Mafia Desire (Erotica)


It wouldn’t take me long to help clean the kitchen, I thought. After all, she had brought me dinner last night. I had gotten the lawn mowed and trimmed the hedges before work this morning, so I was done with my list. Keeping busy helped keep my mind from wandering back to the break up as well. Then again, I could get in some quality time with the latest Fallout game back in my room.

Since I was off the next day from work and would have plenty of time for video games, I loaded the dishwasher and started it. Then I cleaned the microwave and got started scrubbing the stove top. I had enjoyed her company last night and it had been a good while since we’d had a chance to hang out and chat. Some part of me kind of missed the days before I was working and going to school when we were around each other all the time. She could be a lot of fun at times.

Skye walked into the kitchen and surveyed what I had gotten done so far. She was wearing black leggings and an oversized v-neck gray t-shirt that hung far off of one shoulder exposing a pink bra strap. I couldn’t help noticing how pretty she looked at the moment, perhaps even sexy with the slight sheen of sweat on her brow from cleaning the living room.

“You didn’t think I could do it.” She had an accusing tone, but the grin creeping up her face gave her away.

“No, I knew you couldn’t finish in time. There’s a difference,” I laughed.

“I still have 30 minutes before she’s due back.”

“Yeah, and now you stand a prayer of actually pulling it off if we keep at it. I’ll get the counters. You empty the dishwasher.”

“Who died and made you king?” She folded her arms and mock glared at me.

“I’m the oldest, and I’m the one doing the extra work. So, I get to dictate. Now move your ass,” I smirked.

She got to work, purposely putting an extra and intentionally silly shake in her ass with every movement. It was pretty comical and we were both laughing at her ridiculous antics. Eventually, she got to the dishes that were in the upper cabinets and she had to grab a stool. When we were younger, I had made a hobby of putting things that she often needed on top shelves, out of her reach.

I watched from the corner of my eye as she strained to reach something on the very top shelf. Even on the short kitchen stool, she had to stretch on her tiptoes with both arms outstretched to put the casserole dish away. Her shirt crept up above her mid-drift and her tights covered ass cheeks squeezed together with the effort. She definitely had a cute ass.

“You feeling better today?” Thankfully, she wasn’t facing me to see that my eyes had locked on to her butt.

“Oh, uh… A little,” I tried to get my thoughts back on track, having been derailed by her curves. Truthfully, I did feel a bit better. Not so much when I was by myself, but I certainly felt more like myself when I was around Skye. I didn’t have Whitney eating away at my every thought.

“She still calling like crazy?” Skye asked as she hopped down from the stool.

“Worse. She showed up at work today and almost caused a scene,” I grumbled. I then explained how Whitney had come to my job demanding to speak to me and gave a long sob story about how I somehow didn’t understand what I had seen happening at her apartment. After I managed to get her out of the store without having a manager overhear, I told her in no uncertain terms that I didn’t want to see or hear from her ever again.

“Wow,” Skye grinned. “I bet that must have rattled the stupid whore.”

“Well, she hasn’t called at all since. So there’s that,” I shrugged. “But it sucked because she was crying and really drug me down the rest of the day.”

“Probably faking it for sympathy,” she sneered.

“I guess. I never realized how full of shit she was before all this. Wasted so much time with her. I feel fucking stupid about the whole thing, to be honest.”

I was leaning back against the counter, staring absently at the tile floor. Skye suddenly wrapped her arms around me in a hug.

“You’re not stupid, Ryan. She screwed up, not you.”

“Still sucks,” I replied, trying my best not to choke up. Her hug triggered some of the hurt I’d been trying to keep pent up and I felt my eyes watering up in response. She was a good hugger, even if the top of her head didn’t even reach my chin.

“Yeah,” she sighed as she released me. Her eyes moved up to meet mine and gave me an affectionate look.

“So what’s with you and Vicky?” I asked in a bid to change the subject.

“What do you mean?”

“I can tell you’re pissed at her. Just curious.”

“Oh, nothing really. She just rubs me the wrong way sometimes. I wasn’t really angry, just kind of annoyed.” She turned and went back to cleaning.

“I can understand that. She’s a bit much.”

“Are you interested in her?” Skye wasn’t looking at me, but I caught that tone in her voice again.

“Not at all. For one thing, I wouldn’t want to have to clean bronzer or whatever the fuck she uses to do that to her skin off of my stuff all the time.” I laughed.

“I’m glad,” She replied, “It would be really weird seeing one of my best friends dating my brother.”

“Not happening.”

She nodded at me in response and moved in for another hug.

“Thanks for helping me in here,” she patted my chest and turned away.

“No problem.”

“Now get lost so I can mop. Mom will be home any minute.”

