The Merciless Alpha(erotica)


“Pecan,” Haniel said. “I’ll bring you ice cream for it if you want. They’re still warm from the oven.”

Mackenzie was on her feet, having wormed her way out of Gabriel’s hold. She walked to the food as Gabriel sat up and rubbed his eyes. He sniffed the food, pushing to his feet and joining her.

“Zee, why is it you named your girls after flowers? It doesn’t seem to follow with a woman who’s tougher than shoe leather and more dangerous than a black mamba.”

She just laughed. “Misdirection, Doc.” The others giggled a little while I tried to figure it out. “Who wants to get their ass kicked by Daisy? And she will be able to kick ass,” she said as I laughed at it.

Five minutes later, Alan and Alice had come out with a sleeping Ashley, Aurora and Ariel and joined us at the table along with Adam and Eve. Viper and Kelly were last to show up with Vivian and Jessica. We all dug in, knowing we didn’t have a lot of time before the babies woke up hungry. “So, Doc, what’s the issue?”

“The blood tests so far show each of the children is healthy and strong, which should be no surprise. I can’t see a reason for their fast development, but they aren’t being harmed by it. Everything is progressing well, just faster than normal.” They all nodded. “The interesting thing came when I got to the blood typing. Some of these babies, maybe most of them… they aren’t Eve’s.”

I watched jaws drop and people look around in confusion. Eve was first to recover. “What do you mean? Of course they’re mine, all the eggs were from me, biologically they have half my DNA.”

“I can’t do DNA tests to verify, but one thing is for sure, you aren’t a biological parent of at least some of them,” I told her. “Blood typing, however, is simple. Eve has Type O blood.” I pulled out a piece of paper and a pen, and drew a diagram. “Since she is Type O, there are limited numbers of combinations available for the daughter. For instance, if the father is also Type O, the baby HAS to be Type O. If the father is A, the baby can be A or O; Type B, the baby can be B or O, and type AB the baby can ONLY be A or B.”

I looked over at Snake and Mia. “I don’t know who the father is, you haven’t told anyone, but Rose is type A and both Irene and Magie are type AB. That can’t happen. A Type O mother cannot have type AB babies. Mackenzie, same thing… Gabriel is type O, your babies HAVE to be Type O, but only Lily is that type. Violet is AB, and Daisy is B.”

Snake looked over at Meghan. “Could the sperm samples have been contaminated? Mixed up?”

Meghan shook her head. “No way, all the instruments were tossed after each fertilization, and only the one dish was being worked at a time. It also doesn’t explain Gabriel and Mackenzie’s babies. What Doc is saying is that there is more at work here than just the babies.”

I looked at them all. “Look, some things I’m learning we just have to accept. Luna is way ahead of us on this, and honestly, it’s a good thing. One of the things I was worried about with the repopulation was that every daughter would have the same biological mother, creating a setup for low genetic diversity. Imagine if you had a son, and Mackenzie had a daughter,” I told Snake. “If they mated, each would be half Eve; it would be like marrying your half-sister. The lack of genetic diversity could result in infertility, birth defects, and other problems. The more generations you intermarry, the worse it becomes.”

“Bing da ding ding ding,” Snake said, doing the Dueling Banjos riff from Deliverance.

I just ignored him as Mia elbowed him. “Luna anticipated this, and she had a plan. Every day I’m amazed by our Goddess, and thankful for what she has done. She placed the genetic diversity inside your eggs, allowing the next generation to be born this way. If these girls grow up and find their mates with the remaining Knights, as we all suspect, then their children will be able to intermarry without issues. The repopulation will continue without incident,” I said.Content (C) Nôv/elDra/ma.Org.

“Wait,” Meghan said. “That’s why she needed twenty-three girls,” she said. “She’s bringing back shewolves who have existed before!”

“Exactly,” I said. “You only have one true mate. Each of those men lost theirs, the only way to get a true mate…”

“Is for the mate to be reincarnated,” Gabriel said. “Some of us have formed the bond with humans, though.”

“True, and if that bond is like the others, your true mates will not return to you. Luna would never force you apart after pulling you together.” Mackenzie, Mia, Natalie, Meghan and Alice all looked up at their mates, fear in their eyes. “They were given you, ladies, and they are yours.” The men all pulled them into their arms, their wolves comforting them as they felt their raw emotions over the partial bond.

