The Merciless Alpha(erotica)


There were enough parents out here, lounging in the comfortable Adirondack chairs that formed a circle inside the fence, that none of the other males were needed. We all chatted about things, mostly about how much our lives had changed. “It’s pretty wild, isn’t it? Where were we last summer? I was living at home, praying to Luna that I wouldn’t find my mate because I was afraid I’d be taken somewhere far away and become the sexual plaything of a man I just met.” Adam squeezed my hand. “OK, so I did, but at least it wasn’t far away!” I giggled as I thought of how fast my attitude towards mating had changed.

“I was divorced, jobless and alone, just traveling and looking for a home,” Mia said.

“You found one,” Snake said as he pulled her tighter to his chest. They had struggled with the idea of Vivian being reincarnated within Kelly’s daughter; Snake didn’t know what to think of his lost love being back, and Mia was threatened by a woman who died long ago. It was Gabriel who helped them understand it was her wolf coming back, not her human side. Her wolf had never bonded with Snake, she accepted him only. It was the human part that had fallen in love with Snake, and she wasn’t coming back. It shouldn’t matter, but if you watched closely you could see how Mia would arrange things so someone else could handle Vivian while she worked with another girl. I hoped that as the girls grew, it would become easier, and they both could accept her with her true mate.

“I couldn’t stand men and I was pissed off at the world,” Mackenzie said as Gabriel held her hand. “I just needed to find the right man.”

“Me too,” said Natalie, “Except I hadn’t given up on men, I was working my way through them until I found a good one.”

We watched the children as they ran around; a game of chase had started, and soon they were all involved. It was hilarious to watch, as they were still unsteady on two legs, and falls were common. “They are a riot,” I said as I watched.

“I’m getting in there,” Michael said, and Steven got up as well. Both pulled off their shirts and dropped their shorts, tossing them back on the chairs, then shifted into their wolves. The girls didn’t notice them at first, so they were nearly to them when they were spotted. The girls shrieked and ran to them as they lay down on the grass, letting the girls climb all over them. I saw Selene run over to Steven, hugging his neck with her chubby little arms. “Daddy!”

She stepped back, pulling her dress off and shifting into her little grey and black wolf. She was easy to identify because of the white tip on her left ear and the white diamond on her chest. I laughed as she mock attacked her Daddy, climbing onto his back and grabbing his scruff with her tiny teeth.

When the other girls saw this, they started pulling their dresses off as well. I got up to collect them as all the girls shifted and started to pile on the two big wolves in the middle. I took my handful of clothes back and set them in Steven’s chair as we all laughed. “I’ll never get tired of watching them,” Meghan said.

“Me either,” Natalie replied. “Babies and puppies, too much cute to handle sometimes.”

“Oh, it’s a fair fight now, but wait a few months until they are fifty pounds each,” Gabriel said with a laugh. “They’re growing so fast.”

“We think they might accelerate growth even more,” Meghan said. “We’ve been charting them, their growth is a function of how much they can eat. As they get bigger, it will get faster.”

“How much faster?”

“They could be adult sized in the next two years if the trend holds. Four years at the outside.” Jaws dropped, we knew they were growing fast, but no one expected it to be that short. “Their mates aren’t getting any older, clearly Luna wants to start the next generation without the long delay.”

“How will they learn? You can’t take all those years of learning and jam them into two years!” Snake shook his head.

“Have you noticed the girls know things without being taught,” I asked them.

“What do you mean?”

“Buttons. I was dressing the girls yesterday, and it was a shirt with buttons. Barbara did it on her own while I was helping Crystal.”

“She could have learned watching you,” Snake said.

“She was done before me,” I said. “This was the first time they’d worn a shirt like that, the others all had snaps or zippers. She knew how to do it, like she’d always known.”

“I guess we’ll find out,” Meghan said. “Luna thought of everything else. She’s not going to have adult shewolves with the brains of a two-year old having sex.”

“That’s a good description of their guys when the blood rushes to their little heads,” Natalie said with a laugh. “Try hiding their toys and watch them throw a tantrum.”

“I’m not ready to talk about my three daughters mating yet,” Snake said. “I’m still trying to get my head around the three daughters part.”

“Speaking of which, when are we going to go for another cycle?” Natalie looked around as the others shook their heads. “What? I loved being pregnant!”Property © NôvelDrama.Org.

“I’m never having triplets again,” Mia said. “And I’m not getting pregnant until my body recovers from the last round.”

