The billionaire’s true love


Part 41

At that moment, I wanted nothing more than to slam the door in Tamara’s face. But I wanted some answers, and so, with the utmost reluctance, I allowed the door to open wide.

You are going down, bitch.

“Why are you here?” I asked.

“Shouldn’t I be asking you this question?” She arched a thin eyebrow. “What are you doing at your boss’ home?”

The nerve of that bitch!

I furrowed my eyebrows, pretending to think for a moment. This was my chance to slap her with the truth. All I had to do was tell her that Trent and I were married, and then she might leave us alone. But first, I had to get my answers from her.

“Normally I wouldn’t invite you in, but seeing that you have something I need I’ll allow you to enter. Come on in,” I said.

Tamara smirked before stepping inside Trent’s penthouse with her seven inch heels. “I don’t need your permission to enter Trent’s home. Afterall, his home will be mine soon enough,” she stated while striding towards the living room.

Glancing at the ornate vase sitting on the small table, I thought about picking it up and throwing it at her face. How dare she call my home hers? Wait till I threw my marriage certificate in her face. The bitch thought she could take my man away from me, but she was not aware of the power of a married woman.

“Some women may be angry about you claiming such rights over their men, but I find your delusions kinda…sad.” I followed her into the living room, and when she sat on the couch, it took everything in me not to grab her by her hair and drag her out of the penthouse. She was sitting on a couch, that’s it, but it felt like she was sitting on my property; and I wanted this bitch nowhere near my property. Fuck my life, I was becoming possessive of Trent and everything related to him. God, I wish he would come home soon, I didn’t know how much longer I could tolerate this tramp.

“Their men? Trent is not your man, you are not even his type. He likes mature women, women with experience,” Tamara replied, her words making me want to rip her tongue from her mouth so that she would lose the ability to speak permanently. And she said Trent was not my man? He was my bloody husband.

“You talk like you’ve known him your whole life instead of only a few weeks,” I said. If this was someone else, I would’ve offered them some snacks or a beverage, but this hag deserved nothing but trash being shoved down her throat.

“I have. We grew up together. His mother was…quite fond of me. But she passed away, a great tragedy.” Tamara had the gall to look upset. If Trent didn’t show up in the next ten minutes, then I was not going to be responsible for my actions.

Having had enough of her toxic presence, I decided to cut to the chase. “Why are you here, Tamara?” I questioned.Content from NôvelDr(a)ma.Org.

“Did you not read the news, Amanda? This is my fiance’s penthouse. I can come and go whenever I want,” she answered.

“And when did you two get engaged?” I queried, crossing my arms in front of my chest because I was tempted to grab the butcher’s knife which was winking at me from the corner of the kitchen. I wonder how much blood she was going to lose if I accidentally stabbed her.

“A few days ago. Trent wanted to get engaged as soon as possible, and who was I to make him wait?” She chuckled.

Did she even realize that her story was far from believable? Maybe she was not listening to herself? I was pretty sure she was delusional because she actually believed that a man like Trent Benson would marry an old hag like her. I didn’t know whether to cry or laugh at her. Tamara was pathetic.

“It’s strange, I didn’t read anything like that in the newspaper.” I shrugged, not wanting her to catch me in the lie.

“Oh, wait, I’ll show you then.” Unzipping her bag, Tamara pulled out a folded newspaper and handed it to me. “See, even the media knows of our engagement.” I knew what I would see before I unfolded the newspaper. And that there it was; the fake news of Trent’s and Tamara’s engagement. Tamara had her hand in Trent’s, a diamond ring on her finger. They both were smiling at each other, as if in love. My fury would’ve blown the penthouse down if I had not looked closer at the two people. Trent’s smile was not…right. He didn’t look like a man in love with his fiancee; in fact, his smile was all business, nothing like a man who just got engaged. And that was when the truth hit me with the force of a bulldozer: this was photoshopped.

