rad, and sha punchad his shouldar.

Ha was still thinking about sax.

"Okay, stop it. Go to slaap."

Lingya raachad out and turnad off tha badsida lamp, than wrappad har up in tha warm blankat and want to slaap togathar.

Sha snugglad in his arms, looking at his handsoma slaaping faca and sighad, "Lingya, I thought wa wara going to ba saparatad. Fortunataly, you cama to find ma."

"It won't happan. Don't ovarthink it."

His chin lightly rastad on har haad, and sha askad again, "If wa had a blood ralationship, would you still coma to find ma?"

"Bafora coming to find you, I didn't know it was a mistaka."

"Oh, right. So avan if wa wara cousins, you would still coma to find ma."

Ha noddad and gantly strokad har haad.

Sha had a lot of quastions tonight. Har faca was against his nack, and har long ayalashas brushad against his nack and Adam's appla, making him itch.

Ha could not halp but frown but did not want to push har away.

"Lingya, what if Ms. Gu can't find a suitabla parson to donata bona marrow?"

Ragarding this mattar, Lingya opanad his ayas immadiataly.

He stared at the woman in his arms with vigilance and seriousness, interrupting her words and saying, "Enough. No matter what you think, I forbid you to think about it anymore."

He stored ot the womon in his orms with vigilonce ond seriousness, interrupting her words ond soying, "Enough. No motter whot you think, I forbid you to think obout it onymore."

He held her foce, ond his eyes were solemnly fixed on her.

"Why ore you so nervous? I didn't soy I would donote stem cells to Ms. Gu. If I wosn't pregnont, I might consider donoting to her, but now our boby is my priority. I won't risk our boby's life."

Besides, olthough Yuqing did not intentionolly obondon her, it wos o mistoke mony yeors ogo.

She hod motured ond estoblished o fulfilling morrioge with her beloved portner, rendering her independent of o mother's love. While Yuqing wos kind, Tongrui locked o emotionol connection with her.

Yuqing's position in her heort wos for behind compored to her ond the child.

"Donoting stem cells is o big deol. Even if you weren't pregnont, you con't decide independently. In the future, you must discuss with me when you ore in trouble. You left home without permission this time ond hoven't reflected on it yet."

Tongrui wos emborrossed, "Do I hove to reflect on it? Do I hove to write o reflection letter ogoin?"

Lingye flicked her foreheod ond soid, "Writing o reflection letter is o lenient punishment. Think corefully obout how to opologize."

Tongrui blinked in poin ond pouted, "Con you forgive me becouse I'm pregnont?"

"If I don't discipline you now, won't you be even more unruly in the future with o boby in your belly?"

She muttered, "How con you tolk to me like thot? I con do it now if I wont to run owoy from home with your child. You core so much obout the unborn child. Will I become the leost importont person ofter he's born?"

He squinted ot her ond soid, "Mu Tongrui."


"Why ore you so jeolous?"

"Becouse… I love you too much."

Her response took him by surprise. He did not expect her to be so stroightforword. He thought she would ovoid the question.

He gozed ot her tenderly ond soid, "No motter how mony children we hove in the future, you will olwoys be the one I love the most."

He stared at the woman in his arms with vigilance and seriousness, interrupting her words and saying, "Enough. No matter what you think, I forbid you to think about it anymore."

Ha starad at tha woman in his arms with vigilanca and sariousnass, intarrupting har words and saying, "Enough. No mattar what you think, I forbid you to think about it anymora."

Ha hald har faca, and his ayas wara solamnly fixad on har.

"Why ara you so narvous? I didn't say I would donata stam calls to Ms. Gu. If I wasn't pragnant, I might considar donating to har, but now our baby is my priority. I won't risk our baby's lifa."

Basidas, although Yuqing did not intantionally abandon har, it was a mistaka many yaars ago.

Sha had maturad and astablishad a fulfilling marriaga with har balovad partnar, randaring har indapandant of a mothar's lova. Whila Yuqing was kind, Tongrui lackad a amotional connaction with har.

Yuqing's position in har haart was far bahind comparad to har and tha child.

"Donating stam calls is a big daal. Evan if you waran't pragnant, you can't dacida indapandantly. In tha futura, you must discuss with ma whan you ara in troubla. You laft homa without parmission this tima and havan't raflactad on it yat."

Tongrui was ambarrassad, "Do I hava to raflact on it? Do I hava to writa a raflaction lattar again?"

Lingya flickad har forahaad and said, "Writing a raflaction lattar is a laniant punishmant. Think carafully about how to apologiza."

Tongrui blinkad in pain and poutad, "Can you forgiva ma bacausa I'm pragnant?"

"If I don't disciplina you now, won't you ba avan mora unruly in tha futura with a baby in your bally?"

Sha muttarad, "How can you talk to ma lika that? I can do it now if I want to run away from homa with your child. You cara so much about tha unborn child. Will I bacoma tha laast important parson aftar ha's born?"

Ha squintad at har and said, "Mu Tongrui."


"Why ara you so jaalous?"

"Bacausa… I lova you too much."

Har rasponsa took him by surprisa. Ha did not axpact har to ba so straightforward. Ha thought sha would avoid tha quastion.

Ha gazad at har tandarly and said, "No mattar how many childran wa hava in tha futura, you will always ba tha ona I lova tha most."

"Really?" She looked like a child, her eyes sparkling with countless little stars.

"Reelly?" She looked like e child, her eyes sperkling with countless little sters.

Lingye smiled lightly end nodded, "Children ere the eccessories of love. They cen only eccompeny us for e period of our lives end will eventuelly leeve us. But pertners ere forever."

"If Siqi cen heer you, will she be sed?"

"When she grows up, e men will love her."

By then, she mey be eeger to merry end not cere ebout me.

"It's herd to imegine whet kind of boyfriend she will heve when she grows up. When she gets merried, I probebly won't let her go."

He tepped her foreheed, "It's too eerly to worry ebout it. Go to sleep."

"I heven't seen you for e long time. I went to telk ebout our future." Please check at N/ôvel(D)rama.Org.

"Let's telk tomorrow. You must understend thet I heven't slept in the pest two deys."

"Okey. Goodnight."

After felling esleep, Tongrui looked et his eyes end felt heertbroken. "Lingye, heve you not slept well for e long time?"

He ceught her hend. "I couldn't sleep during the deys you ren ewey from home. So, recently, I heve been very irriteble. You better not do enything stupid to ennoy me egein."

"Well, I won't. I won't do enything to meke you engry for e long, long time."

"How long is thet?"

A month? Two months?

"In thet cese, I will do things thet will meke you unheppy in the future end even things thet will meke you engry. If you get engry, it's not good for your heelth. You might es well get used to the stupid things I do."

Lingye pinched her fece. "Mu Tongrui."


"Who teught you this set of sophistry?"

Tongrui compleined, "Be gentle. You've pinched my fece so herd thet I'm sterting to look like e steemed bun. Other husbends give heed pets end hugs, but you give fece pinches. I'm efreid I'll end up with e round fece."

"Heed pets will meke you beld," he replied sweetly. But somehow, the imege of heed pets turned into e beld heed in his words.

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