Marked By The Demon Triplet Alpha Kings

Chapter 137

Chapter 137


The sound of footsteps broke the eerie silence that hung in the room.

The atmosphere shifted, and a deadly aura swept through my nose, signifying danger.

I needed no soothsayer to inform me that my killer was near.

But despite the darkness, I could sense a bit of familiarity in the strange figure that approached me.

Judging from the scent, I could swear that I knew the person.

Who could it be?

Dim light flooded the room, and the strange figure came into view at once.NôvelDrama.Org: owner of this content.

My eyes bulged, and my jaws dropped in shock.

My heartbeat accelerated at an unimaginable pace, and my face washed blank with confusion.

“Ro…Rosa?” I stammered when I found my voice, pinning her with a look to be sure she was the one.

“In the flesh, love.”

I watched in horror as Rosa strode to where I was tied up before letting out hysterical laughter.

Fear crawled over my body, prickling my skin.

My blood almost ran cold the moment her smiles turned into an angry, sinister look.

How could she flip her emotions within seconds?

“We meet again. It’s crazy right?” she asked, running her long nails over my chin.

“Where is Damon now? Where is your knight in shining amount? Where is your hero?” She asked, her voice laced in mockery.

My face dropped as her words sank in my head.

“When you die, I’ll take the triplets one after the other and become the Queen. If I can’t have him, no one else will.” she declared firmly. Her voice filled with resentment.

Rosa’s face contorted in an evil smile that scared the shit out of me.

Fear squeezes the air from my lungs, leaving me gasping for breath as my heart hammered against my chest.

I wanted to run, to hide from the evil mistress, but I couldn’t.

“Accept reality, Aurora. You are already dead, and your time starts now. I’ll make it quick, love.” she whispered against my ears before her slim fingers scooped a little amount of my tears.

I watched in confusion as she drank my tears before growling at me.

“Do you smell that?” She asked, sniffing the air in satisfaction.

“It’s the smell of fear and death. I love it. Now, say your last prayer.”

Her wicked laughter echoed throughout the room as she made her way out. I could tell that her return would be my end.

The door closed in a loud bang that almost made me jump as my heart flew to my chest.

I sulked, dropping my head while I began to accept my fate.

There was no way of escaping.

I wish the triplets and my parents knew how much I loved them. I should have emphasized it before leaving them.

I shouldn’t have been hard on Damon. Now, he would blame himself for the rest of his life.

“I’ll help you.” A masculine voice boomed, spiking a ray of hope in me.

I recognized it as the voice that spoke to me before Rosa made her appearance.


“I brought this upon you. I will help you get out of this mess,” he responded, regret evident in his voice.

I let out a sigh of relief at his words as hope smiled at me.

“But how? And who are you?”

“No questions, once I untie you, run as fast as you can. Good thing your driver escaped. If you are lucky, you will meet Damon on his way.” He said breathless, getting on his feet while wincing in pain.

The pungent smell of his sours invaded my nose, making me cringe when he got closer to me.

But that was the least of my worries.

He made his way weakly to where I sat, cutting the thick brown rope until they were off my body.

“Thank you so much. I…I will repay you for your kindness. Just name your price,” I cried in appreciation.

I heard his fingers try to flick a lighter on severally.

Was he trying to reveal himself?

“Take that route,” he stated, coughing weakly before placing the lighter inches away from his face.

My eyes popped out of their sockets the moment he stepped into the light.


“You, bastard!” I launched at him, hitting him until he dropped to the ground, letting out a chesty cough before gasping for air.

Something was off about him.

Why was he in the room with me?

Did Rosa kidnap him, too?

“I know you were working for Rosa.” I started. I folded my arms across my chest, cocking my head.

“You are evil. Do you know what you made me go through in the woods? Alone, hungry, cold and pregnant? Thanks to you for making Damon believe I was cheating on him. And thanks to you, my babies died. Mission accomplished.” A painful laughter erupted from my throat and I felt tears spill down my cheeks.

I didn’t think I would heal from the pain.

Unable to hold back the tears, I burst into tears, hitting his chest repeatedly.

I knew that pain wasn’t enough compared to what I felt, but it made me feel better.

“If I were you, I would run for my life. Rosa is coming back and she won’t spare you.”

I shot him a look with my brows cooked in curiosity. “I thought you were her sidekick and lover. Why are you helping me?”

Out of regret, he placed his head on his palm, heaving a deep sigh. “Because I regretted every action. Look, there isn’t much time, but I hope saving your life will change the way you think about me. And maybe I would be at peace with myself. Please, forgive me for everything. I wish you luck.” he said calmly in a weak voice before coughing.

All the anger I felt melted as I was moved by his words.

“What about you? Won’t you run for your life?” I asked in a concerned tone.

“No. There is no need. I have nothing to live for. If I don’t die here, the King will kill me. I am wanted all over the packs. Nowhere is safe for me.”

I caught the sight of a tear sliding down his rough face.

“Plus, I feel death is what I deserve for the horrible things I’ve done. You were innocent and I took advantage of you. You didn’t deserve what happened to you. Just let me play my part. I don’t need your help.”

