Claimed By The Don

Chapter 41


A car sat parked neatly and quietly in front of an iron steel gate that would easily intimidate a passerby. But not the people in the car, infact they seem unbothered that they were residing in front a powerful gangster’s house.

A Turkish gangster, they are considered big and powerful in Turkey. And most other Mafias steer clear from them, but certainly not Vincenzo and most importantly not when he was stolen from.

Yes, it’s Vincenzo and his men in the car parked in front of the Turkish gangster gate.

Vincenzo was informed that the Turkish men ambushed his men when they were bringing in his containers. That’s not the issue though, infact that’s the least of Vincenzo’s worries. What had tick him off was the fact that this small group were testing and playing with his patience.

Vincenzo’s patience with them is already wearing thin and now his patience is Lost. When they start gathering information about his wife and family.

Vincenzo glare at Dante impatiently, they have been waiting here since half an hour for Dante to hack in the cameras in the mansion before them.

“Almost done.” Dante reply Vincenzo glare, one thing Dante give these Turkish people for is their tight security. It could have been impossible for an ordinary computer operator to hack their system, but for him it just like crashing an insect.

“Done.” He announced as the gate open by itself and Dario speed their car through it.

Men sprut out of the security house and chase after them, shooting at the bullet proof tinted car. The car roll to a stop at the entrance of the building, Dario, Dante and the man sitting beside Dante, Luca. Jump out of  the car fully armed with very hefty looking weapons.

The Men attention remain on the three italian Mafias as they fire bullet at each other. Giving Vincenzo chance to quietly enter the mansion without being spotted. He step into living room sparkling with lights from the crystal chandelier in the fairly high celling and from other bulbs from around the walls.NôvelDrama.Org owns all content.

The occupants sitting in the living room seems to be having a family time or bonding, their gaze snap to the intruder invading their privacy. But they remain frozen in their place as the recognition of who has entered their home unannounced and uninvited.

What even left them breathless and sweating, is the fact that he had entered so easily with none of their security chasing after him. Nor was they informed of his arrival, That only brought them to one conclusion.

They are being ambushed.

Vincenzo’s gaze swept the entire sitting room, a satisfied smirk plaster at the base of his lips watching the Turkish gangster leaders trembling with horror at the mere sight of him.

Even Hasim Deniz.

The current leader of the Turkey’s Mafia is stunned and shivering slightly.

“Ah, Vincenzo how nice of you to drop by.” Hasim commented standing up from his seat and walking to Vincenzo, his tone slightly on the edge as he desperately tries to hide his nervousness.

Vincenzo blatantly ignoring him as he locked his terrifying dark eyes on Lewis Deniz, son to Hasim Deniz and the successor to the Turkey’s Mafia throne.

Lewis shift uncomfortably under Vincenzo dark gaze, his hands became sweaty and sweats formed on his forehead. Having notice the thick tension in the air and how tensed his son is, he tried to lighten the mood.

“I wasn’t aware of your arrival, I would have prepare for your visit. Please do have a seat let’s talk over some cup of tea.” Hasim shook as he spoke again, this time the nervousness could be heard in his voice.

He had figured Lewis must have offended Vincenzo in some way. Lewis is just nineteen and can be very reckless and careless at times, always getting into one trouble to the other but always seem to have his ways before with no one stopping him.

But this time he has cross his boundaries by landing himself in Vincenzo grip.

“Okay.” Vincenzo look calm and relaxed as if he isn’t boiling in rage deep within him.

He walk to the seat Hasim was previously occupying and sat on it comfortable, ignoring the surprise look and gasps the others around him was giving. Hasim swallow the lump in his throat audibly and glaring at his son.

“So…” Hasim draws unensure of what to say but much to his annoyance Vincenzo simply raise an eyebrow at him, amused by the whole situation.

After a lot of struggle Hasim finally ask.

“What brought you here?” He demands. Though not with the authority he used with his subordinates but his tone was still firm.

“Ask that loser son of yours,” Dario injects as the three of them burst in, they were covered in blood all over but not of theirs, of course.

Hasim hissed in anger clearly aware that the blood on them were of his men, and isn’t pleased by that. His face flame up in anger as he glare daggers at Vincenzo who is clearly not interested in his anger.

Vincenzo glance down at his wrist watch every once in a while, anxious to go back to his woman than dealing with this worthless people.

“What the fuck have you dicks done!” Hasim snap gritting his teeth, clenching and unclenching his fist ready to pounce on someone.

“I think your son have a perfect explanation for it.” Vincenzo reply matching Hasim glare.

“None of these would have happened if your son did not meddle in my business.” Vincenzo gave him the fortune of explaining further.

Hasim fired glares at his son, his eyes showing distaste at Lewis for getting involved with the italian Mafia leader of all the people out there.

“What did you do.” He snarl.

Lewis not knowing what to say hung his head down in shame.

“Oh, let me tell you.” Dante cuts in gaining very ones attention. “He stole from us and was so gathering information about us.” Dante said with a dangerous smile playing on his lips.

“So now, you tell me how he should be punished.” Vincenzo arched an eyebrow at Hasim.

“Please don’t worry about it, I’ll deal with him.” Hasim hissed shooting glares at Lewis, who shrunk in his seat not from his father’s glares but from the tiny growls vibrates from Vincenzo chest.

“Do you think I’m here to play your stupid games?” Vincenzo abruptly stood up from the chair causing it to fall back. He wasn’t calm as he was before, his eyes were burning with flames as his body went stiff.

The veins in his neck is pulsing harshly, his nostrils flaring. He storm his way to where Lewis sat and pull him up by the collar of his shirt.

“You will have to pay the price for messing with me.” Without another word he dragged Lewis out with the others behind them.

Vincenzo storm into the living room of his mansion, every movements pausing as they stare at him. His dark gaze swept the room looking for one particular strawberry blonde headed girl, a frown slipped on his face when didn’t find her.

“Dad?” Marco who was busy doing his assignments jump up and race to his Dad. Vincenzo crouch down to his level, they did a bro hug and pats Marco’s back.

“I missed you Dad!” Marco whine holding Vincenzo tighter. Vincenzo kissed his head before pulling away.

“You’ve been a good boy in my absence, Yeah?” Vincenzo ask as he lead Marco back to Kara, she was help him with the assignment though she was only superving him, Marco is the one doing it himself.

“Yes!” Marco beam up at his Dad.

“Okay boy continue with your work, I’ll go freshen up.” He nod at Kara then heading to his room.

Expecting to meet Ava but met with an empty room, he frown but proceed to the bathroom. Still it is empty.

How stalk back to the living room.

“Where is Ava?!!”…..

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