The billionaire’s true love


Part 42

“Alright, it’s done,” Trent stated hanging up and slipping his phone back in the pocket of his pants. “Tamara will no longer bother us. I’ve spoken with the head of security to make sure that she is out of the country by tonight. I will tell my parents tomorrow about everything she did.”

This was the best news I’ve heard all day. I wanted to dance and celebrate that the bitch who had been after my career since day one was finally out of my life. But I knew Tamara was an asset to Trent’s company, and her loss might not deem to be as beneficial for Trent as it was for me. So I should act like a concerned wife.

“Are you okay? I mean with Tamara leaving and all. I know she was important.” I feigned concern, moving closer to my husband and placing my hand on his arm.

Trent captured the hand on his arm and pulled me close until I softly collided with his chest. Cupping my face, he looked in my eyes, although I wasn’t sure what he was searching for. But there was an odd glint in those penetrating eyes, something close to wonder and amusement.

“Stop looking at me like that, we both know your dancing with joy right now. So stop giving me looks filled with fake concern. I like my wife to be honest, in every aspect; it doesn’t matter if I like the honesty or not. You have to be honest with me, no more of these fake emotions, is that clear?” He said, catching me in the act in an instant. Damn him and his shrewd personality!

“Alright fine.” I sighed, defeated. “I am glad the bitch is out, but I am still worried about you. I mean, her career as a model is over, right? And you practically went against your mother’s wishes and fired her.”

“Her career as anything is over. Tamara won’t be getting a job anywhere anytime soon, I’ve made sure of that. And yes, I am upset that I had to go against my mother’s wish…but…” Trent looked vulnerable all of a sudden, his dark eyes softening. “I love you and your happiness means everything to me. My mother is not alive anymore and even if she were she would choose my happiness over Tamara. So I believe she would not mind me going against her wish.”

His words made me love him all the more. Sure, Trent had problems he had to work on, but this was a start. He chose my comfort and happiness over his dead mother’s wish; this was enough for me to know that he loved me. He was showing me how he felt about me.

“But what will Tamara do now? You said you’ll give her another job, have you decided what job you will give her?” I questioned.

“Did you not hear me when I said Tamara is out of our lives forever? And that she won’t be getting a job anyhere anytime soon? I am not going to have her working for my company. She caused you a lot of pain and I will ever forgive her for that. I do not give second chances to people who fuck with the ones I love. So no, I am not giving her another job and I am done supporting her,” he stated.

“Right, of course. But what if she comes back begging for money? What will you do then? I know you act all cold and heartless towards people but deep down you care about them and will try to help them. So, what will you do if she comes back?” I asked, playing with one of the two buttons on his shirt.

“I am telling you, shady, I will not help her. If she comes back, I will tell Jordan to deal with her. You have nothing to worry about.” He leaned closer until his lips brushed the shell of my ear. “The only thing you need to worry about is how hard I am going to fuck you everyday for the rest our lives.” He bit my earlobe causing me to gasp. Why did he have to be so hot? Why?!

Before I could reply, Trent turned me around so that my back was to his front and quickly undid the silk sash that was keeping my robe together, causing it to fall open. He cupped my bare breast in his large hand and flicked my nipple with his thumb, the action causing pleasure to shoot straight down to my sex, causing my inner walls to clench and moisten.

“Bu-But-” I lost the ability to speak as Trent’s free hand traveled down and two fingers slipped inside me, stroking my inner walls, intensifying the erotic sensations.

“You were saying?” The arrogance and amusement were unmistakable in his voice, and yet, his arrogance caused me to moan out loud, or maybe it was the fact that he curled his fingers inside me, pushing me further towards my orgasm.

“I-I do-don’t remember.” I breathed out as Trent continued to flick my nipple and pump his fingers in an out of me.

“Good.” He kissed my neck. “You have been naked all this time, and I have been dying to fuck you senseless. Don’t you ever dare answer the door in this state ever again. Only I can see you naked. Is that clear?”

Before I could answer, he turned me back around and sealed my lips with his own, kissing me with intensity that surprised me to my core. He tangled his fingers in my hair while his other hand, that was bringing me pleasure like no other, withdrew from my pulsing core and removed the robe from my body, leaving me completely naked.

Trent pushed me down on the couch and settled on top of me, straddling me. His lips did not leave mine, but his hands were everywhere, touching me, imprinting their mark on my soul.

“Trent,” I moaned his name, lost in the whirlpool of sensations that only he had the power to create within me. Never had I felt like this with anyone. Jose was a drunken mistake, but even he didn’t make me feel like this.

The sound of Trent removing his pants penetrated my ears, but I was too far gone to care. I needed Trent to fuck me, I needed to be as close to him as humanly possible. He removed his shirt, and once he was completely naked did he position his thick shaft at my dripping entrance.

Without saying anything Trent shoved his thick length inside me, causing my back to arch off the couch at the sudden penetration. No matter how hard I tried to be ready for this, Trent’s thrusts always took me by surprise.

He was relentless as he pounded in me. He held me tight as he thrusted hard enough to push me body off the couch, preventing me from falling. Trent kissed and bit my skin, paying close attention to my breasts. He hardly left them for ten seconds before he was back to assaulting them with the intense pleasure only he knew how to inflict.

“You are so hot,” Trent said, thrusting deep enough to hit my cervix. “When you fought Tamara for me, that was the hottest thing I had ever seen.” He continued to thrust inside me, making me lose focus as he pushed me closer and closer to the peak.