I couldn’t help the giggle that bubbled out of me. I was the biggest idiot in this world. I could not believe I jumped to conclusions and accused Trent of being a liar. If I had only paid attention to this photograph a few days ago, I wouldn’t have gone through the heartache of losing Trent.

Trent had been nothing but sweet to me since we got back from Japan. And I accused him of lying to me about his feelings. He begged me to believe him but I did exactly what I said I wouldn’t do. I broke my promise and left him. Instead of listening to him, I jumped to conclusions and caused immense pain to both of us. I had to apologize to Trent. Maybe I would make it up to him in some way, as soon as this bitch was out of our lives for good.

“Why are you laughing?” Tamara enquired, a frown on her face.

Just as I was about to answer, the front door opened and Trent sauntered in carrying colorful gift bags in his hand. Without sparing Tamara a glance, Trent placed the bags on the table in front of Tamara before cupping my face and kissing me like his life depended on it. I found it strange that Trent was kissing me while Tamara was present, but I was not going to lie, I loved it. The way he ignored her and kissed me in front of her had my heart break dancing in victory. So much for Trent being her fiance; he was mine.

“How are you, bumblebee? Did you sleep well?” Trent asked after he finished kissing me hard enough to leave my lips tingling with pleasure.

“Ye-Yes, yes I did. Ta-Tamara is here.” I pointed at Tamara who looked like she had eaten something rotten and was now regretting it.

“Forget Tamara,” Trent said, his voice barely audible. “I got you something; something which I should’ve given you the moment we got married.” His voice was still soft, making it difficult for me to hear and understand him.

Picking up the smallest of the five bags, Trent removed a small, square, velvet box which was commonly used to store rings inside. Opening the box, Trent pulled out the most stunning ring that I had ever seen. The diamond sparkling like a rainbow as the light hit it, was huge, I was afraid I would not be able to lift my hand if I wore it.

With a smile on his face, Trent gently took my hand and slipped the ring on my third finger. I was not surprised to see it was a perfect fit. But I was right, the ring was heavy, but it was beautiful nonetheless. If Trent didn’t want me to remove it, then I’d glady wear it on my finger forever.

“This is the most beautiful ring I could find. I had it custom made just for you. I hope you like it. And it does not have a tracker in it,” he said, kissing the top of my hand.

“Trent, it’s lovely. I love it. Thank you so much.” I smiled at him, totally forgetting the dark presence of the evil witch sitting in our living room.

“I’m glad you like it,” he replied, giving my hand a soft squeeze.

“You know, I am really enjoying this, but I want this woman out of here. So, can you like, stop ignoring her and kick her out?” I spoke as softly as I could.

Giving me a small nod, Trent turned to face Tamara who smiled and stood up. She closed the gap between her and Trent until they are standing mere inches from each other.

“Hello Trent, how are you? I came here a few minutes ago and was waiting for you. Where have you been?” Tamara questioned, running a possessive hand over my husband’s arm. It took everything in me not to growl and break her arm for touching my man, but I forced myself to maintain my cool. If Trent could change for me, then I could change for him as well.

“Our appointment is not scheduled until tomorrow. May I ask the reason why you are in my penthouse, without my permission?” Trent threw at her.

Tamara looked like she was at a loss for words but regained herself a few seconds later. If my eyes hadn’t been glued to her stupid face, I would’ve missed the brief change in her expression.

“I am here because I wanted to see you, is that so wrong?” I swear to God if she contorted her face in a pout I would punch her.

“I am your boss, Tamara. You are not allowed to come here until I say so,” Trent stated, and I resisted the urge to kiss him for setting her straight.

“Then why is she here? Did you give her permission to come here?” Tamara asked, her eyes burning.

“Permission? She does not only have permission but she has the key to this penthouse. This is Amanda’s home now,” he informed her as if he was talking about the weather.

