The billionaire’s true love


Part 43

Walking to the door with a smile on my face, I looked through the peephole to see who it was that rung the bell. Ever since Trent kicked Tamara out of our lives it looked as if I had a constant smile plastered on my face. And Trent didn’t do anything to curb that smile, in fact, he tried his best to make me laugh and smile as much as possible.

When I did not see anyone standing outside, I frowned and opened the door. I exhaled a deep breath when I saw today’s newspaper lying on the floor. Picking it up, I ran my eyes over the front page headlines, the bold caption causing my heart to beat with unusual excitement.

Tamara has been removed from the modelling industry for good. Only the newspaper said she chose to retire. I wonder why people gave respect to those who never deserved it in the first place. But whatever it was, I was glad she was finally out of my life. The newspaper also said that she had decided to leave the country and spend the rest of her life in her native Netherlands. I didn’t know Tamara was from Netherlands. I thought she was from the States. She didn’t sound any different either.

With a shrug, I closed the door behind me and strode towards the living room, my mind still contemplating the new fact about Tamara. Why did she come to the States, and for how long had she been here?

The ringing of my cellphone jarred me back to the here and now. The smile on my face got even wider when I saw Jose’s name on the screen. With a grin, I answered the call.

“Hello, how are you? Are you back yet?” I asked, throwing the greetings out of the window.

“I’ve almost reached our apartment, and I want you to know that I’ll be seeing you at lunch,” Jose answered.

“Perfect, why don’t you come on over to Trent’s penthouse for lunch? I have so much to tell you,” I suggested.

“I’m not sure that’s a good idea because if I see that douchebag I am going to kill him. So it’s better if we meet somewhere else,” Jose responded, barely containing his rage through his words.

“Trent is my husband now, so it’s better if you two kiss and make up. Both of you are equally important to me, so just…set aside your differences and try to get along,” I pleaded.

Jose was silent for a few seconds before I heard him sigh. “Alright fine, I’ll try. But if he does anything to piss me off, it’ll be his head on a platter.”

“I can’t believe you’re okay with me being a widow,” I said, slightly appalled at his words.Exclusive content © by Nô(v)el/Dr/ama.Org.

He laughed at this. “I would never let you go through such agony, no matter how much I hate that husband of yours. You should know that about me,” he said.

At this, my heart melted. Jose was the perfect friend. There was no one who was better than him. “Yeah, I know. And I love you for that.”

“Where is he anyway? I’m surprised he hasn’t snatched the phone from your hands for talking to me,” he said.

“He is in bed, sleeping. And he is not that bad!” I defended my husband.

“You’re right, he is horrible-”

“Jose,” I wanrned before he could say anything else.

“Okay, okay, I’m sorry. I’ll swing by your place in a couple of hours. Make sure you have plenty of food for me, I am starving,” he grumbled.

“There is plenty of food for you, don’t worry. Now hurry up, I miss you and want to see you.” I told him.

“Will do. See you in a couple of hours. Love you, bye.”

“Love you, too, bye. Take care,” I replied before hanging up. Now all that was left was for Trent and Jose to make up. Then everything in my life would be perfect.

“Who were you talking to.” I jumped as strong arms banded around me, taking me by surprise. But when Trent’s mouth-watering scent invaded on my nostrils, my heart relaxed.

“Trent, you startled me,” I said as a way of greeting, before relaxing against his chest. Trent was well built. His muscles provided the perfect comfort and support for me.

“That’s not the answer to my question, shady.” He sounded angry, which was weird since he just woke up.

“Are you alright?” I enquired.

“No, I’m furious. But I might feel better if you answer my question. Who were you talking to?” He asked again.

“I was talking to Jose, he is coming over for lunch,” I answered, not sure what this had to do with his anger.

“Why is he coming? I will not be responsible for the bruises on his face,” he replied.