“So the single werewolves have their mates in this group of girls?” Kelly looked confused.

“That is my theory, yes,” I said. It was quiet for a minute as they all took it in. “Viper, Kelly, why did you name your daughters what you did? It must be difficult for you to use that name when you were so close to their namesakes.”

“You are right,” Kelly said. “It wasn’t on our list, except maybe as a middle name. The morning before they were born, I woke up and turned to Viper and told him I dreamed our daughters were named Jessica and Vivian. He agreed, he felt the same way. So we did.”

I just smiled. “And that is why you had to bring them into the world, despite your age and the challenges you had. Vivian lost her true mate when she was raped, Jessica when she took a choice mate. Those men, their true mates, may still be out there somewhere, waiting for their Vivian or Jessica to come back to them.”


Six Months Later

Eve’s POV

“Oh you are making such a mess!” My girls were getting more oatmeal in their hair then in their mouths, and I laughed as they smeared it around. I wasn’t the only one with this problem; the guys had quickly learned to put the high chairs over a long tarp, and we made two lines with all the toddlers, back to back. I was on breakfast duty this morning with Adam, Steven, Meghan, Adriel and Kushiel, all of us moving along the lines and trying to get the girls to eat. With twenty-three of them, it was a busy time.

They had reached their half-year two weeks ago, but they were all a year old physically. Each around twenty pounds, they had been on solid food for almost two months now. My boobs were still huge as they liked to supplement with momma milk, but we were starting to wean them away from that. They ate like ravenous wolves, until their little bellies were rounded with food. We had them all in diapers only, after breakfast we would turn them over to another group of adults for the bath assembly line before giving them fresh diapers and sun dresses.

Kushiel made sure the next group was ready, then we started to go down the line for cleanup. I’d pick the girl up, Steven would use a big wet towel to get the big chunks off, then Meghan and Adriel would take their diapers off and give them to the group doing baths. Adam and Kushiel would follow behind, wiping off the high chair before putting it back against the wall. When we were done, we’d fold up the tarp and take it outside to be hosed off and dried.

“That wasn’t too bad,” Adam said as he took my hand to lead me back to our room.

“Nothing is as bad as pancake day with all that syrup,” I replied. He winced; the last time we had done this, Crystal had taken her hands, wiped them in syrup, then used them to paint her hair. It took us an hour to bathe everyone that morning. We quickly changed from the scrubs we used for this duty into normal clothes for the day; shorts and a T-shirt for him, and a light sundress for me. With the girls still liking to snack on my milk, the dress made things easy.

All of the parents came to pick their babies up from the communal bath room. Originally designed as a hot tub room, the tiled room with showers along the wall had been filled with small bathtubs instead. The showers were connected to hoses and wand sprayers, and the floor drains took care of the rest. The girls were sprayed down, scrubbed and shampooed in one tub, then handed to another to be rinsed, finally to be dried and dressed before being taken out. It took a dozen people in there to do it, all were nude, of course. The human mates in our group had quickly lost their modesty about nudity after all these months of living with werewolves, for whom it was a normal thing. Most had adopted our loose-fitting clothing and lack of underwear as well. When you want to shift, it’s easy to just pull off and go.

My babies toddled towards me as we reached the door where they were waiting for us. “Hi babies!!” Allison and Crystal stumbled towards me, their walking still not practiced. The girls had been crawling for a month and walking for the last week. I picked the girls up, noisily kissing their cheeks, as Adam picked up Barbara and Danielle. The girls were wearing loose-fitting sun dresses that we had purchased by the case, little flowers and puppies printed on them. We walked out the door and into the grass of the front yard, where we had a fenced area with lots of toys in it. This was our favorite part of the day, watching our babies all play together.

We went into the fenced area, which we set up just to make sure none of them wandered off. I set the girls down, and they ran over to where we had a sandbox set up. The other children were let in, and they went everywhere. Some played with balls, some played on the kiddie swings or in the fort, or just chased each other in the long grass. The weather was perfect for late September; mid sixties, low humidity, and a warm sun low in the sky. It would get hot today, but after lunch and naps we would do other things.

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