Tamara looked confused for a moment. “What are you talking about? Why would you give her a key to your house when she is just an employee?”

“It’s unfortunate the sun has set for the day, but I suggest you read tomorow’s newspaper. There is something very important that you need to see,” Trent replied. This time, both Tamara and I threw him puzzled looks. What was going to be in tomorrow’s newspaper?

“Why? What is so special in tomorrow’s newspaper? You can tell me right now,” Tamara insisted. I really wanted Trent to tell her right now because curiosity was eating at me.

Trent snaked an arm around my waist, pulling me closer to him. “Don’t you know by now that Amanda and I are married.”

The change in her expression was instantaneous. From looking like a self confident bitch, Tamara now looked like somebody threw a bucket of ice, cold water on her plastic face. Her heavily lined eyes widened slightly, her jaw dropped as she staggered back, as if somebody punched her.

“Wh-What?” The disbelief in her voice had me biting my lip in order to stop myself from laughing like a hyena.

Serves you right, bitch!

“Yes. Just yesterday we tied the knot. I invited you, why didn’t you come?” Trent frowned as if he was upset that she didn’t show up.

“N-No one gave me the invitation card. Why did you marry her?” Tamara queried. It surprised me how she still managed to speak.

“What would you do with the person you love? Won’t you marry him? So that’s what I did, I married the woman I love,” Trent responded, kissing my cheek.

“Trent, how could you do this to me? We just got engaged and you go and marry some other woman!” She nearly screamed.

“Stop lying to us, Tamara. We were never engaged and never will be. Even if I didn’t love Amanda, I would never marry you,” Trent replied, his voice taking on a hard edge that told me he was getting angry.

“Just because I am a few years older than you doesn’t mean we can’t marry each other. In fact, I can give you so much more than she ever can.” God, she was desperate. She did not love Trent, did she?

“She makes me happy. That’s all I need,” Trent replied.

Tamara then flicked her gaze to me, fixing me with her cold, hard eyes. “So what did you do? How many times did you suck him off to get him to marry you?” She snarled at me.

All right, that’s it. I’ve had it with this greedy bitch. First she shows up at our penthouse, then had the nerve to tell my husband that I was not good enough for him and now she she was accusing me of being a whore. Without thinking, I raised my arm and slapped Tamara right across her fake face.

“How dare you?” I stepped forward but Trent pulled me back. “How dare you accuse me like this. Unlike you, Trent actually wanted to marry me. I don’t go around lying to the media about getting engaged!”

“Tamara, I think it is best if you leave. Your presence is not welcome here, and you are causing my wife undue distress. Please see yourself out,” Trent said.

I thought she would heed Trent’s words like a sane woman, but clearly she was short of brains. Instead of leaving, she flung herself at me, tackling me to the ground me. If she wanted a cat fight, then she would get one.

“You pesky bug, I will not let you ruin my life,” Tamara shrieked, pulling my hair.

Quickly rolling on top of her, I straddled her and slapped her hard across her face once again. This bitch had been ruining my life since the day I met her, and I was not going to tolerate it any longer.

“I can deal with everything but I will never let you steal my husband. Trent is mine, bitch!” Raising my arm once again, I slapped Tamara for the third time. The force of my slaps left their mark on her face in the shape of pink handprints. I raised my arm for the fourth time, only to have Trent pull me up.

Once I was standing, he grabbed Tamara’s wrist and hauled her up as well. “I told you to leave my home in a dignified manner but I guess you do not give a fuck about your self respect.” He dragged her all the way to the front door and opened the door wide. “Get out of my house and I do not want to see your face ever again!” He shouted before slamming the door shut.

This was it. Tamara was finally out of our lives. At least I hoped she was. God, I wanted her gone.

“Is she gone forever?” I asked Trent as he came back to the living room.

“Not yet, but she will be.” With those words, Trent fished out his cellphone called someone.

“Hello, Oliver? I need you to take care of a problem…”

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