“Maybe after the new year,” Alice said. “I’d like to have my next ones after we return here from Florida.” The Florida clubhouse was now complete, and we were going to head down there after Thanksgiving and spend the winter. Some of the guys, along with Alan and Alice, were staying up here but would come down for the annual Christmas ride.

I watched the puppy piles, the yips and yelps bringing a smile to my face. I’d missed this experience. I’d never had a Pack life, the only wolves I knew were the Knights and they were all old and serious. I only got to be a puppy in the house, since they didn’t have the land to run on until I was much older. Adam and Gabriel stood, disrobed and shifted. Letting out howls, they charged into the pile and were immediately attacked.

“INTRUDERS COMING FROM THE ROAD, OVER A DOZEN, ALL ARMED,” Dumiel shouted over the link. He was on duty in the security room this morning, a room in the basement where all the motion sensors and cameras fed in. The electronic surveillance was supplemented by always having one wolf patrolling our boundary.

“GET THE GIRLS INSIDE,” Gabriel said as he shifted. He grabbed the closest two wolf puppies as the rest of us rushed to help. I grabbed the closest two, not bothering to look for my own. I trusted the others would help.

Turning towards the house, I started running with April and Jessica under my arms. The door was open, I saw Kushiel running out with an AR-15 in his hands, his brother Adriel behind him with a bolt-action scoped rifle and a pistol belt looped over his shoulders. They took off towards the driveway as I ran for the door.

Kelly was waiting for us when I heard the first gunfire. I almost stumbled going up the steps as I felt Kushiel’s pain over the link, and heard him cry out for help, that he was hit. I handed my two to Kelly, telling her to take them downstairs.

“ALLISON!” I looked back, Mia was holding a struggling Barbara as Allison ran towards the road. She screamed in pain, Barbara dropping to the ground as Mia looked at her bleeding hand. She started to chase after the two pups, but in wolf form they were faster than her.

“GET INSIDE,” I told her right before I shifted. Tearing my dress, I ran after my babies who were just disappearing down the driveway. I could hear the gunfire, and felt Adriel’s pain as he was hit. Howling my fury, I tore down the driveway towards the danger.

Bullets started to hit the ground around me as I gained on them. I found Kushiel first, he was on his back behind a large pine tree. Allison was standing over him and growling as best a wolf cub could. Adriel was a little farther up, and Barbara was licking his face, trying to get him up. I ran to them, pulling Adreil behind cover under a downed tree. I could hear the men starting to surround me, a cease fire command had been given. I shifted, turning in fury to the men standing slack-jawed, looking between me and the wolf pups still snarling at them. “WHAT ARE YOU THINKING,” I yelled at the leader. I recognized him, he was one of the unmated Alphas from Chicago, and apparently thought he was entitled to The Last Shewolf.

“Eve,” he said. “You’re alive, and they are…”

“They are my pups, they are the FUTURE of our race, and you come in her shooting the place up? What the FUCK are you thinking?” I walked up to him, pimp-slapping him to the ground.

One of the men with him tossed his weapon down. “I didn’t sign up for this, Alpha. You said she was unmated, she’s clearly not, and she has pups. We should be PROTECTING her, not taking her.” He turned to me. “I’m sorry, so sorry.” He turned and walked away.

“He’s right,” another man said as he dropped his rifle. “This isn’t how I was raised.”

Soon, the Alpha stood alone as my Pack surrounded me, the wolves growling, the ones in human form brandishing their weapons.

“Don’t hurt the others, question and release them,” I told the Pack over the link. They had surrendered, that would be honored. It was their leader, their Alpha, who needed to be judged. “Take him. He is to be tried and sentenced,” I said.

Snake screeched to a halt in an SUV, immediately Meghan jumped out one side and Terrance out the other. Each ran to a downed wolf, as my daughters were pulled struggling from on top of them. I was handed Allison first, and I commanded her to shift back. Her fur turned to skin as she shifted in my hands. “MINES,” she said as she reached for Kushiel. “MINES HURT.”

I held her to my chest as she cried and struggled. “Shhh, honey, Kushiel will be fine,” I said as I watched Meghan work. “What do you mean by mines?”

“Wolfy said ‘Shiel MINES!”

I handed Allison off to her father, who had just arrived and shifted. “How…” he started to say, then just held her as she cried for her mate. Barbara was just as upset, screaming and struggling to get out of Azazel’s arms. I took her, trying to comfort her as she cried about her ‘Riel’.

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