And then, he pushed me off.

Fireworks exploded in a myriad of colors as sparks lit up my soul. The intensity of my orgasm shook my soul, leaving my body to tremble under Trent’s . He held me tight, letting me bathe in the carnal pleasure only he could bring me.

“I love you so much, sleeping beauty,” Trent said, kissing my lips as he stiffened and a second later I felt him coming inside me.

I was breathing heavily by the time we were done and Trent slipped out of me, my eyes were on the verge of closing. Trent had worn me out. He had fucked me only a handful of times uptil now but every single time he left me exhausted. I wonder how he managed to rob me of my energy everytime.

“I can fuck you forever, did you know that?” Trent asked, kissing my cheek.

“Please don’t,” I pleaded. I knew if he fucked me again right now, I would not be able to fight him, simply because I felt drained.

Trent chuckled, kissing my lips. “Tell me I’m yours,” he ordered.

My eyes which were half closed, widened in surprise. Did Trent just order me to tell him he belonged to me? That was strange. I thought he would force me to tell him that I belonged to him.

“What?” I had to make sure I heard him right.

“Tell me I’m yours. Tell me I belong to you,” he repeated, pecking my nose.

“Why?” I enquired, my eyebrows furrowing in confusion.

“Because I want you to say it. Say it now,” he ordered.

“Uh…you are mine?” I had no idea what Trent was playing at.

“You say it like a question, as if you’re not sure. I want you to be sure. Like you were when you attacked Tamara. Say it like that,” he responded. Trent looked like a little boy who was eager to have his wish fulfilled.

“You are mine, Trent, all mine. You belong to me and I will never let you go,” I said, my voice firm.

“Yes, I’m yours. All yours.” He kissed me hard and deep, stealing my breath away. “I belong to you, no one else. And I don’t ever want you to let me go. I want you to hold on to me with all your might, just like I will, bumblebee,” he replied, kissing me yet again.

“Why did you want me to say this to you?” I asked. Normally, it was Trent who was being all dominating and telling me how he would never let me go, so this turn of events surprised me.

“Because you have to be sure about this. I want you to believe in the fact that I’m yours, so that you are never insecure. I belong to you just like you’re mine, and no woman can ever take me from you. Because you are the one for me. You’re it for me, shady. No other woman can make me feel like you do. So I need you to believe in this because this is the greatest truth of our lives. We belong to each other. Forever,” he answered.

Those words slipped inside and glued themselves to the walls of my heart. Trent just assured me that he would never leave me and that no woman could take him from me. Those words meant more to me than anything else he could ever give me. Trent had given himself to me, that was all I wanted.

“I-” I had to tell him I loved him, he had to know. He told me he loved me. I had to tell him I loved him as well.

“I want you to fight for me just like you did today. Don’t ever stop fighting for me, bumblebee. And I know you love me, you wouldn’t have fought for me if you didn’t,” he stated.

This was it. I had to tell him now. He deserved to know. He was doing so much to make me happy, I should do the same for him. I had to make Trent believe that I would never leave him; that I would be the one constant in his life, who would stick with him through thick and thin.

“I love you, Trent.” I blurted out. “I have loved you for a really long time, even though you did everything to make me hate you. And I tried, I tried to hate you, but it didn’t work,” I said.

“I’m glad it didn’t work, bumblebee. I never want you to hate me.” He kissed the corner of my lips.

“I want you to know that no matter what happens, I will never leave you. I know a lot of people left you and it is hard for you to trust people, but you can trust me, Trent. You can trust me to never leave you.” I told him.

“I know I can trust you, shady. Because I won’t let you go either. But it is good to know that you have no intention of leaving me.” Trent caressed my cheek with the back of his hand.Content is property of NôvelDrama.Org.

“Jose will come in a few days, or maybe tomorrow,” I said after a couple of minutes.

“Don’t take his name in this house. I hate him,” Trent snapped.

“I’m telling you that I am going to meet him and I don’t want you flipping out,” I replied.

“You are not going to see him ever again. Tell him you hate him and never want to see him again,” he responded, nuzzling my neck.

“He is my friend, Trent, I will not break my friendship with him. You have to learn to live with that,” I stated.

“No. You’re mine, he should back off. Did you tell him we got married?” He questioned.

“Yes, I told him. He exploded. Told me he was going to kill you or something like that.” I rolled my eyes.

Trent let out a sardonic laugh. “Kill me. That pussy can’t even lay a finger on me let alone kill me. I’ll destroy him and I am going to enjoy doing it.”

“You are not going to hurt Jose. You already punched him once before.” I frowned at him.

“He had it coming. How dare he try and take you from me. Does he not know that you are mine. Asshole! I’ll kill him the next time I see him,” he retorted.

“You hurt him and I’ll never forgive you. Jose is my friend and he was there for me when no one was. In fact, he was the one who brought me to your studio. If it weren’t for him, we would never have met again.” I pointed out.

“You intrigued me since day one. I would’ve eventually found out about you, Jose just made my job easier by bringing you to me,” Trent replied, caressing my waist. It was strange how I never saw his hands move and yet they ended up at different places everytime.

“Yes, well you should be grateful to him, he made your job easy. Now you be good to him, okay?”

“If he tries to take you away from me I swear to God I will end him, I don’t care if he is your friend and I don’t care how important he is to you. If he tries anything, I will put a bullet straight through his head,” he growled.

“You are barbaric,” I accused.

“For my woman, I am no less than an animal.”

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