Mafia Desire (Erotica)


A few nights later, I was stretched out on the couch in the living room halfheartedly watching TV when Skye came home from work. She was talking on her phone with someone and gave me a small wave as she dropped her purse on the recliner across the room and headed upstairs.

“There’s food on the stove!” I called after her. Mom had just rotated to the night shift at the hospital, so we were left to our own devices at the moment. We sort of had an unspoken agreement that the first one home from work cooked dinner on the nights that it was just the two of us.

A short while later, just as I was beginning to doze off, she returned to the living room carrying a bowl of pasta from the kitchen. I noticed she had changed into shorts and a tank top.

“Scoot over,” she motioned to the couch with her bowl.

“There’s other places to sit.”

“I can see the TV better from here.” Skye let a little whine slip into her voice.

“Damn it,” I sighed irritably, as I sat up and shifted over on the couch.

“So, mom’s got a new boyfriend.” She flopped down on the cushion next to me and shoved a forkful of pasta in her mouth.

“Really?” I asked, surprised. Mom had been single for the last year or so. A few dates here and there, but nothing that stuck.

“Yeah, his name’s David. She met him in the ER. He’s an EMT or something like that.”

“Good for her,” I replied and meant it.

“I hope so. That last guy was an asshole.” Skye cut me a look. Neither of us thought mom had particularly decent taste in men. She seemed to have a thing for arrogant pricks.

We chatted about mom’s new boyfriend and other stuff while she finished eating. When she was done, she slid her empty bowl on the coffee table and snuggled up against me as I slumped against the arm of the couch.

“Excuse me?” I asked in mock irritation as she grabbed my arm and draped it over her shoulder.

“I’m cold. Warm me up.”

“You could put on more clothes, you know.” I rolled my eyes.

“Yeah, but you’re comfy.”

Resigned to my fate, I went back to watching the television.

I could feel her smooth bare leg rubbing pleasantly against the side of my calf. My fingertips were resting on her just below the hem of her tank top. I wasn’t trying to touch her bare flesh, this was just the position she had placed us in. She felt smooth and warm to my touch. Becoming more aware than usual of her femininity, I felt the beginnings of an erection. I self-consciously tried to move my hand a little higher so that I would only be holding her side above her shirt, but she muttered a protest and placed my hand back where it was.

I tried to focus on the TV and ignore the fact that I was starting to get turned on by my sister. Of course, trying to block out an uncomfortable situation just made me think about it more. I glanced down at her from the corner of my eye.

She was curled against me, her eyes closed, not watching the show. Her hips shifted as she adjusted her legs against me. One of her arms was draped halfway across my chest, causing her tank top to fold out at the neck and I realized I was seeing right down her cleavage. Her breasts weren’t that big, but they were large enough on her small frame to make for an enticing view. The black lace at the tops of her bra cups were plainly visible down the gap her top created. That didn’t help the tightening in my pants at all.

“What’s wrong?” Skye suddenly asked, startling me.

‘Uh… w-what?” I stammered, resolutely staring at the television.

“You’re all tense all of a sudden. Is something wrong?”

“Nothing really. Just thinking.” I replied.

“About what?” She pushed up away from me, drawing a leg up under herself, and looked at me with concern.

I glanced at her, my eyes involuntarily fixating on the surgery scars on her knee for a moment.

“About the college application I have to finish for Austin. It’s pretty intimidating.” I lied. Truthfully, I’d finished the application earlier today but it was all I could think of at the moment.

It was her turn to look away.

“I don’t see why you can’t finish your bachelor’s degree here and go there for grad school,” she stared at the coffee table.

“It’s better for my resume to have a degree from there. Their biology program is far superior to what they offer here.” I ran a hand through my hair and leaned forward on the couch, grateful to be able to hide my erection.

“I know.” She sighed, her face dissolving into a pout.

“I’m going into a really competitive field. I need to take any opportunity I can to be the most promising looking graduate when I start job hunting.”

“Yeah, but I’ll never see you anymore.”