* * * * *

“Oh Shit,” Kevin cocked an eyebrow and stared behind me toward the bar entrance.

I glanced over my shoulder and inadvertently locked eyes with Whitney. She was wearing a black party dress with heels. Her long blonde hair was pulled up in a loose ponytail. It would be a lie if I tried to say that she didn’t look sexy. That didn’t mean I wanted anything to do with her. She gave me a hopeful smile and a small wave.

I turned back to my drink without responding and finished it in one gulp.

“She’s heading this way,” Kevin muttered under his breath.

“Of course she is,” I sighed, already pinching the bridge of my nose in anticipation of the headache I knew was coming.

“Want another?” He pointed at the empty whiskey glass in front of me.

“Probably gonna need about eight of ’em.”

He smirked as he looked around for our barmaid.

I almost held my breath waiting for Whitney to arrive. I hadn’t seen her in several weeks and it no longer hurt to look at her. I just didn’t want to.

“Hi, Ryan. Kevin.”

“Hey Whit,” Kevin looked up at her and nodded. I said nothing.

“Can we talk?” She asked, staring at the table.

“I’ve said what I had to say,” I replied, coldly.

“Just a few minutes. Please?”Property © 2024 N0(v)elDrama.Org.

“I guess,” I sighed. If a few minutes would get her to leave me alone, I could spare it.

“Kev, could you?” Whitney looked at Kevin who shrugged.

“Let me go see if I can find our waitress,” he said as he scooted out of the booth.

Whitney slid into his spot and set her purse on the table.

“So what do you want?” I stared across at her as I nervously slid my empty glass back and forth between my hands.

“I wanted to know if you were still angry with me, but I guess that’s obvious,” She slumped her shoulders.

“I’m a lot less angry than I was. Not being around you helped.”

“I know you’re upset, but you are really blowing this out of proportion. What you saw… that was just sex. That’s all it was. It has nothing to do with how I feel about you.” She slid a hand over one of mine and flinched when I pulled away.

“You cheated on me. It says everything about how you feel about me,” I growled, trying not to raise my voice.

“It was just sex, Ryan. I’m a very sexual person. You know that.”

“Wow,” I rocked back in the booth.

“It was something I always wanted to try, the opportunity came up and I took it. That’s all.”

“You really don’t get it,” I almost laughed.

“What don’t I get?”

It was clear that my tone irritated her.

“This isn’t about sex. This is about trust. I trusted you. You decided to be selfish and shit on it.”

“I didn’t…”

I cut her off, raising my voice this time.

“You did! You tell me it’s something you always wanted to try but you never asked me about it. You didn’t consider how it would make me feel, like a normal person in a goddamned relationship would!”

“I wasn’t trying to hurt you,” She reached out and tried to take my hand again. I let her this time.

“You know… If you had tried to talk to me about it, maybe things would have been different. Maybe it was something we could have tried. But now it’s too late.”

“It’s not too late. I want us to try again. I miss you.”

I sat in silence for a few moments, staring at the table as I carefully chose my next words. When I raised my eyes to look at her face, she smiled a little. In my mind, I immediately pictured her back at her apartment, down on her hands and knees, blowing the guy while the brunette was fucking her with the strap-on. I breathed a sigh of relief as the words fell into place.

“At the end of the day, it doesn’t matter anymore. You aren’t the person I thought you were. I thought I loved that person, and maybe that part was my fault. But they don’t exist. What I know now is that I can’t trust you. And that tells me that you aren’t someone that I want in my life.”

“You really do hate me, don’t you?” She grabbed a napkin from the table and dabbed at her face.

The way that she carefully dried her face, trying not to smear her makeup, really rubbed me the wrong way. It felt so calculated. It felt like she was trying to manipulate my emotions. It wasn’t working.

“I don’t hate you, Whitney. I just don’t want to know you anymore.” I slid out of the booth and stood next to it.

“That’s the meanest thing you’ve ever said to me,” She said softly.

“Good luck with… whatever,” I shrugged and walked over to the bar where Kevin was smoking a cigarette, leaving her in the booth.

He passed me another drink and raised an eyebrow.

“Heard all that, did you?”

“I’d venture most of the bar heard that,” He chuckled.

“Doesn’t really matter,” I muttered and took a swig of my drink.

“Would you have done a threesome if she asked?”

“I don’t think so. Maybe. I don’t know. I can’t see myself sharing someone I love with someone else. But that wasn’t the point.”

He grunted in reply and snubbed the last of his cigarette out in the ashtray.

“I’m heading out, man. Gonna go home, fire up the PlayStation and blow the living shit out of something for a while.”

“I don’t blame you,” He replied.

“Working tomorrow?”

“Fuckin’ always, dude.”

“See you there,” I dropped a twenty in front of him to pay for my drinks and headed for the door.

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