Mafia Desire (Erotica)


I shook my head, remembering that I’d seen a trash can next to the bed when I’d gotten up to shower earlier.

“Thanks, though.” I motioned to the can.

“Better that than having to explain to mom why you had to rent a carpet scrubber.” She gave me a half shrug and a small smile. Then the smile vanished.

“One more thing,” She began in a tone that sounded suspiciously like our mother. “If you ever get that shitfaced again, you call me. I had to move your car this morning before mom got in and saw that you were halfway on the lawn. You know you could have been arrested? Or killed?”

“I know. I didn’t mean to drink that much.” I hung my head, feeling a bit ashamed. I knew better than to drive like that. It wasn’t like me at all.

Skye stepped forward and ruffled my hair with a smirk. She was enjoying this a little too much, I thought.

“You really done with her?” She asked.

I nodded as I had a mouthful of food.


“Good?” I said after a swallow.

“She’s a whore.”

“She’s not a…” I reflexively started to defend her but caught myself too late. Damn it, Skye had me. Not that I wanted to admit it.

I glanced up at her to see the grin creeping across her face again that she quickly tried to mask.

“It’s for the best.” She shrugged, shifting her weight to one side. “I hated the bitch.”

“You hate every girl I go out with.”

“Not my fault that your taste in girls sucks,” Skye replied as she retreated to the doorway.

“At the moment, I can’t argue with that.” I sighed.

“Look, I’m gonna take a quick shower and change. Do you want to watch a movie with me after?”

“I guess,” I replied, not really feeling like watching a movie but feeling like I would be an asshole to tell her no after she brought me dinner.

She stood with her back to me, staring at the door frame where her hand was resting, thumbing a rough spot in the paint thoughtfully.

“What?” I asked.

“You okay with it? The breakup?” She wasn’t looking at me.

“It sucks, but I guess it’s better that I found out before I did something really goddamned stupid.” I scratched absently at my eyebrow, trying to shake the urge to choke up.

“Like what?”NôvelDrama.Org copyrighted © content.

“Like ask her to transfer to Austin with me,” I replied, “I had been thinking about it.”

“You deserve better than her, you know.” Skye continued running her thumb over the rough spot on the door frame for another few moments, not looking at me. Finally, dropping her hand from the wall, she glanced back my way over her shoulder as she vanished into the hallway.

* * * * *

Skye had always seemed to excel at everything she set her mind to. She had graduated high school in the top of her class, was one of the leads on the school’s debate team and had been on her way to becoming one of the best gymnasts in the county until her injury in the seventh grade. Her accomplishments were frequently the topic of discussion at family gatherings where the extended family would sing her praises. Hell, she even got merit raises at the pharmacy.

We had been pretty close as kids, but less so by the time I was in high school. I was working a lot in addition to school and didn’t have as much time to hang out as I used to. By the time my senior year came around, I was managing to go out on the occasional date as well.

She had made herself a holy terror in my life that year. She was a freshman at the time, and I felt like every time I would start talking to a girl, Skye would come along and interfere. There was always some crisis or something with her that required my attention when I was trying to get a date. It felt like she had turned cock-blocking into an art form and had annoyed the living hell out of me. Thankfully, she seemed to find her groove by the end of the year, and her personal emergencies had tapered off.

Skye was focused on her education and extracurricular activities to boost her resume. She didn’t date much, if at all, to my knowledge. She certainly was more than attractive enough to catch male attention. I knew of several guys that had been interested in her, but she had always turned them down. She had even skipped her senior prom last year, which our mother had given her a good deal of grief over. As far as I knew, most of her social time was spent with her friends, Heather and Vicky.

Her hard work at school had paid off, and she had been awarded a full college scholarship. While I had to bust my ass studying to keep my grants and scholarships, she seemed to breeze through her classes. I secretly hoped that college was going to kick her ass a little and make her work for it, but I was proud of her.

