Marked By The Demon Triplet Alpha Kings

Chapter 136

Chapter 136


“Can you reduce the AC a bit? I’m feeling a little cold,” I told the driver, rubbing my palms together to generate heat as I could feel goosebumps erupting from my skin.

Once the air conditioning was reduced, I rested my head on the window, enjoying the smooth ride while my mind wandered back and forth to my parents’ pack.

I missed them.

I wish I wouldn’t have to leave them for a day.

But I had to visit my mates as I have already spent more than the days I negotiated.

I twirled my fingers around my hair idly as boredom accompanied me.

A smile found its way to my lips as the events of the previous days flashed in my memory.

I had a swell time with my parents and Eve.

My dad and I went hunting and camping in the woods for three days after the party.

I missed the experience.

He taught me how to survive by myself for years in case of danger.

I learnt how to make fire with dry sticks and sharp rocks in case there wasn’t any provision for lighters and matchsticks.

He showed me how to avoid wild animals and keep myself safe without being eaten.

He also taught me how to climb trees, ride horses, and make a tree house as a form of shelter.

With his broad knowledge, I knew what to eat as an alternative in case my food supplies get exhausted. I learnt how to fish with a long , harp stick and net and also feed on small rodents and vegetables to stay alive.

The most important was how to rule a pack whether I was with my mates or I was alone.

I enjoyed every bit of it.

My mother , on the other hand , taught me a good amount of culinary skills like baking and cooking a plethora of delicacies.

She read me bedtime stories without feeling that I had outgrown it since Valerie never read any to me.

She gave me lessons on homemaking and how to manage my home, how to strengthen my relationship with my partners, and how to forgive.

When we were done, my father, my mother, and I shifted during the full moon and ran into the woods, filling the woods with the loud sounds of our powerful howls.

I felt loved again.

I felt important.

Despite the excitement of having to start a family with the triplets, I was happy that I had another family who loved me unconditionally.

Eve and I spent the remaining days playing games and gisting.

She told me everything that happened in the pack from the day I left until the day I returned.

On the day before the last day, Eve and I spent it with Nathalia, keeping her company though she wasn’t physically present.

We chatted with her as if she could hear us, dropped some food and drinks on her grave, and ate in silence before beautifying it with flowers.

On the last day, I spent it with no one, reflecting on my past and how far I’ve come.

“Ahh!” I let out a scream as the car hit a gallop while speeding, making me lose balance and hit my head on the leather chair before me.

“Careful.” I let out a hiss, massaging the throbbing spot before glancing back.

Clicking sounds came from the boot, and I knew some of the gifts my mother gave me were at the risk of breaking.

I hadn’t recovered from the incident when the car hit three obstacles on the road.

“What is happening?!” I defended furiously, clasping my hand over my head as it aged terribly.

“Can’t you control a fucking car? Are you sleeping?” I bombarded him with questions.

“I’m sorry, ma’am. I’m not feeling sleepy. I don’t know what is happening

As I was about to adjust. The road is suddenly littered with heavy rocks and manoeuvre my way through them.” He apologized as his eyes were fixed on the road while his hands were clasped against the wheel.

“Be careful. My mother spent days preparing those gifts, I can’t afford to ruin them,” I warned him but before I could relax into the chair, the tyres screeched loudly and the brakes were applied, making the car forcefully stop.

My head hit the door and before I could recover, gunshots filled the air.

I didn’t have enough time to think or hide when I felt a pair of rough hands dragged me without any word.

My screams were heard as I struggled to free myself but a heavy blow from the man knocked me out.NôvelDrama.Org owns this text.

My ears rang at the effect and I became as weak as lily.

My body relaxed as if lifeless and I was unable to move a finger.

The last thing I saw was a bullet fired into the driver’s shoulder.

Tears slid down my cheeks as I watched his body hit the ground in a split second.

“No,” I cried, trying to scream, but my voice failed me.

It was like an invisible force stole my voice and sapped my strength, leaving me lifeless.

It didn’t take long before I embraced darkness.


Three deafening claps erased sleep from my eyes.

Slowly, I became conscious of my environment.

I was about to stretch as a result of a dull back ache when I realized that…I was stuck.

My eyes flew open at once and panic seized through me at the realization.

Horror flashed before my eyes when I saw thick brown ropes used to bound me to a sitting position.

It felt so uncomfortable, I was afraid that I would pass out again.

How did I get here?

Who tied me up?

Several questions flew in my head causing me to tremble in fear.

I had been kidnapped!


Many terrible things have happened to me in the past, but not Kidnap.

Despite not really knowing how to react, I knew there were only two things that happened to a Kidnapped person.

Freedom or death!

I prayed silently for the former, but I knew it was almost impossible except I had luck.

Aside from the driver who got shot, no one knew where I was.

Tears started pouring from my eyes as the thought of my parents crossed my mind.

They thought I was already with my mates, not knowing I was in grave danger.

And Damon? He would think I broke the promise and I fled when the opportunity came.

My spirit was broken and I sobbed harder.

Escaping was useless as the room was pitch black.

I didn’t even know where I was or what the room looked like.

I tried to adjust my vision, but my wolf was very weak.

For the second time, I felt alone.

Fear gripped me as the smell of death filled the room.

I wouldn’t want to deceive myself, there was no room for escape and I had a little time left.

My cries grew louder.

The fact that my mates were expecting me home broke my heart even more.

How would they react to the news of my death? Especially Damon.

To think that we just reconciled.

I couldn’t believe that the triplets were about to lose their mates for the second time.

I couldn’t imagine how much grief and hurt they would go through.

Considering that Damon was emotionally weak.

I was afraid that he would become…the Mad King again, hallucinating and speaking to people that didn’t exist.

This would put his Beta into a great stress of consoling the brothers while taking up the affairs of other packs so that everything would go smoothly.

Deep down, I was scared to death, I knew my death would make Damon commit suicide and there was nothing I could do.

Maybe I should have accepted his proposal about sending me to my parents’ pack with more than ten bodyguards.

But I waved his idea aside, now everyone would suffer for it.

Not only would the triplets lose their mate the second time, my parents would lose their daughter the second time.

A surge of anger hit me like a hammer.

Was the Moon goddess playing with our feelings?

Why was our happiness always short-lived?

Did she curse us?

Why did the Moon goddess showered us with happy moments when she knew that it won’t last long?

Fueling my anger, I felt my body strengthened.

Taking a deep breath as I felt a bit energized, I struggled with the ropes, screaming and jerking violently so that it would loosen.

“Save your strength. You’ll die anyway.” A voice said in the darkness.

“Who is there?” I asked, jumping in fright. My heartbeat went so wild that I could hear it drumming in my ears.

Who said that?

I tried to scan the area but nothing came into view.

Sweat broke on my face as my body began to tremble.

Another clap erupted from the darkness, startling me as shivers ran down my spine.

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