Skye’s eyes clouded up and she still wasn’t looking at me. I was a little taken aback at how much the idea of me going away for school bothered her.

“I’ll still be around, you know. It’s only a few hours away. I’ll be home on the weekends I’m off and holidays. We’ll still see each other.”

I reached over and ruffled her hair affectionately as if she were a little kid. Generally speaking, that move was a good way to risk losing a limb, but she didn’t protest.

“It won’t be the same. I’m gonna miss you.” She leaned over against me again and I put my arm back around her.

The flowery scent of her shampoo filled my nose. It was a pleasant, feminine smell that made me want to hold her more. Not a good idea, I thought to myself.

“It probably won’t, you’re right. But it won’t be as bad as you think, either. Besides, if I get the scholarship I’m trying for, I will be able to pay for everything from my paycheck when I transfer and won’t have to ask mom for anything. That will make things easier on you guys around here.”

“You give her almost half of your paycheck already, just like I do. That’s not the point.” She buried her face in my shoulder and I rubbed the back of her head gently.

“I know,” I sighed.

“I don’t want to talk about this anymore tonight.” I could barely hear her mumble.

“Okay. Can I go take a leak?”

Skye propped herself up on a hand and motioned for me to go. As I turned down the hallway, I heard her call after me.

“Wanna play some Super Smash Brothers when you get back?”


Closing the bathroom door behind me, I quickly adjusted my cock in my shorts and turned on the sink. I splashed cool water on my face and stared at my reflection in the mirror.

“Alright, asshole. I don’t know what your problem is, but you need to secure your shit,” I told my reflection.

Not getting laid in a few weeks was my problem, I decided. Whitney and I had sex all the time. Now that she was out of my life, I wasn’t used to going without. That’s the only reason my sister should be affecting me this much, right? No big deal.

Satisfied with my explanation, I flushed the toilet and resolved to give Skye a thorough ass-kicking in Super Smash Brothers.

Being so caught up in my thoughts worked against me, and she won most rounds. I endured her well deserved gloating with as much dignity as I could muster

* * * * *

“Dude, what’s with you?” Kevin asked as he stared dejectedly at his microwaved pile of soggy bread, mystery meat, and something vaguely resembling cheese.

We were in the break room at work, having a rare lunch break at the same time. He’d made the mistake of buying one of the prepackaged subs from the vending machine and was coming to terms with the error of his ways. I could almost smell the preservatives in the air surrounding the steaming heap of… whatever the fuck it was.

“Nothing, aside from having to smell that nasty shit,” I replied, happily munching on my own lunch of some leftover chicken and wild rice concoction Skye had whipped up last night. It wasn’t half bad and was definitely better than the probable tumor-inducing stuff Kevin was staring at.

“No joke. This smells like melted plastic and ground pig assholes,” He picked it up and took a bite. The look on his face made me think it likely didn’t taste much better than it smelled.© NôvelDrama.Org - All rights reserved.

“Seriously, though.” He said between bites, “you’ve been all quiet lately. What gives?”

I shrugged. I knew what he meant. I had been quiet. I’d been thinking about my sister a lot.

I wasn’t sure, but it seemed like Skye was around more frequently in the week or so since the incident on the couch. It could have been that I was much more aware of her presence than usual. I could smell her shampoo or perfume when we passed by each other in the kitchen. I could feel her warmth linger when she would give me a hug. I found myself often thinking about her and the feel of her skin under my fingertips when she had cuddled against me. I would find myself feeling slightly nervous about seeing her when I would come home from work and then slightly disappointed if she wasn’t there. I kept trying to ignore the thoughts that crept into my head when I would see her in leggings or her pajamas.

The thoughts nagged at the back of my mind constantly. The thought that she was beautiful, that she smelled great, that she was just out of reach and that I shouldn’t be thinking about her. If I could just stop thinking about her, it would probably pass. But I kept entertaining my thoughts and making it worse. It pissed me off that I couldn’t just let it go.

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