* * * * *

I was just polishing off my dinner when she returned. She had changed into a pink pair of sleep shorts with black trim and an old black t-shirt with a Super Mario mushroom on it. Dropping the pillow she had brought with her on the floor in front of my TV, she bent over to retrieve the PlayStation controller from the shelf beneath.

As she bent, her shorts stretched tight against the roundness of her ass. Noticing the way the fabric hugged to her enticing curves inspired thoughts I absolutely should not have been having. I forced myself to look away, tossing the remnants of my dinner in the trash can while chastising myself internally.

“What do you wanna watch?” She asked as the Netflix logo popped up on the screen.

“Anything that doesn’t have to do with relationships,” I replied.

She flopped down on her pillow and scrolled through the options for a while before finally settling on an old horror film we had both seen a dozen times. I liked the film but was too distracted to pay attention.

My lack of attentiveness was not lost on Skye and she spent the duration of the film gently weaseling the details out of me about the breakup. By the time I had finished telling the story, I think Skye may have been more upset than I was. There were some pretty colorful threats about what would happen to Whitney if Skye ever had the opportunity.

The conversation eventually drifted away from Whitney. We talked most of the night, leaving me with a sneaking suspicion that she was trying to keep me distracted. Intentional or not, it worked fairly well, and the world didn’t seem quite so bleak by the time her energy finally gave out.

I couldn’t help grinning at her asleep on my floor. She was laying on her stomach with her head to the side, mouth wide open. One of her legs was drawn up and an arm was stretched out above her head. If it wasn’t for the soft snoring sounds coming from her, she could easily have passed for a corpse.

Chuckling to myself, I pulled my blanket from the bed and covered her up. Crawling back into bed, I shut my eyes and tried to block out the snoring from the floor.

* * * * *

When I got in from work the next afternoon, I found my sister and a couple of her friends lounging around the living room watching television. Heather was a cute redhead who had played softball in high school and had the athletic build to show for it. The other girl, Vicky, would be cute as hell if she didn’t have such a serious spray tan addiction that gave her skin an appearance, not unlike the color of canned carrots.

“Hi, Ryan. Grab a slice.” Heather motioned toward a pizza box that was laying on the coffee table. I grabbed a slice and glanced around the living room as I took a seat.

“Mom’s gonna kill you,” I observed between bites. The living room was a mess and if I were a betting person, I would bet that the kitchen wasn’t any better. Our mother had left us a list of things to do that morning and it didn’t look like Skye had done any of hers.

“I’ll get it clean before she gets back,” Skye replied, dismissively.

“If you say so.”

“So, Ryan,” Vicky looked over at me with a calculated expression of concern, “Skye says you broke up with Whitney?”

“That’s one way of putting it,” I nodded as I took another bite of pizza. I didn’t really care to get into a discussion about my love life at the moment and certainly not with Vicky, who had a habit of making everything into a soap opera.

“If you want to talk about it or whatever, let me know.” The slender blonde leaned forward, putting her hand on my knee as she gave me a smile.

“I’m fine, but thanks.”

A piece of pepperoni suddenly hit Vicky in the cheek, startling us both.

“Hey, skank! That’s my brother!” My sister yelled in mock anger. Skye acted like she was joking, but I caught a tiny hint of a warning tone in her voice. I knew her better than anyone and didn’t think the others noticed.

We all laughed a bit, even though Vicky looked a bit annoyed to have her move on me derailed. I was grateful for the distraction and took the opportunity to grab another slice of pizza and sit a little further from Vicky. She was a nice enough girl, but I wasn’t interested.

After making small talk with them while I finished my pizza, I excused myself and went upstairs to shower.

I wandered back downstairs a couple of hours later and found that the girls had cleared out. Skye had picked up the living room and was vacuuming the carpet. I went to the kitchen for some water and saw that she hadn’t started in there yet. A quick glance at the clock told me she wasn’t going to have time to clean the kitchen and cook dinner before our mother got back.

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