I moved out of his embrace and turned to face him. “You dare touch him and I will never forgive you. Jose is my best friend, and thefore is an important person in my life. You will not disrespect him under any circumstances. So get rid of this animosity you are harboring against him because I won’t tolerate it any longer.”

Trent blinked a couple of times, stunned out of his mind. “Is he more important to you than I am?”

“No. You are my husband, Trent. No one can take your place, no man or woman. But Jose is my best friend, he is important to me, too. You both are important to me, and I want you both in my life, so it’ll make me happy if you would just get along with him,” I explained.

“You’ll be happy if Jose and I get along?” Trent questioned.

“Yes, I want the two most important men in my life to get along with each other. I mean, other guys get along, what is wrong with you two?” I threw my hands in the air out of frustration.

“Come here,” Trent said, opening his arms wide, waiting for me to hug him.

Not being able to resist such an open invitation, I stepped forward, causing Trent to cage me in his arms. The strength of his arms around me never failed to astound me. It often made me feel like I would never be able break out of his grasp. But at the same time, I felt safe, like no harm would ever come to me as long as I was in his embrace.

“I know you don’t like Jose, but please try to get along; we are married now, you can at least try to act civil with each other.” I told him.

“For your happiness I am willing to move mountains, bumblebee, being civil with your friend is a piece of cake,” Trent responded.

I chuckled. “Let’s see when he gets here. I doubt it’ll be a piece of cake, Trent.”

“Are you challenging me, sleeping beauty?” He squeezed me tight, causing my heart to swell with love for him.

“Yes, I am challenging you,” I admitted.

“Challenge accepted. What will you give me when I’ll win?” He questioned.

“Anything you want. Name it and it’s yours,” I responded.

“A baby. I want a baby.” I froze upon his peculiar request, wondering if he already knew what I feared.

“Trent-I-uhh-well-” God what was wrong with me? Why couldn’t I get the words out?

“What? You said whatever I want is mine.” The look on his face had my heart cracking. He looked so vulnerable, as if I had his heart in my palm and could break it any second.

“Yeah, about that. I think…” I trailed off, not sure how to tell him, because I hadn’t accepted it myself.

“What? What is it? Tell me. Is something wrong? Can you…can you not give me a…baby?” He asked, his voice sounded like it was on the verge of breaking.

“It’s not that. I think…I’m not sure, but…I think…it’s already here,” I uttered.

“What? What do you mean, speak clearly. What is here?” He enquired.

“What you want. I think…the baby is here,” I stated, wringing my hands.

“What? Why didn’t you tell me?”

“Because I’m not sure. I was supposed to get my periods three days ago…but I’m late…so I think…that I might be pregnant. I’m not sure yet,” I answered.

“Then we should find out. Let’s go to the doctor. She’ll tell us if you’re pregnant or not,” Trent said.

“No, Jose is going to be here in a couple of hours. I have to prepare lunch. We’ll go tomorrow,” I replied.

“Then I’ll get you a pregnancy test, I’ll go to the pharmacy right now.” He turned to leave but I stopped him.

“No, don’t go. We’ll find out tomorrow. I’m…scared,” I admitted, reluctantly.

“Scared of what, bumblebee? Scared of having my baby?” Trent enquired, the vulnerable expression back on his face. It was nice to see how expressive he was with me. He did not hide his emotions from me any more.

“No, I love you and you are the only man I want to have babies with. It’s just…having a baby is huge, it’s going to change everything,” I answered.

Trent cupped my cheek. “Shady, you have nothing to be afraid of. I will take care of you and our children. All you have to do is love me, and I will give you everything in return.”

“I do love you, Trent. I love you so much.” I told him.

“Good. Then you have nothing to worry about.” At the end of his statement, Trent leaned down and took my lips in a tender kiss, making me forget everything but him.


When I saw Jose standing at the threshold of the penthouse, I couldn’t help but throw myself in his arms. It felt so good to see him again. I wished he was here when Trent and I got married.

“Jose, I missed you so much. How are you?” I hugged as tight as I could, relaxing as soon as I took in his scent.

