Claimed By The Don

Chapter 42

Ava p. o. v

“He’s a total douchebag” Tricia cursed.

“Jerkface, an ass and… and….” She trail off not knowing what more to say, her words were slurry.

Drunk would be an understatement to describe her current state, she totally wasted.

I don’t know what clash she had with Dario but I can tell it’s pretty bad. And has unleash her alcoholic self.

When I arrive at her place, she was looking her furstrated-and-I-need-a-drink self. And that’s how we find ourselves in this club located at the end of down side of town where the bad guys are, smokers, drunks, street fighters, thieves and what not.

I know it’s not the best place to be as girls, especially if someone recognize me as Vince wife. But this is what Tricia wants, to be away. Get drunk and not be found easily.

“Oh…. Do you know? A few days back I saw lipstick on that fuck ass cheek and neck.”  Her eyes glaze over as if replaying the scene in her head. “I ask him about it and you know what his answer was?… Nothing.” A dry bitter laugh fell from her lips.

“I even threatened to walk out and then everything between would be over.” I gaped at her with wide eyes.

“He didn’t even try to stop me, now we’ve broken up” Her entire body shook as sobs burst from her.

I pull her to myself, she lay her head on my shoulder as she continues with the waterworks. I’ve been a bad friend, too focus on my problems to notice how depressed and devastated my friend is and had she not told me I would still be oblivious.

Right I’m boiling with rage deep within, and trying to control myself from throwing a punch at his perfect face and breaking a limb or two. What’s more annoying is the fact that I know that I couldn’t do anything to hurt him, my punches won’t have anything effect on that stupid good for nothing Dario.

But it would have been great if I could.

“It’s alright.” I console not knowing what more to say.

“I did everything thing he wants, what more did he want from me. Am I that bad?” Her words was a slap to my face.

Like what the hell, Tricia is anything but bad. I’m not saying because she’s my friend, bullshit!! Yeah I’m saying it because she’s is my friend and that’s what friends do standing up for each other. And Tricia is a type of person that put everyone first before herself, she cares for everybody and anybody.

So if anyone is making her feel worthless and bad, that I won’t tolerate.

I’m so going to have a word with Dario the first chance I get, if you really don’t want a woman why not let her go instead of making feel like trash.

“Am I not beautiful anymore?” She pout whining.

“Shhhh… It’s alright. Dario is going to regret messing with you.” I assured.

“You sure?”


“Yay!!!!!” She shouted over the blasting music. I look around for the first time since we came here, I gasp at the sight before me. Every single person here has piercing and tattoos all over their body, some drunk people were having sex on the dance floor while some were closed to having sex.

Some guys at the corner smoking and polluting the air, and girls were giving them lap dances. The most scary set of men were the ones sitting beside the main door gambling, they smile sadistically showing their brown and missing teeths.

Scars shattered around their faces, earrings at the beginning of their ears to the end. Scary looking Tattoos were all over them and each other them were either with guns, knives, daggers and axes.

The whole place reek of cigarettes, sweat, and sex since some were shamelessly having sex on the dance floor. The stench in the air is not only suffocating but also annoying, it’s smell like dirt as if some haven’t had their bath for a year.

I gulp audibly and shudders as cold shivers run down my spine. What have we gotten ourselves into.

I was told this side of the city is dangerous but I didn’t realize how dangerous it actually is. My breathing went rapid as all the possibility of us getting involved with this people, they seem ruthless and merciless.

The only way we could get out of here safely is if we went unnoticed, and that could be quite a difficult task with a drunk Tricia.

“Tricia, we need to go home.” I whispered to her avoiding gaining attention to us. I cursed silently as Tricia groan too loud for my liking.

“I don’t want to see his stupidly handsome face.” Her lips pulling to a pout and cross her arms over her chest.

“I promise you won’t see him.” She went silent before nodding then climbed down from the stool, I followed suit not wanting to waste anymore time in this place.

I sigh in relief when I saw the the entrance door was just a few feet from us, thanking God we had made it this far without been spotted. But what happened next left me frozen in place, and my breath knock out of my lungs leaving gaping like a fish on dry land.

“Hey handsome guys.” Tricia called to the group off men sitting by the entrance, the scariest of all in this place. All the gaze’s fell on us, they frown before a sinister smirk appear on their faces.

Their eyes trail up and down our body and some whistle, some stare at us with lust and amusement.