My face was already wet with my tears as I was moved by his words. I wish I could stop him, but his mind was made up.

“I’m a dead man walking. Go now. Take the left path until you get to a T-junction, take right and don’t stop running. You’ll get to a tarred road where you can seek help. Goodbye, Aurora.” He wasted no time in pushing me through a tunnel that would lead me outside.

My heart shattered as I watched him wave to me one last time before he covered the hole with a dark cloth.

A familiar aura wafted my nose almost immediately and I knew it was the evil mistress.

I dare not make a sound, else my life would be over, just like Ray’s.

I clasped my hands tightly over my mouth, leaning to the wall to hear their discussions.

I found an opening that was the size of a keyhole.

It was perfect for viewing while concealing myself.

“Where is she?” Rosa asked, her blood boiling in anger as she scattered everywhere, before waving a sharp knife before Ray who looked unbothered.

“Why do you care? I released her and she is gone. You’ll never make her suffer again.”

My legs grew numb the moment she signaled to a strange man beside her to search for me.

I was doomed!

Why didn’t I run when I had the chance to?

I was such a fool.

Before the man took a step, Ray buried his screwdriver deep inside his chest.

The fire torch in Rosa’s hand fell to the floor in shock.

My eyes shone in horror as I watched blood oozed from his mouth and chest.

He dropped dead, jerking for some seconds before embracing death.


“I won’t let you hurt Aurora again. She is innocent and sweet. If there is someone you should hurt, it’s me. Go ahead, kill me, I’m not afraid of a bitch like you,” he fired, hurting Rosa with his words.

“It will be my pleasure to send you to hell quickly. Say hello to my best friend.”

“That’s a joke because I’m certain that she isn’t in hell. It’s time to meet your Uncle in hell.”

With those words, they started fighting.

I wished I could save Ray but his determined words stopped me.

It hurts to see him die before my eyes.

Despite implicating me, I felt sorry for him.

He was ready to pay for his sins and no one could stop him.

Ray’s lighter got crushed under his heavy boots and it began to spread towards the keg filled with gasoline that Rosa brought.

The bitch really meant to burn our bodies.

It didn’t take time before the fire attracted the gasoline and the room started burning.

Rosa and Ray didn’t care as they were consumed in ending each other’s life.

Ray tripped on a broken table, making him fall to the ground.

Rosa took this as an opportunity seeing that he was delayed in standing to his feet.

With raw hatred in her eyes, she pulled the knife, stabbing him severally in his chest.

Ray too wasn’t giving up and he tried to stab Rosa on her chest but the screw driver went swiftly into her shoulder. His fingers scratched her face and dug through her eyes, making Rosa scream in horrifying pain.

“Stupid bitch!” Ray said, using his last strength to stab her stomach before his head slumped and he dropped dead.

The room was already engulfed in fire as there was no way out.

Rosa’s horrifying screams and wailing penetrated my eardrums.

Finally, It was over.

The evil mistress had met her waterloo.

I was about to turn to leave when I felt a presence behind me.

My heart flew as fear consumed me.

Slowly, I tilted my head, taking a look at the face of the stalker.

“Damon?!” Surprise swept through my eyes as I stared at my knight in shining armor in disbelief.

“How did you know…”

“The driver…he told me. But he is in the hospital now. Were you hurt?” he said, scanning my body for any injury.

His hands didn’t spare any part as they searched for bruises.

“No. Ray saved me. They are all dead now.” My face dropped in sadness as my last moment with Ray flashed in my head.

He only existed in my memory now.

“It’s okay,” he assured me, hugging me tightly before releasing me.

“You are safe now and this will never happen again, as long as I am breathing.” he promised, kissing my hands lightly before cupping my face in his palms.

“Let’s go home. It’s not safe out here.” He pulled me closer and wrapped his arms around me.

I felt safe again.

“I’ll tell the warriors to search the building for survivors and have it demolished.” he said, carrying me in a bridal style.

“I almost went crazy when I heard you were kidnapped. I don’t know what I would do if something bad happens to you. I’ll never let you out of my sight again. It’s a promise.”

A frown settled on my face as I scanned the open area. “Why did you come alone? Where are your brothers? Why didn’t you come with warriors? What if you get killed?” I asked in worry, scrunching up my face in anger at his negligence.

I didn’t want to lose him the same way he didn’t want to lose me.

“They don’t know. I couldn’t waste even a second to tell them. Immediately I saw my driver bleeding, I knew you were in danger. He hadn’t finished speaking when I fled to search for you. I trailed your scent until I met you here.” he explained, making my heart melt like heated butter.

“That doesn’t mean you should risk your life.”

“I don’t care. I won’t hesitate to lay down my lie for you when the need arises. I love you, Aurora Grey.” he confessed, staring deep into my eyes. before kissing me passionately.

“Am I forgiven?” he asked, breaking the kiss.

“Yes. We will make this work.” I replied, caressing his sharp jawline.

“I love you, Damon Steele.”

The End.

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