“I missed you too, Mandi, and I’m fine now that I see you’re all right. How are you?” He asked.

“I’m happy. Come on in, I made your favorite food.” I pulled him inside before shutting the door.

“Where is that asshole husband of yours?” Jose enquired, glancing at me.

“Jose.” I glared at him. It looked like I would have to give him the same lecture as I did to my husband.

“Sorry, sorry.” Jose raised his hands up in surrender. I would not let anyone insult my husband.

“Right here.” I stiffened when I heard Trent coming up behind me. His voice was powerful, enough to have a normal man trembling. But Jose was not a normal man. He was my friend, and a fairly protective one at that; which meant he did not even blink upon the arrival of my husband.



Oh God, could this be any worse? The two were eyeing each other like they were ready to tear each other apart. The testosterone in the room was like a physical entity, threatening the peace that had prevailed a few minutes ago.

My breath caught in my throat when Jose held out his hand for Trent to take. I thought Trent would refuse, because I knew he hated my friend. But when he clasped Jose’s outstretched hand, that had me exhaling audibly. They were trying; Trent and Jose were trying to get along. I didn’t know why it surprised me, but seeing them shaking hands was something of a fantasy of mine. And it was coming true, right in front of my eyes.

However, the war waging in their eyes was unmistakable. They may not be saying anything through their lips, but their eyes were communicating. And I was unable to read the messages being relayed.

After a few minutes of their silent stand off, I’ve had enough and decided to take these crazy men to the dining room. If they continued this any longer, I was afraid the air around us might combust. What was wrong with them anyway?

“Uh, lunch is ready. We should eat while it’s still warm, otherwise it will get cold, and Jose we all know how much yoh despise cold food,” I said, breaking their silent war.

“Of course, I am hungry, as I didn’t eat before coming here. Lead the way, Mandi,” Jose replied, flashing me a smile.

Ignoring the obvious tension between the two men, I led them to the dining room. The dining room of the penthouse was just as beautiful as all the rooms, with modern furniture and windows that gave a beautiful view of the city. It was perfect.

“Mandi, Trent and I have something to tell you,” Jose stated, not even sitting down.

Oh God, what did they have to tell me now. “Can’t it wait until after we’re done eating?”

“I’m not afraid not. It’s best if everything is out in the open before we sit down to eat. You know me, I can’t eat if I there is something I have to tell you,” he said.

I sighed, it was now or never. Taking a deep breath, I eyed the two men. “What is it?”

Jose glanced at Trent. “Are you going to tell her or should I?”

Trent shrugged. “Go ahead and tell her.”

“All right. Mandi, here’s the thing. Trent and I…both know how much we love you. You are my best friend and I want to see you happy, even if I don’t exactly approve of the man you’re with. And Trent loves you a lot, enough to tolerate those people in your life whom he does not like. So we have decided to form a truce. We will put the past behind us and will start this off right. For you, we are willing to put aside our pride and become friends.” Jose told me.

Oh my God, I could not believe my ears. They were going to be friends, for me. They loved me enough to put aside their differences and get along. I thought they would forever hate each other’s guts, but no; they were willing to make a change…for me.

“Oh wow. Thank you so much.” I threw my arms around my two favorite men, trying to hug them both at the same time. “Wait, when did you come to this agreement? I mever heard you two talk.”

“It’s a thing we guys do, don’t you worry about it. Just be happy,” Jose replied.

“You’re right. I love you, Trent. And I love you, Jose,” I said.

“Shady, I love you, but I do not do group hugs.” Trent pried my arm away and took a step back.

“Yeah, me neither. Come on, let’s eat. I’m hungry for food not for your hugs,” Jose grumbled, stepping out of my embrace and sitting down on a chair.

I could not believe how simple perfection could be. I did not care about having the most expensive dresses or jewels; for me, perfection was seeing Trent and Jose get along, only because they wanted to see me happy. And I was happy.

I was happy with my simple perfection.

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