“Sorry, we are just leaving.” I rushed out, grabbing Tricia by the shoulder I push us in the direction of the door. But unfortunately, one of the men jump right in front of us blocking our only way out.

“What’s the rush pretty one.” His smile wickedly, flashing us the two missing teeths in the upper and lower teeths.

“What is such beautiful girls like you doing here alone.” He fake a concern look then suddenly burst in laughter.

By now they have surrounded us; trapping us, I look to Tricia only to find her asleep on my shoulder leaving me to deal with these people alone.

Just Great.

I jerk forward when I felt hands trailing my back, I wanted to step away from the hand before it gets to my butt but couldn’t since Tricia is leaning on me. I felt disgusted, wanting nothing more than to claw out that part where the hands are.

Tears brim in my eyes as I felt the hand about to grab my butt, I squeeze my eyes shot ready for the disgusting feeling when a voice spoke.

“I wouldn’t do that if I were you.” The voice which I immediately recognize as Luca, my personal trainer. Relief flood through as the light of hope shine on me, but slowly start to dim when I realized that he was greatly outnumbered.

I panicked as I saw the thugs walking in his direction.

“Why not, what’s up with you. Mind your god-damned business man” one shove at Luca’s shoulder, causing him to staggered back a bit.NôvelDrama.Org owns © this.

Luca look from his shoulder to the man that shove him and smile.

“Look guys, I don’t want to spoil your fun. You can have them.” Luca said, my jaw hit the floor in shock. Totally not prepared for this.

What the actual f**k

They each have him a bro slap on the back before turning to us, I stare at Luca wide eyes. Here I thought he was here to help us, how could he do such a thing. I stare at him in utterly disbelief, and anger.

“You can have your fun with them but then you must be ready to face the wrath of the Italians.” Saying that he walk away and out the door where he came from, I gap after his retreating back.

Is that all he came here to say?

What nonsense!

But looking at the men, I noticed everyone of them have fear in their eyes and slowly they started to dispatch until it was only Tricia and I. Thank God they too Luca’s warnings seriously or we would have been in deep shit.

Dragging Tricia along I hurried out of the club to a cold night, we must have been in there for hours.

I bet Vince is pissed.

Luca came out from nowhere and pick Tricia up then lead us away from the club.

“No offense Donna but what were you thinking going to such a place” Luca hissed, if we were in another situation I would have acknowledge his concern for me. But right now I’m still mad at the fact that he has offered us to those thugs then walk out like nothing ever happened..

I just want to smack him upside down even though his words did safe us.

We walk to a main road where Dante is waiting pacing back and forth.

” F**k!! You are okay, both my brothers would have blow my head off.” Dante grits opening the back sit.

Luca place Tricia in first then I followed suit.

“Can you drop us at Tricia’s? I might spend the night there.” I ask.

“That isn’t possible Ava, Vincenzo has gone mad looking for you and not finding you. So you have to go home right now, he needs you to gain his sanity back.” I rolled my eyes at Dante but didn’t say anything.

I know for a fact that Vince is angry while searching for me, he had told me to come home straight but I too still have right over myself and I can take some decisions of my own.

The car roll to a stop in front of our new home, Dante and Luca came down and back to open my door.

“Take her to a guest room.” I said as Dante pull Tricia out of the car, picking her bridal style.

“Why, Dario is here.” He question.

“She doesn’t want to see him.” I replied. Dante nod and we walk to the front door, I open the door for Dante allowing him to step in first before following behind.

I frown as I want met with complete darkness, all the lights in the living was off. Even the huge crystal chandelier is turn off, I move my hands against the wall trying to find the switch but came but empty handed.

“Dante?” I called walking further into the living room, suddenly the whole place was illuminated with lights streaming from everything corner of the house.

Searching for the source of the light, my gaze fell on the person sitting comfortably on a sofa. A glass of wine in his hand, head tilted to the side with thick lines of frown on his beautiful face.


I took a step back when his dark orbs met my blues ones, the broken trust, anger and something else I couldn’t put my finger on are evident in his eyes.

I broke the stare dropping my gaze to the floor unable to met his eyes.

“Upstairs now!” His voice was calm, but I would be doom if I fell for those calm voice. I consider it the calm before the storm.

This is a whole new level I had went to anger Vince, and now I’m scared of the consequences.

So without be told twice I did as told.

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